Ask a guy who is living in a city with a First-Arrivers refugee Camp in Germany anything

Ask a guy who is living in a city with a First-Arrivers refugee Camp in Germany anything.

when are you moving out?

Still got 4 semesters minimum. So earliest in 2 years.

Are they taking over?

In my city, they are honestly everywhere. Go to the club? They are there. Gym? A LOT of them. Shopping? Everywhere. Take that for what its worth.

What's the sentiment across the German populace. Do you believe these people should be accepted as most immigrants from third world nations tend not to integrate.

I could be reaching a bit far here, but do you think that another hitler type figure could emerge as Germany is eroded by these people.

Great question. I was born in Germany, but my parents are from Turkey. Everybody thinks I am german though (I look european).
The sentiment is pretty split, you are either for or against "the immigrants" and the way Merkel handled/handles everything. I mean the AfD did pretty good in the votes.
If things get worse I could see someone like Hitler getting more power, but it wont be like '39 or something similiar. But yeah there are people who are "proud" to be against immigrants. Thats for sure. I dont know if that answers your question, english is my third language. :)

It actually breaks my fucking heart when you see the state of germany today. Hitler said himself 'If the jews took revenge upon us, what would happen to your wives, daughters and fiancees? How would this diabolical, beastial hatred rage against the german volk?'

He was so prophetic. The jewish revenge is the flooding of 3rd worlders into german borders. Germany was the strongest european country, if germany falls, the rest follow like dominoes.

Interesting thought. Having lived in Germany for all my life - Yeah, the last few years have been... different, thats for sure.

It's just utterly incredible where germany was to where it is now. Where do you personally see things heading into the future? do you think complete islamification will occur? or do you think the natives will finally bite back eventually in the form of civil war?

fuck off racist, kein mensch ist illegal

What I want to see is - Will it get worse? Its pretty bad, especially in the area that I am (Everyday there is something going on, theft or whatever). If I have to be honest... I dont think it will get better, but worse. There are more refugees coming, more men I suppose and these guys can be pretty wild. Im not someone who is outside every hour of the day and yet I had bad experiences with these people. My father always tells me (came here from Turkey himself with his family): "Even we are not that fond of the refugees, now imagine what a German family thinks about them..."

As most of them probably don't speak English, what will be done about housing and jobs?

Are most of them men, or women and children? I'm from Canada. I DON'T AGREE WITH BRINGING IN REFUGEES, but I can agree with women and children from a purely human viewpoint. The men, I think, should be fighting to free their native land, not fleeing like cowards.

I agree somewhat, but I mean we are getting pretty bad people over here too, man. You cant just label someone as a racist, its not black or white...

>Roach trying to fit in
Oh boi.

You do realize

You're the same as them?

Shut up you fucking idiot, adults are talking.

I have seen a fair amount of interviews of the old school migrants, and much of them truly hate the new ones. What the hell do genuine 3rd world migrants have to offer the german people and the country? as far as i can tell nothing but resentment from the germans. I mean there's even handbooks being printed to show migrants how to interact sexually with the locals, its absolutely absurd

Mostly men, and they are very often in groups. It got less now because it got colder, but in the summer it can be pretty wild. Groups of 3-5 men, listening to Arabic music on the phone or something and starring you down. It happens alot.

OF COURSE they are good people/refugees too, I would like to stress that out. But still... I had a lot of bad experiences as well.

Is it true they get free iphones

It's truly bad when the negatives outweigh the positives. Many of these migrants are truly causing some shit

Without knowing me or my family - Pretty absurd thing to say. But whatever man. All good.

Exactly, thats how a lot of Old-School immigrants feel, my parents as well. Its not "hate", its just... different. They didnt come here to loot, to steal. They didnt run away from a war, they didnt "abandon" their homeland and let it behind to die. They came for work, and they came with families, parents, kids. They are obviously bad Old-School immigrants, but we/they never made headlines like they are right now.

There are*

What were some of the bad experiences? And were those situations rooted from shitty immigrants, or were you just in a shit part of town or whatever?

Let me give you two examples without getting into TLDR territory.
First: I was pretty much new in the city. Parked my car, got my stuff out. There was a group of 5 men, listening to arabic music on the phone not far from the car. It was night already, no one around but them. I didnt do shit, just parked my car and unloaded some stuff from the trunk. Well, two of them started walking towards me and angrily talking stuff I didnt understand. I guess they insulted me for a good minute before I could say anything. I thought they were going to beat me down but didnt in the end. Why would anyone do that?

