Prove to me that this magnificent man is not a good president

Prove to me that this magnificent man is not a good president

unintelligent responses such as 'he raysis' will be ignored.

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Dubs confirm trump best president.


He is by far the worst. every time he does something and it pisses of the left, I can't help but furiously masturbate in joy. It's like every single person I despise is triggered by him.

establishment republicans,

fuck all those people. I now jerk of so much I can't get anything done. I can't say that about any other president.

>conflicting dubs
Fuck this, im out.

Yep he sure is saving you guys from what was it, mexicans or something?

worse, hillary clinton

Right. Ya that's not getting tired or anything.

ITT Russian trolling brigade

Donald trump denied us the convenience and freedom to rape woman like the paradise in sweden

Right Hillary. Pizzagate. Eating Children.

How can we prove anything to you, if youre so biased you believe every lie about clinton but cant life with the fact that drumpf is a proven liar.


>can't life

troll harder

so he is disliked by the majority of the brainwashed liberal population.

so what?

i look forward to voting for President Trump a 2nd time

What a moran

He's not necessarily racist, but what he's doing with the country is jeopardizing the American way of life. His plans to strengthen the wall on our Southern border, end birthright citizenship, and deport 'illegal' immigrants are supported by bogus reasons other than "they're illegal and they bring drugs." Well, why are the drugs some of them are smuggling illegal? Would there be drug cartels if everyone buys their drugs legally? What if Conservatives actually support a free market, and are willing to obtain the increased amount of job skills/education required to work the new jobs that pay better, letting the illegals work the menial labor jobs? Mexico's a shit hole, let those people come here and become citizens, it wouldn't be hurting anyone. He's also ruining foreign relations and staining our influence on the world. Trump has no plans of ending the 17 year war in Afghanistan, instead he has plans to continue the preventive wars of aggression. He will put more troops into the Middle East, to fight people using our own weapons. World War II was the last war the US won. When are we going to wake up and stand against the interventionist foreign policy that seeks only to strengthen the Military Industrial Complex?

We have lost over 5,000 US military personnel since 9/11. Is that not cause for change?


Back to your retarded echo chambers.

birthright citizenship hasn't ended.
deporting illegal immigrants
what don't you understand?
he wants to wipe out the terrorist, will this be another vietnam war or a glorious victory? only time will tell

Why does everybody say he's such a shit person, he may not be my guy but I still respect him and think he genuinely wants America to be the best it can be. Clinton is a fucking snake who should be locked away.

He wants it to end. Illegal just means that they're in too much of a bad spot in a country that manages to be more corrupt than the US, which prompts them to run to a safe haven. Some can't conjure up the necessary paperwork to immigrate legally, so they come here illegally. I think immigration restrictions are bullshit anyways, you can say "oh well that's the law, and if you're not going to follow it we kick you out", but in reality the law makes little sense. Kind of like locking people up for marijuana possession, makes no sense. We know it will not be a "glorious victory" because war isn't glorious. It's hell. Israel and the UN are more than fine against attacks coming from Islamic regions. You can't wipe out the terrorists because they are on our soil too. There are plenty of people on our soil ready to blow up buildings and shoot others for Allah, or they're white and do it for other motives. People seem to forget the reason America's involved in the Middle East was because Russia got involved. It was not to conduct wars against terrorism. We were once allies with Osama bin Ladin. We funded these people and helped them fight back Russia, then they turned their backs on the western world. Committing to eradicating Islam costs America too much.

Because there are other, better choices. Such as Gary Johnson, a very successful governor of New Mexico.

Fellow Lolbertarian?

I didnt really like Trump or Hillary. But im willing to give him a chance because he is my president and nothing will change that. So im hoping he does great

>So im hoping he does great
Record so far indicates disappointment incoming for the next 3.5 years

I voted for Trump, but I'm finding myself sorely dissatisfied with his overall performance. The problem I've become the most frustrated with is his overall disregard for the institution of government itself. It bothers me that when he's wrong (which does and will happen, he's a human), there's rarely, if ever, any accountability taken on his end. It's seems like he's essentially taken his goals by the horns, and given a big ol' middle finger to anything that gets in his way. Ya know, just minor things like congress, due process, diplomacy, and legitimacy in spoken word. I think he MIGHT be thinking in the right direction, but shouldn't be the Oz minding the levers behind the curtain.

Shit he says is wrong. Often. Factually.

Don’t be a dumbass. He is literally proposing a tax plan that would give him and his billionaire buddies trillions in tax cuts. He talks about protectionism, but his new draft for nafta is based on the tpp. He literally says one thing and does the opposite.

he's destroying every institution that makes america successful. he's being influenced by religious zealot evangelicals. he's as of yet failed accomplish any of his campaign promises. he's filled most of his cabinet seats with wolves in wolves clothing, with the sole purpose of tearing down the agencies they've been appointed to lead and throwing the country into chaos.

And guess who pays for it.

Hint: Not Mexico.

