You wake up in Santiago

You wake up in Santiago...

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Visit the church, have some paella, take a stroll and go back home by bus.


hop the border into Argentina, spend the next two years there chilling with the grandsons of Nazi war criminals, fucking Italo-Iberian qts, and beating Peruanos with my friends. Claim citizenship, then call the US consulate where I get a free ride home with an extra passport, with my family greeting me warmly for finally returning after being missing for two years.....

or, eat some chile in Chile, because life is a meme

>take a bus
>to Italy
surely you mean Buenos Aires? They're basically the same thing.

The original "Santiago" is Santiago De compostela in Spain near Vigo, all the other ones are just ripoffs, just like Rome in italy and Rome in Australia.

Best Santiago coming through.

wrong Santiago ma dude

Go to Argentina and fuck some hot black chiks

Work hard, earn money,save even the last peso, then send all the money to my family on Perú

>it's called Chile
>we can't stand spice food
irony I know


It makes sense actually, if you did that would be cannibalism

I know, but the photo of op is the relevant Santiago

not sure about being "relevant" or not, since santiago de compostela is actually the main attraction for pilgrims all around the world.
Anyway, if i was in Santiago, Chile i would probably just hang around downtown; avoiding remote provinces since the crime rate in that town is pretty steep. Of course i would visit churches and any culturally relevant place, but i don't know any right now. To return home i would probably open a wooden bodega in the middle of the street, selling overpriced chips, beers and snacks to buy my way out.

Chile has the lowest crime rate in The Americas after Canada and Uruguay

Sure, but it's still pretty high compared to the rest of the world.

we can go back and forth all day but it will amount to nothing

Eat Chilean Chilli

You're comparing an entire nation to another entire nation.
For example i would never set my foot in a rural area of Napoli / Caserta / Palermo.
We're talking about Santiago, a city. Of course there are batches in Chile where nothing happens and nobody gets murdered or anything, but so in Honduras aswell, and i don't think you would like to stay there.

and since i'm triggered that photo isn't even from Chile

I dunno, i just randomly googled "Santiago Chile crimes" and got that. It was just to illustrate the topic

239 death in a city of 7 million, careful you might die
w/e you have a set opinion it won't change with anything

Who knows, maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. Never been there, it's just not in my interests. I still believe Santiago De Compostela is way more interesting to visit tho.

Offtopic. Is it true tho that in South America there are bodegas where they sell huge plastic plates of chips with ketchup, ramen, mac n cheese and other non related stuff in the middle in the streets or does it happen in Mexico only?

never heard of those.
you can find ambulant food stands, there are other more getto but they are illegal and police cracks down on them

yeah, that happens.

Here we have food trucks where you can buy hot dogs, piadina, burgers and stuff, open overnight, dunno if illegal or not, but never seen anyone close and are true heroes of stoned people.

that looks comfy, nothing so fancy here
this are the legal ones aka they have been examined by the Seremi de salud

I would gladly apply for citizenship, look for work and maybe pay to someone to let me live with him/her because houses are way expensive. Get a cute chilean girlfriend.

Santiago is a genuinely nice city as long you stay in the areas not dominated by the reggaeton hordes or just plain boring rich suburbs that are just plain boring and suck.

Nice places:
Barro Lastaria, Parque Forestal, Bellas Artes
Providencia as a whole, parts of Ñuñoa and La Reina
Las Condes by Apoquindo avenue, Isidora Goyenechea neighborhood, Rosario Norte.
Vitacura by Vitacura avenue, Nueva Costanera, Costanera Sur, Parque Bicentenario.

At least judging from OP's pic, Santiago looks like jap's regional city