Second, in the gym. And thats something that occurs a lot, they just stare down women and I even saw some girl getting groped or whatever you call that. The guy didnt even get thrown out which was kind of weird. A lot of immigrants in police cars/handcuffs who were caught stealing stuff... and more and more and more.

Is this the slow death of Europe?

Its not the same anymore, I can tell you that much.

They don't seem to be gracious like immigrants that work hard and are granted citizenship. They should be forced into either labor jobs and schooling for the younger ones. They should also be shipped home for the first offense.

If the far right parties win the elections (btw what do you think the likelihood of that is?) do they promise to deport all refugees.

What is the AfD's position on legal immigrants who speak German (almost wrote English lol)amd contribute to the economy?

I agree with all of that. Its not like we dont want any of them here. If they integrate themselves, if they work for their money like we do... and if the kids go to school to learn... well why shouldnt they stay here then? They will have learned something valuable (Jobs etc) and in a few years if they are able to they could go back to their homeland. But even just writing that, it seems like... fantasy. You know what I mean?

That's why you ship them home first offense. Gets rid of the bad apples and shows the others join the culture and work hard or go home to yours.

you should visit canada
during ramadan (summer time)
they go to beaches, harrass and assault woman for wearing bikinis, then call the males faggots when they respond they aren't willing to rape a woman just because she doesn't wear a burka

These are the results, the right wing (as in AfD) is already in the Bundestag. They were aaaall about the refugee problem and thats how they got so many votes. Any time the AfD was on TV, or the internet or whatever - Every time they spoke about the immigration problem and that they definately want to deport all of them.

People talk a lot of shit about America because of our guns but I assure you that shit doesn't happen here for that very reason.

>blowing things out of proportion
>things that did not happen at all

Thats really interesting. Their women can wear the burkas or whatever, but why harrass the women that dont? I never understood that. Interestingly enough, while I was on vacation in Turkey this year there was a similiar scenario as you are describing. Some families were like that, woman in Burka (they even swam in that) with son and husband. But they didnt harass anyone, they didnt say anything. I guess because it was Turkey and not Germany or Canada. My parents are pretty modern, my mum was wearing a normal bikini etc.

Because it is the other way about, like this guy who went on a beach and gave shit to a Muslim family for being on the beach.

Hypocrisy at maximum

They have similar issues with muslims in the UK. There's groups of muslims that call themselves Sharia Police. They walk around on Sharia Patrols harassing people who aren't muslim; mostly prevalent in London boroughs with large concentrations of muslims.

OP are you seeing similar things in Germany? It's likely to happen soon enough :(

People have this misconception that nearly all Muslim women wear a headscarf of some type, be it a burka or whatever, but the reality is the majority don't.

They only time they are forced to wear one and not by choice, is when they reside in IS controlled areas who push extremist Islam on the populace.

But people are so ignorant that they will finger point the bad examples and declare them the same for all. But when it comes to things they like or their religion of choice and someone does the same finger pointing, they then get angry about it.

Pretty much what England, Australia and America is right now.

>OP are you seeing similar things in Germany? It's likely to happen soon enough :(

I have seen it on TV, but havent seen it live infront of my eyes yet. Maybe those guys that harassed me while I was unloading my car told me something like that, haha I dont know.
But its crazy, man.

Another example of see one video and assume it is for all.

That is one group of idiots who hassled people on camera for drinking near a mosque, the mosque itself laid into the guys filming and told them not to come back, that was a good what 5 years ago now?


Hallo, mein Neger!

Hab bis vor Kurzem in einer Stadt mit einem "Ankunftslager" gewohnt, kurz bevor ich wegzog wurde das Lager geschlossen. (Die normalen Flüchtlingsheime stehen natürlich noch)

Die sind überall, halten sich im Sommer meist in den Parks auf, im Winter bei McDonald's, Einkaufszentren, etc.

Das Flüchtlingsheim in dem Vorort wo meine Mutter wohnt wurde aufgelöst, nachdem die Bevölkerung beim Bürgermeister mit Mehrheit dazu ersucht hatte. Die sind mehrfach in den umliegenden Industriegebieten eingebrochen, haben Landwirtschaftsmaschinen, geklaut oder demoliert, sind aber auch in simple Warenhäuser und Geschäfte eingestiegen. Die haben sogar einen Friseursalon ausgeraubt.

