Let's make a racist joke thread

Let's make a racist joke thread.
I'll start.

>what sound does a chainsaw make?

Ok, I´ll add a classic

Q: how do you stop 6 niggers from raping a girl
A: throw them a basketball


Q: What to you call a black person between two white people?

A: An interpreter.




q: How do you starve a black family ?
a: You hide their welfare check under a job aplication.

Q: a mexican, a nigger and an arab is in a car who is driving?

A: the cops

Do not be racist; be like Mario. He's an Italian plumber, who was made by the Japanese, speaks English, looks like a Mexican, jumps like a black man, and grabs coins like a Jew!



if your Uncle Jack was on a fence, would you help your Uncle Jack off?

never played pick-up?

How do you blindfold a Chinese person? Put floss over their eyes.


Q: What do niggers do after sex?

A: 15 to life

There is a black man, a white man, and a Mexican man on a plane that is too heavy to fly and they are about to crash. They each have to throw something off the plane to save them from crashing. The black man throws out his Jordan shoes and says, "We have too many in our country.” The Mexican tosses out his lawn mower and says, "We have too many in our country.” The white man puts his item down, grabs the Mexican, throws him out the window and says, "We have too many in our country.”

Why does Beyoncé sing "to the left, to the left"? Because black people have no rights!


Q: why are niggers palms white?

A:there are something good about everyone

Don't be racist; racism is a crime; and crime is for black people


How do you keep niggers out of your back yard?

You hang one in the front

Q: What do you call white people running down a hill?
A: An avalanche.
Q: What do you call Mexicans running down a hill?
A: A mudslide.
Q: What do you call black people running down a hill?
A: A jail break.

i have nothing against blacks, i think everybody should own one.

How does a black women fight against crime?

She gets an abortion.


How did the Mexican girl get pregnant? Her teacher told her to do an essay.

Q: what do you call it when a jew search through an ashtray?

A: genealogy


I got one!

White Genocide!


Can you actually Imagine such a. Thought?

Here's another one!



What's the easiest way to pick up a Jewish girl?

A dust pan and a broom

To be fair I can't laugh at that one, it is just so fucking true. ;_; Probably more rage/cringe material.

Where do you send Jewish kids with Attention Deficit Disorder? Concentration Camp!


Q: How does a black girl tell if she is pregnant?
A: When she pulls the tampon out all the cotton is picked.

Q: what does niggers and sperm have in common?

A: Only about one in a million work

I need more Mohammed cartoons. Will dump what I have.

Q: how can you tell if a nigger just had sex?

A: His eyes are still soar from the mase

A nigger, a spick and an Arab jump out of a plane, who hits the ground first?

Who cares?



An Irishman walks out of a bar....



What is the difference between a jew and a pizza?

Q: What's the hardest part about a Muslim killing his own daughter?

A: Suppressing the erection.

What do you say when you see your TV floating away in the middle of the night?

Drop it, nigger


I was hanging out drinking with some black people my friends knew and someone said "The first chimpanzee president," and I blurted out "Obama?" I'm lucky I got out of there alive.

How do you know an Asian robbed your house?

Your PC was upgraded, the kids math homework is finished, and they're still backing out of the driveway


What's the difference between a pizza and a Jew?
The pizza doesn't scream when it's put in the oven

jeez man, come on

This is not a feels thread god damnit

What's long, brown and smells like shit

The unemployment line

That was actually the thesis of Freakanomics


Pizza doesn't scream in the oven.

How do you fit 50 Jews in a car?

Put em in the ash tray

Q: What do you call a White man surrounded by:
Q: 3 niggers
A: a victim
Q: 12 niggers
A: quarterback
Q: 40 niggers
A: football coach
Q: 1,000 niggers
A: warden
Q: 1,000,000 niggers
A: auctioneer

What do you call a nigger on the moon?
A problem

What do you call all the niggers on the moon?
Problem solved




An apple and a nigger fall from a tree at the same time. Which hits the ground first?

The apple. The rope stops the nigger.

Why do niggers have nightmares?
Because we killed the one with a dream


What did the Korean say to the Jew?
The holocaust didn't happening ror!

Q: Why do niggers to to see the liberty bell?

A: they heard there was crack in it.

Q: what separates the man from the beast?

A: the mediterranian sea

A white man walking down a beach kicks up a lamp, with hope he rubs the lamp.
Sure enough a genie pops out, and says, "I will grant you 3 wishes but be warned every black person in the world will get double what you wish."
After a thought he says he's got it.
"My first wish is i want a million dollars."
Genie "your wish has been granted and every black person now has 2 million dollars."
Man "Ok my second wish i want 10 thousand acres Genie.."
Granted but every black person in the world now has 20 thousand acres.
"And now you have but one wish."
"The man replies with my final wish... i wish you to beat me half to death."

You didn't kill black dreams when you killed Dr King, you cracker. We still dream. We dream of raping and looting and getting our mixed tapes into Dre's hands.


whats similiar about niggers and communism?


neither of them work.







what's the deal with the father?




quiet, boy










A nigger, a spick and an Arab jump off a building. Who wins?


Why should you never try to run over a nigger on a bicycle?

Because it could be your nigger.