That one kid that always hogs the ball and lost the ball immediately

>That one kid that always hogs the ball and lost the ball immediately




>americans ruining another thread

>that one kid who would set fruity screens

>that one kid who wouldn't change to his gym clothes

>the one kid who showered with his clothes on

>that one kid who got molested by the coach

>that one kid carrying fewer guns and hamburgers than the other ten while he plays

>that one kid who harnessed the fury of 1,000 suns

>The Manlet that goal hangs

Every school , pitch, cage , household has one of these fags

That one kid that said everything like he was larping.

>that one kid that always had to do stepovers even when there was no one within 100ft of him

>that one girl who insisted to play with us and could either outplay most kids or suck completely at it
>that one cranky housewife who either complained of the noises or took the ball outright
>that one kid that always goes forward expecting to get the ball towards the goal and doesn't do anything else
>that one kid who owned the ball, took offense with anything and threatened to take the ball and just leave if things didn't go his way
>that one kid who goes full kit wanker with boots and all

>that fat kid who would only run screen passes and stand there occasionally walking around clapping for the ball

>that one kid who'd turn the ball over or otherwise kill momentum only to tell your team "CMON YOU GUYS WE GOT THIS" as if he didn't just fuck up

>that one kid who would call a foul everytime he drove to the hoop

That kid was me

>that one kid who got saudi'd for wrongthink


>that one kid who ruins the match every time by constantly handling the ball

welcome to Sup Forums

>that one kid that moves to another city

>That one kid that thinks Shia are heretics

>that one kid that threw gays off buildings

> that one kid who sucked ass at dodgeball and was the biggest try hard faggot who cried cause he would constantly get btfo in the face.

based saudibro triggering the westies

Keep it up ahmed. The world is getting pretty sick of your shit. Cant wait for the day we exterminate all the shit skins and white guilting cucks alike

you'll have to leave your parents' basement first, cletus

or that one kid who wouldn't change out of gym clothes afterwards.