What in the fuck is that

I mean, even the whole Mexico thing is a scam. The American economy under Obama was so anemic that more Mexicans returned to Mexico than crossed into the US. The people who were desperate to make it to America were Central American refugees fleeing the chaos caused in part by the US supporting a coup in Honduras. Really, the wall is just a scam to put public funds into his contractor buddy’s hands.

Plus, there is already a wall in the most heavily trafficked parts of the border. Again, this is just a scam.

I haven’t been catching up with politics, and I really gotta start. Is he actually still trying to build a wall? Is that actually going to be a thing? I thought that idea eventually just got shot down.

not the guy, but was this supposed to be an argument? just looks like another lazy ad hominem from someone who has no argument.

He’s alright. Apart from his geriatric twitter ramblings. They really need to take that shit away from him.

Hes likely to create a huge PC liberal backlash, The next Dem presidency is going to hurt.

Which is even better. We pissed off the left by going after gays and immigrants. 2020 we're going after guns, hate speech,and putting a trans bathroom in every house by law.

Cant wait.

I’m not sure either. There was talk a while back Trump might not sign a budget if it didn’t include funding for his big beautiful wall, but I’m not sure.

Got soldiers killed under his command because he pissed of america's allies.

Niger is worse than Benghazi

Hes the fucking same as obama.

Wont release birth certificate or taxes.

Ivanka and kushner's emails wont be fucking released.

Trumpcare is an abomination

Niger = benghazi. There should be a federal investigation to see if trump acted wrongly.

He even had the fake hurricane actors.


> Well, why are the drugs some of them are smuggling illegal?
>Would there be drug cartels if everyone buys their drugs legally?
are honestly saying to legalize drugs

lol obama put the soldiers in Niger

he raysis

>lol obama put the soldiers in Niger
lol Trump left them there.
How many did Obama lose?

I like him cause he isnt a politician, he is not republican or democrat, and has good vibes. Trump has secured my vote for 2020

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>I like him cause he isnt a politician

True. A real politician wouldnt have pissed off McCain and threatened his senate majority before he ever took office.

A politician would have been collecting votes so he could push his agenda.

He is pushing his agenda without the support of democrats and republicans(majority speaking), What I dont get, is everyone before trump was complaining about career politicians and how they fuck over everyone on the premise of lies, then they get a bipartisan president who works with both parties and they both complain about how he is the worse

Jesus christ I was hoping this wasn't a pasta, then I got to the nothing personnel kid and I was supremely disappointed. I still like it, 6/10

why not? some already are.
>booze is fine but weed is the devil lmao

dumb nigger you don't even know his policy you just listen to left propaganda and assume it's true without doing any research for yourself

He embarrasses the ENTIRE COUNTRY of America on a DAILY BASIS. Source =

The guy is a complete and utter fucking moron.

Trust me when I say this: the entire fucking world is LAUGHING at America right now. They are currently the joke of the entire world. Well done.


Its kind of like complaining about school teachers, but not realizing how good you had it until the janitor teaches the class.

does he even have real policy? he basically just blurts whatever he thinks will get his narcissistic ego jerked off at any given moment.


trump supporter here, I can say yeah if you make something legal cartels go away. look at prohibition, not good enough lets take a recent example. Marijuana was legalized in my home state, before that legalization I had to go to random people and ask for marijuana(not that blunt you get the picture) now that it is legal, I walk into a store without supporting a freeloading liberal and pay for my weed respectively to an employee that puts in taxes

Do tell. What is his policy?

never said weed shouldn't be legal but you have to be another level of retard to think you should legalize all drugs

Well what has trump done thats bad? All I hear from people is he is racist, or sexist, but when asked to point me to a policy that is such no one can cite anything. Also he made taxes easier

it's a policy designed to deal with illegal immigrants which apparently = racism against mexicans. dude just wants the people who come to this country to pay taxes if they're gonna suckle on the teat of the welfare state.

>What I dont get, is everyone before trump was complaining about career politicians and how they fuck over everyone on the premise of lies, then they get a bipartisan president who works with both parties and they both complain about how he is the worse

when people complain about lawyer-politicians they don't mean replace them with bumbling buffoons and business failures who are only rich because of daddy's money. they mean replace them with scientists, teachers, and actual experts.

also in what universe are you living that you think trump is bipartisan?

Well the fact he was willing to work with democrats with the dreamers or did your one track mind miss that? also the taxes everyone keeps saying it gives big business a cut when in all reality it helps parents and small businesses. See I came into politics with an open mind, most people nowadays are told to hate trump without any reason. and bumbling baffoon as the insult you used is one of the most popular I have seen, which means you are probably a sheep too, but I am willing to give you a chance to prove me otherwise and tell me a policy that makes him not only unbipartisan but racist, or sexist

there's nothing wrong with enforcing immigration laws and wanting people to enter the country legally. pretty much all democrats agree with this as well. the problem is that republicans think the answer is to arrest, detain, deport, and destroy hard working families rather than providing a realistic path to taxpaying citizenship. the idea that immigrants are all violent criminals and/or "stealing" jobs from americans who want them is a myth.

like im for weed to be legalized but not more extreme drugs like coke,meth,etc

>most popular
Lol, what's his approval rating?

