Be CEO of Nestlé

>Be CEO of Nestlé
>This shitskins bought one of your KitKats
>It comes waferless
>She sends you a letter demanding you give in and give her a lifetime supply of KitKats
>The story has gone viral
>You must respong
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give her a lifetime supply of kitkats

Tell her it's a metaphor for black-clad beings with no souls.

can i have some kitkats homie?

Stone her for not properly covering her hair the dirty slut

Agree to demands. Then send a single package of KitKats laced with cyanide.

lmao if I got a waferless KitKat I would've hung that shit on a wall or sold it on eBay that shits like one in a million


Ask her if she's suppose to be speaking without her husband's permission

And then to go to the stoning arena

Have my extremely talented legal team determine what a "lifetime supply" of kitkats would be, and send exactly that amount all at once. Ensure they're short life. Send it by boat. Probably keep a few rejects in the mix. She'll get her lifetime supply of kitkats and never be able to enjoy it.


Send her three Kitkats, fulfilling her wish. Put bomb under her car to go off on Friday.

Offer her 72 untouched kit kats.

Offer her all the kit kats she wants but only if she agrees to open a shop selling them in cenral Riyadh called 'Allahu Snack-bar'

send anthrax

Put wafers in ur kit-kats you fuckin jew

send her one without the chocolate

I prefer Megadeth

Best post


Im more of a sabbath man myself


I must do what Allah requires of me. Very boom boom, yes

You are required to stfu cats are better drivers

I will run you over in my minivan, infidel. prepare your butthole

I called the sheeparicans they backing me. What now dunecoon?