Ende vom Lied war, das etwa die Hälfte der Bewohner am Ende entweder bereits in Haft war, noch auf die Verurteilung wartete oder bereits nach kurzer Haft entlassen war. Da hat dann eben der Stadtrat die Reißleine gezogen da die "Gäste" bereits ziemlich schlecht in der Gemeinde dastanden und u.U. Übergriffe nicht auszuschließen waren. Die wohnen nun alle in Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein.

And there is ignorant assumption number 1 of the night.

>boo hoo you don't think like me, so so so I will attack you with my childish name calling

Honestly, I think a lot of those men "enjoy" it quite a bit, seeing the women like they are here in Europe/Germany/Canada. Its crazy seeing it live, how they lust over them and just see them as meat or whatever. I am in the gym 5 times a week and they are more refugees in there than "european" men. When I have to ask for a equipment piece I have to talk english now.

how is multiculturalism improving your life?

you are an idiot

They speak English?

Wahnsinn. Ich habe auch schon mit einem Security Arbeiter geredet der beim REWE bei mir um die Ecke arbeitet. Jedes Mal wenn geklaut wird und er die Person schnappt kommt die Polizei, schaut sich den "Flüchtling" an und lässt ihn quasi direkt wieder gehen. Unglaublich sowas.

For my english fellows: I talked with a Security worker in a super market here not far from my appartment. Well some refugees like to steal stuff and even if the Security catches them and calls the police - They always get searched, controlled and then mostly let go again. That is coming from a Security worker.

That's because the Turks that live in the larger Turkish cities were actually quite progressive.

Atatürk basically made Turkey into a modern state, and the families who were not in line with these reforms either ended up moving into the eastern parts of Turkey, or became expats in Europe. The dwindling German identity and crisis became eventually a place where the Turkish extreme-conservative identity was able to flourish. The recent changes with Erdogan, etc. are unprecedently regressive. Up to those changes, the Turkish population was much more progressive and "modern" than the Turkish expats in Germany.

I'm not saying I agree with that and once other people hear/see it they will be called out and stopped. Some hick you ran across is fringe population and has nothing to do with what I said unless you assume the fringe hick population own all the guns??

Barely. Easier than trying it in German. There was a woman though that I talked with in a market for a bit who spoke english reaaally good.

Kill them all

[totally joking]

{not really}

I ran across, nahh that guy is infamous. Guess nobody watches the news etc anymore.

Mate, do a simple google search of Sharia Patrol. This has been happening since 2013 at least.

This is not just a group of fringe people. It is happening in numerous countries.

fuck off with that foreign language, speak english

Googling Sharia Patrol will lead you to far right sites like Jihadwatch, Breitbart etc, all of which BS their news.

Again you are thinking a few people = all of the people.

I have gone through towns where there is a high muslim population and had no problem, because I don't act like a dick to them.

If I walked around with a swastika on a t-shirt, skin head etc then chances are I will get heckled.

There is no such things as Muslim no-go zones, that was invented by the far right ignorant brigade to spread fear and paranoia to gather their own numbers.

Do you think the influx of conservative immigrants will end the days of Germany as the gay/kinky capital of the western world?

Well my point was you won't see Muslims here in the US pulling that cheap because of the implied threat same as you won't see that hick visiting Syria and pulling that shit on a armed populace. The people around him sound like pussies if they can shut down a coward bully.

Perhaps, but it didn't stop Mr Vegas from taking out many people did it, just made it easier for him.

how many times have women in your family been raped already? what about you? did these fucking homo-ass sandniggers fuck you too? i lived with them, i know what they do to each other

Im not seeing that as of right now. There are still a lot of open gay people, Trans people etc. - I didnt see any change in that regard. In the future though, who knows. Maybe people wont be that open but its not like in Russia or something.

I'm not Op, but I'm also a German living with refugees in Germany.

Most of them don't speak English or German. A friend of mine was doing voluntary work at one of these camps, which is basically a shipping-container town, etc.

He provided German and English lessons to the people living there, for free. Attendance was very low to begin with, less than 10% of the people living there had an interest, even though he himself is an ethnic Arab, and Speaks Jordan, Saudi-Arabian, and UAE dialects.

