China has invented a sperm extractor, instead of America

China has invented a sperm extractor, instead of America.

Woe to our nation.

this machine is highly sexist as there is no mechanism to extract sperm from women, and as such should be officially boycotted

We must close the sperm extractor gap!

Yep. It just cuts your balls off though.

Based China, putting technology to real use

go to stick dick in Chinese sperm extractor fall down elevator shaft and die

Well, who would've guessed?

I'd love to be the guy that works inside that machine.

Top kek


Boycotted? Why can't it be girlcotted?

I've got a sperm extractor, it's called a daughter.

It would not be difficult!

Girlcotted? I can't even... don't you realize some womyn can't afford a cot?

Now, if they'd call Japan and incorporate it into one of those sex bots, then get ahold of the people working on developing artificial wombs...

my sides.

Lucky son of a bitch


Can it be done mit a computer?

This is the shiny holographic card of keks. Top job.

so these fucking chinks invented a machine that sucks your semen and extracts the sperom out of it?

I bought a fleshlight imported from China once. didn't fit. We have nothing to worry about.
