/dream thread/

/dream thread/

How often do you dream?

every night?
once a week?
once every 2 weeks?

What do you dream about?

abstract stuff?
How your day was?
People you care about?

Are they short, long, very long dreams?

I had a dream last night that my family could hear me fapping very loudly and they shouted at me to be quiet

Usually every night. I can dream lucid so pretty much contain anything.

every night

How. I only dream maybe once every 2-3 weeks. And it's always abstract expect there's always one person in my life that's in in them.

How do I dream every night or how do I dream lucid?

How do you dream every night.

This. Anything. I even work out real world problems and thoughts when I sleep. I confront all my neuroses and fears, concerns, questions, desires, everything, anything at the forefront or buried deep. They feel to last for a decent amount of time, but the shorter the actual time elapsed, the longer the dream seems.

Chances are if you're getting a decent amount/quality of sleep each night then you are actually dreaming, you're just not remembering dreaming when you wake up. A good way to start building your memory is to keep a dream journal, write down anything you remember about your dream the second you wake up.

if i dont smoke i dream as often as i close my eyes to sleep. sounds nice but when you have problems sleeping in the first place 6-8 dreams in a reasting period, all as active as each other, can be a handfull

I dream every night either one of two things, One, I'm in an post apocalyptic wasteland where the government is trying to kill anyone who is infected with some crazy body altering disease, like the infected gain powers. There's a resistance and some of them are special and have the infection but still are part human. They fight against the government because the government is extremely corrupt and nuking everything. I'm always but of the resistance, but I'm not me, like last night I was some black woman ive never seen before. She didn't fighting off some of the infected then I woke up. And every night is someone else, and sometimes I see a person I was and they act like they are their own entitie. It's been going on for almost a year, and I've been keeping a journal after the first month. And the other thing is a nightmare where I see my girlfriend of 4 years get hit by a truck over and over again. She died that way right in front of my eyes. The fuck is wrong with me

I think everyone should take the time to learn how to dream lucid. It's truly wonderful.

Sounds like you've gotta really sit down and revisit your girlfriend's death (If I'm reading this right and she died like that IRL, I might be retarded), maybe see a doctor about it, there's something that's stopping you from accepting/moving on from it

It's just the third time something like this has happened so. It really weighs me down

Wonderful, and maybe slightly dangerous for some folks. It's easy to get weird with it.
>I don't want to wake up

Yeah, that is actually very true. I got obsessed when I first started being able to do it. I was looking forward to the end of the day to get to sleep over anything else. It can definitely be dangerous to anyone with a slightly addictive personality.

Yeah man, I'd definitely see a doctor or something. There's something that's not letting you accept it and it's probably going to keep up until you figure out how to. Good luck, I hope you figure it out

I don't really dream anymore.

first things you guys lucid dreamed?

Changing the physical properties of objects.


Can anyone else form music in their dreams?

(Not copying shit they've heard thousands of times in real life, I mean actually forming never-before heard music.)

Bird, turned turd.

Eh it's fine, I got weed, blotters, alcohol,cigarettes, my band, andmy friends. I'm actually trying to get into another relationship it just still depresses me is all. And I only have those nightmares once or twice every week now

Yes. I can also read and write in my dreams. I've also watched shows, played games, and shitposted in boards that don't exist.

A few hours a night.

They really only have 3 varieties:
Dreams about mundane life
Sexual dreams
Dreams in which I'm either being killed or killing

The mundane ones usually turn into subtle nightmares where small things continue going wrong and compounding until I either die or wake up

That's interesting. I can't read or write anything intelligible, and I dream lucid too. Writing is usually just a blur.

comets dont "pass", they hang in the sky for days or weeks. wojack is looking at a meteor (shooting star) or potential a meteorite if it hits the ground

I dont remember my dreams very often.
The last one I remember:
I was on a bus and see my friend outside, I opened the window and yelled to him and he started running towards the bus but he couldn't catch it. feelsbad

OP here. I guess I should share

I dream maybe 2 times a month.

I have some to little control over the dream

Every time very abstract but with one central figure in my life.

My ex.

It's pretty disenfranchising when I dream so I'm actually kinda happy I don't usually.