Thoughts on nationalism / patriotism?

Thoughts on nationalism / patriotism?
Even though you aren't born into your own body, you should still love and protect it? What's wrong with this argument?

Whats wrong with being proud to be an American?
America is awesome

"The two things I believe in is the first amendment and boobs."

>Even though you aren't born into your own body, you should still love and protect it?

I mean you didn't choose it

Pardon me? Did you say boobs? That's very inappropriate.

>Even though you didn't choose to be born into your own body, you should still love and protect it?

im afraid this sentence still doesnt make any sense

I've lived in two foreign countries, I wish English made a distinction between nationalism and patriotism. If you could force people to use words correctly, we could separate these words.

I'm patriotic in that I love America, and I see that it has faults but it's my home and the way of life here is what suits me.

Nationalists are ignorant fucks that think if you don't adopt American ways you're wrong, and your country sucks and you shouldn't love it because only America is great.

Fuck man, if you're from Spain and you love Spain go get 'em dude, that's fine. Everybody should be a patriot.

nationalism serves to create divisions in society. we're all humans, there should be no divisions between us

thats sum libflake bullshit if i ever heard it

Yes it does. If you understand the grammatic construction I was using it does

>hasn't smoked dmt and realized how retarded that question is

i'm glad you're you. you localize all your opinions to a corner on the internet and will otherwise have no impact on society whatsoever

I mean, it doesnt make sense within the context of the thread. Your thread is about nationalism, not body/identity issues.

Or did you mean even though a person doesnt choose to be born in any given country, should they still be expected to love and protect it?

if you think im the same thing as a jungle bunny or a heathen chink ur as dumb as a hillary supporter

Obviously that was his intent


bad news: you're exactly the same.

it's candy we throw to the weak-minded, incapable of thought.

A very useful tool.

Wow that red head on the right is perfect


sure ok


fucking lol keep tellin urself that while im in t he real world where nodic blood has taken over the planet and created all the technology u use. we are more evolved, or god made us better off the bat

Ehh her nose is a bit too big to be perf but 9/10 for sho

>"nodic" blood

more like "no dick" eh whitey?

what have you created? you personally? i'm guessing not much, just riding on the coattails of people that happen to be within your ethnic group. you're no better than the people you complain about.

Many intellectual people have been patriots.
Many unintellectual people have thoughtlessly drunk the establishment 'anti-establishment' propaganda

there are examples of everything, everywhere. what is majority result? because that's what matters.

>nationalism / patriotism
>your body
I'm not sure I see the relation here.

i work like good citizen oc the grestest country the world's ever seen unlike ur welfare ass. i dont rob and kill people niether. if we gassed all the blacks and browns we might avoid america being destroyd.

It's a simple analogy.

This post gave me cancer

Well, you have to account for everything, not just the majority. The way you expressed yourself implied no intelligent person could or would be a patriot.

It's not a very good one, then.

You're stuck with your body so if you neglect it, you suffer.

You're not stuck in a country. You can travel somewhere else and get a citizenship in a new country if you really want to.

Not to mention, you're the sole person in charge of your body and its condition. You're not AT ALL the sole person in charge of a country.

its tribalism and thus somewhat useful but ultimately a barrier to moral progress

so a shit job then? bus driver? janitor? you're clearly not smart enough for something worthwhile.

also, america is on a slippery slope to shitsville, and newsflash: its because people like you care too much about other people to better yourself. i'm an engineer at boeing, and i know blacks and browns that have changed the world in ways you never will.

>You're stuck with your body so if you neglect it, you suffer.
If 'the people' neglect their country, they will all suffer.


never said such a thing. there are outliers in every population and to an extent they ought to be regarded, however the majority voice is the one that matters as it is truly representative of a populace.

I think you got trolled, sir.

>they will all suffer
... if they don't leave.

i'd be alright with that because that'd mean there's one less person who actually thinks that way out there

Youre free to be patriotic but youre not free to demand or legislate into law a mandate to be patriotic. Thats the constitution.

I don't know why you're so hung up on that point. Not many people just move to other countries. The people that do tend to be young and unattached

Notice no mention of god and the sun and a sun dial displayed prominently. Man America has really fucked up over the years because 'muh feelings'

>Not many people just move to other countries
There's an entire fucking flood of that shit going on in Europe right now.

A country isn't a person's body. You just don't have the control over an entire country as you do your body, nor are you stuck with the same limitations such as only having the one.
If you REALLY wanted to make a good bodily analogy, maybe a person would be like a single cell within a body. But then you're just a small cork in a fuckhuge machinery and your love makes little difference.

>There's an entire fucking flood of that shit going on in Europe right now.
What % is that of the global population?
I never said it was impossible either. Sad.

>But then you're just a small cork in a fuckhuge machinery and your love makes little difference.
Nothing hardly anyone does makes any difference. But that isn't relevant to our study. What is moral for the group is moral for the individual, and vice versa, I should think

Gook here. I love to MAGA

>t. Cosmopolitan autist