He is currently ramping up to fight ISIS in africa.

Which is great. We could always use another resourceless shithole to dump trillions of dollars into.

And in my experience as a vet, these little pseudo-wars we wage on nations without congress' vote really creates more problems than it solves. For instance taking out sadam created a power vacuum that we are not only still dealing with... The problem has grown several countries larger.

I rest my case.

lol @ this faggot back agn w/ his nyt shilling

trump caved on the dreamers because most republicans aside from the hardline anti-immigration nationalists are actually in favor of daca. it's a good program, familia.

as far as trump being a bumbling buffoon, I don't know what to tell you. the guy is moron and a walking brainfart, and one would have to be pretty low on the intellectual totem pole themselves not to notice his obvious con.

No americans want the jobs they're "stealing" either way. They're shit jobs.

we're not talking about the nebulous evil republican strawman you've built in your head, we're talking about trump and what he's done. has he done any of what you're saying? no he has not.

Why is it a popularity contest? that was the old career politicians way of figuring things out. We don't live in a democracy because our founding fathers knew that people in a group would be swindled into electing a tyranny, which if we had it that way would have happened. electing a leader shouldn't be about popularity but what is actually happening for pour country and you reverting to that proves you have no policy you hate about trump and just a sheep being told to hate so you do

Refreshing to see someone who has actual arguments FOR Trump instead of basically saying "Trump is good because here's how much the left sucks"

>Well the fact he was willing to work with democrats with the dreamers or did your one track mind miss that?
He added riders to the DACA bill that woule never fly. It was DOA. Unpassable

>also the taxes everyone keeps saying it gives big business a cut when in all reality it helps parents and small businesses.
This is false. We dont have the exact brackets yet but we can prove that through the removal of write offs and exemptions that were axed, middle class taxes are most definitely going up.

africa is one of the wealthiest continents in the world in terms of untapped natural resources my dude. american politicians are probably creaming in their pants at ISIS influence spreading there and giving them an excuse to "free" the local populations and send in their government contractor kickbackers to extract all that juicy dosh.

You are just using buzzword you don't know like strawman. Yeah he was supporting of dreamers which made gop mad, he also hasn;t repealed obamacare which i hate but he is still doing it to work with the demnocrats. so I mean even though I shouldnt have to defend my point because I orignally asked you to defend yours, can you point to me a policy trump has that isn't good? or are you to brainwashed to think for yourselfeither way would love feedback


>Also he made taxes easier
He has not announced the tax plan yet. Please stop acting like we know what it looks like.

Wow. I wonder if that is as accurate as the pre-election polls?

not true, as a parent I paid attention to the fact that the child credit would go up, also he cut the taxes on mom and pops shops which in turn cut the taxes for corporations which is not 100 percent but still a start.

As for the daca, it was a point. I realize he kjind of did pussy out a bit, but he didn't side with anyone was the point, hence nonpartisan, he said he would leave it to congress because he sympathized with the children



Tax plan will lead to 5% growth in GDP (Forbes).


true and false, he has put a tax plan just not fully implemented, we have the outline, but in a true republic we need everyone on board so its in everyone's interest. which he has my vote

we're talking about immigration and the accusation that trump is "protecting us from the evil mexicans" which is wrong on so many levels.
>the problem is that republicans think the answer is to arrest, detain, deport, and destroy hard working families rather than providing a realistic path to taxpaying citizenship.
this is a STRAWMAN you have created so you can feel like you're on the right side. it has nothing to do with the conversation we're having, we're not talking about what you think about republicans, we're talking about trump and what he has and hasn't done. use your head you dumbfuck. i'm not the biggest fan of trump, but i don't just swallow the liberal media's cum blindly either.

mmm baby, i can't wait to let the rich and their tax cuts trickle all over my face and penetrate me violently with their hard, thick economies.

LoL, you need to use arguments only if your partner in discussion uses them. If he goes reeeeeeeee (=says everyone but him is brainwashed) like the tard this guy responded to, you have nothing to argument for or against.




>unintelligent responses
just that. i mean you can debate anything, but do people really think he's articulate or anything close to a role model for a leader?

ur an idiot bruv, illegal immigrants should be deported at all costs, not fair to the legal immigrants that wait in line like the rest of us.

P.S. if you come here illegally you cant get a job legally so ur not paying taxes, and gangs/cartels do most of the illegal immigrant smuggling and make them sell drugs and their bodys once they are in america as payment for smuggling them. Illegal immigration form mexico is awful not only for u dumb Americans but for the Mexicans who think they can just come over and its all sunshine and flowers but then the gangs run their shit and next thing you know theyre in jail with you Americans paying for their living expenses.

he raysis tho

(Forbes) what? post the article, friendo

>Trump Plan Delivers Massive Tax Cuts To The 1% And Sharp Kick To The Upper Middle Class

wheres your rebuttal? you just said a joke which everyone can relate too which will garnish you favoritism because of the laughs, not because its fact. irresponsible