Once he revealed he's an atheist, however, he was basically booted off the camp and even threatened to be killed. Attendance dropped down to 0, he got little notes telling him he's gonna be killed if he shows back up, and the support group that organized his teaching thing, got "rumors" how he raped a woman and tried to sell drugs at the camp.

Obviously his views on the entire refugee situation changed a lot.

The quarters were mainly occupied by young men. It's difficult to say how old they are, given most of them (guesstimate: 80-90%) lies about their age, but they were definitely younger than 30, but older than 18. There were some middle-aged / older men and women, almost no girls, and a couple children. Around 75% of the tenants were the aforementioned young men.

This is around two years ago, though, not sure if things have changed since.

My parents live in a different city, they live a little far from the refugee camps there. They didnt have a lot of experiences with refugees yet.

I on the other hand have, just look at some posts.

Only cowards give up freedoms as a reaction. Mr.Vegas had bombing making material also. Mr.mcveigh didn't use any guns.

Very interesting, man. Thanks for the post. It just boogles my mind how they can react like that, even with someone who just wanted to help them. For free.

This is pretty typical. Most immigrants or refugees to western countries have no intention of integrating culturally or lingustically. I myself am from Canada and it's no different here. They cheat on language tests for citizenship, call people racist when asked why they've been here 40+ years and still can't speak a lick of English.

This isn't how they all are, but i'd say 80-90%.


The camps in the more rural areas are usually close to secondary infrastructure, like train stations, large intersections, etc. but away from housing areas, etc.

This however is both good and bad.
The good thing is, that they're kinda detached from the rest of the population, the times where they wandered onto premises of regular detached houses and peered into people's homes, etc. are more or less over. However they loiter around train stations and try to stop cars that are in the vicinity, trying to either just beg for money or try to sell stuff.
These camps have turned into more or less recruitment centers for various gangs and mafias, some of them are actually at odds with each other, often leading to fights within these camps.
Since they're on the outskirts of regular city limits, it's an area usually avoided by police, they basically only come there when the staff calls them, and then it's usually pretty much too late.
We had several cases, where the staff simply took a hike and called the cops only when being at a safe distance from the premises...

Its so weird to me, because my parents speak very good German. Not perfect, but very very good and they never had problems in that sense.
Why come here or to Canada if you dont want to integrate yourself? Its not like you have to change your religion, all you have to do is to integrate yourself, learn the language so that you can speak with co-workers eye to eye and thats pretty much it. Is it "honor"? Are they too "proud"?

Nice of you to bring up McVeigh, funny how before and after the bombing he would cite Ruby Ridge and Waco for his main motivations for action against the government, and it was no surprise that both of those events consisted of 2 Extremist Christian groups.

But they got him later to say he was atheist, no doubt under pressure or threat to family members if he didn't, so the good American people would think God was good again.

But yeah, McVeigh used 2 bombs, but he had access to guns also.

Infamously he drove to Waco during the siege and held a Pro-arms rally, and told people "When guns are outlawed, I will become an outlaw"

In fact he worked at several pro-gun rallies handing out information on Lon Horiuchi the sniper that killed Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge, hoping a sniper would take him out also.

Yeah he was a fucked up guy, and very Christian.

I can see all of that totally happening. I was never asked for money until two nights ago actually. There was a refugee infront of a supermarket just asking everyone for money.

One of my neighbors is a medical technician he recently was on the phone with someone who had a medical done. The dude has been living in Germany for 18 years and still can't speak German enough for even simple conversation, his eight year old son had to translate. The dude is in his early 50's right now.

For most, the entire reason isn't integration at all. It's all about the free money and benefits. Also, the relative security, and the ease to get away with petty crime. Traditionally, we don't really have a history of crime like that. Hence it's very easy for individuals but also entire families and gangs to take over things like that.
Learning the language and integration is simply not beneficial if people will cater like crazy to your needs and unwillingness to understand the language.

It's just the time we live in, I guess...

>The men, I think, should be fighting to free their native land, not fleeing like cowards.

Spoken like a true feminist.

Thats actually why a lot of Turks dont like the refugees in Turkey. Everyone I asked about the refugees said the same thing. That they should fight for their land and not flee the country.

Well, it's fucking right, isn't it!

What happened to "Women and children first"?
How come the elderly, the weak, and the young were all left in a war stricken country, while all the able, young, strong men left.

I'd bear their fucking manginas back to Aleppo if I could.

