


















Is that game any good?


don't know never played





Guess I'll just enjoy the cute amputee porn.








howdy dash
how are you today?












I'm alright. No longer banned after some faggot mod banned me for 3 days just for giving an opinion like OP asked. Because apparently it's against the rules to give unbiased facts and logic, not even any pics in the thread.


mods are fun
bans aside, I hope you've been doing well




Meh, good enough I guess. You?

My point is that even talking about something is apparently a no no. Pretty stupid if you ask me.

you will run out of pictures of tails looking upwards eventually faggot


He's must have been in a bad mood.
I've never had that happen before. Only for posting pictures.



What's wrong with that?
Is perfect normal and natural.




yiff this furry fuckers



Heya, Gerald.


You know people can just see thumbnails are clearly anything other than furry porn and not open them right?


shuddap faggot

Greetings Mer Dash.




why would you see a thumbnail of a slit wrist and not open it, what are you some filthy casual

That suit would not look like that.
unless she's shaved all of her fur off.


Furry artists are dumb.


I've been doing well enough
gotta head into work in an hour or so

I'm not a child so the novelty of shock images have worn off.




okay i'll post furry porn then you win

Good to hear.

spidey thread now fuckers




post hetty










>it's perfectly normal and natural
