Croatian slut sara

croatian slut sara

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snapchats of Croatian or euro girls? From Aus and would like to know some before travel.

Koliko stara i iz kojeg grada?

you a man that travels alone?

More ? Got kik ?

Još brate

Pazi da ti netko noge ne polomi. U Americi mozes postati necije privatne slike koliko god hoces. U Hrvatskoj ti njezini brat/bratic/decko/tko god skupi par frendova pa te potrgaju.

Mala sigurno zna tko je slikao te slike / tko ih objavljuje.

Yeah I do travel alone, I'm young and keen to explore.

jos hrvatica?

Nice. It's something I want to do. You heard of MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)?

No I haven't what is that?

hrvatski/srpski thread? postajte cure

Just like the name says really. It's a community of men that take control of their lives doing what they want instead of being controlled by women, marriage, etc. Check out RooshV. He might be a bit extreme sometimes but I like him. He talks about going to European countries and 'banging' hot girls.

Evo ti jedna iz Splita.

That's a bit anti women pro men ahah, I have nothing against females hey, Just wanna meet some and travel


čudne beštije


There are some people in the community that are really against women, some have good reasons for it because they've had everything taken away from them - children, money, house, etc. Most of it is really warning men about the dangers of women in our modern world. Check it out... you might get into it ;)


iz zg nesto

ajme, kako curi


Don't listen to that faggot. MGTOW is just a bunch of scorned love sick betas who couldn't learn how to keep a girl so retreated into their bedrooms to fuck each other and bitch about girls on Reddit. Keep doing what you're doing bro, you don't need that negativity in your life.

Kakp bi je bilo dobro nategnut

Daj pičke

Hey i'm not even that deep into it. But some of the things talked about is handy. It's also good for pickup tips and understanding women better.

Take it from someone who's gone down that path: they're snake oil salesmen. You will learn nothing about women there and it will make you cynical and sad. If you want to "learn" about women just fucking talk to them. If they don't want to talk to you then there's probably a good reason.



> U Americi mozes postati necije privatne slike koliko god hoces.
To ovisi o puno faktora.
>U Hrvatskoj ti njezini brat/bratic/decko/tko god skupi par frendova pa te potrgaju.
Jedino ako netko od njih vidi ove slike, a vjerojatno nece.
Osim toga, ako je stvarno prava drolja, onda mu nitko nece nista.

Na primjer, da je ovo moja sestra,
Ako je ovo postao bivsi decko i ona je ok cura, nasao bi ekipu i razbili bi ga.
Ali u slucaju da mi je sestra drolja, nebi nista poduzeo.
Postoji granica razuma i cura nosi pola odgovornosti za ovo.

Nice. From Dubrovnik area?

her face looks like a demilitarized zone