Mix of pride in culture/religion or whatever. It's just how people are to an extent. They group together with those most similar to them and engage in cultural norms, no matter how backwards/strange they are, to feel comfortable. Bullshit. They way I feel is if you can't let go, stay in your homeland where that shit is normal, and work to make it a better place. E.g Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan...

are the refugees in your school system yet?

I actually agree. Its a fact that mostly men came here, its a fact that they had/have family in their own country still (most of them). So yeah, I agree with that.

>What happened to "Women and children first"?

Equality happened? Not to mention this isn't the fucking titanic.

>How come the elderly, the weak, and the young were all left in a war stricken country, while all the able, young, strong men left.

Because they were able.

I don't think they should accept the refugees, but to say the reason the should reject them is because they should be fighting for their homeland is fucking moronic.

How many times have you been raped?

Not yet.

Do your arms get tired from holding the "welcome refugees" signs for hours?

do you regret voting for trump yet?

I assure you friend, I am not a feminist.
The men should stay and defend their homeland and not let it be devoured by the dogs. Women can stay too if they wish. There are plenty of strong Kurdish women fighting to defend their homeland from ISIS.
I see nothing wrong with my statement.

LMAO. No, didnt do that actually. But havent seen it either. I bet they did it here too though.

What do you have against women and orphans? Racist.

Would you?

Nothing at all. Women or orphans didnt harass me, grown men that couldnt speak German or English though have.

Not-Op-German here.

There's this hilarious story about a Tunisian here, which came with the entire refugee mob, claiming he's politically threatened in his home country.

Once he stepped over the border into Germany, he openly admitted that he killed his neighbor, after having sex with his wife. The reason for that is that he was afraid he might lose his job if his neighbor spread the story around, so he decided it was better to kill him before the fact.
It was unclear if he raped his neighbor's wife. That aside, he'd be sentenced to death in his home country for the murder so he figured he'd just claim he's being threatened for political reasons, and though he'd simply apply for asylum. However he was a bit too quick to admit his murder, there seems to be some sort of law in effect which basically puts asylum seekers on hold if they're criminals in their home country by German law.

He was denied asylum and was sent back to the country of first arrival, which in this case was Italy. This was shortly after Berlin Christmas market incident - you know, where the truck was steered into the market, etc. However, believe it or not, some turbocucks actually tried to push for his asylum, since he'd be sent back to a country that would possibly sentence him to death...

...Yeah, I shit you not, they openly pushed for harboring murderer.

>mudslimes on beach
>full beekeeper outfits


Oh, right, so they all just left their families, children and the elderly to sort the war out, and they themself just cucked out and left. Wow.

No this isn't the titanic, but fighting for your country and family is one thing, just leaving them to die and fuck off is something they should be friggin burned alive for.

Cucks like you would leave your own family to die, just so you could bug out and claim victimhood in another country.

Then again weak assholes like you are the first in line for getting raped and murdered by our friendly guests.

Lol get the fuck back to re̋dd̟it

You Germans need a sense of humor.

Haha sorry brother, its 3 after midnight here. My mental capacity is pretty low right now.

Amerifag here. What do you think of the resistance of nations like Poland and the Czech Republic to accepting immigrants? Personally, I'm deeply saddened to see Europe in the state that it is in.

How do you feel about the Energiewende (sp?)

Personally I think not accepting any immigrants is not the way to go, but the way Merkel and Germany are doing things right now are not the right way either. The entire German Country is being overlooked.
What we need is a way to sort the refugees before they come here, before they are allowed to stay here. What do you think?

No no, it's a virtue and a fault. Germany makes bad ass machinery and tools, but the last comedian you had was Joseph Goebbels.

You spelled it correct. I believe its the future and the way to go.

Tbh. I don't see a problem. It's their country, and whatever they decide, it's their prerogative.
Here's the thing: The poles have seriously little tolerance for foreigners misbehaving, and a high degree of protectionism, the second one of these rapefugees even attempts to touch a girl or steal or generally just not closely adhere to the rules, that one and the entire batch of them that came with him will get a beating so bad, they wish they were subdued by whatever overlord they fled from.
So on that sentiment, it's perhaps not so bad the government decided against letting them in.

Are you looking forward to 60 euro cent kw prices? Are you aware that it's already failing? Did you know that DE hasn't reduced their CO2 in 8 years and can't meet their goals?