I'm an argie... ask what you want

i'm an argie... ask what you want.


>are you white?

no, we are PROUDLY an amerindian country.



>where do you live?

Rosario < Santa fe < Argentina

>gurl or boi?


Other urls found in this thread:


Ever been to SMA? And do you like reading?

¿Por qué siempre dices "che" en cada oración?

i'll ask you politley to stay the fuck off the falklands

You guys are really Italian, aren't you?

SMA? what's that?...

not that much, the only book i have read because i want to was Rapture (Bioshock).

Nose, es automatico... en ningun momento nos enseñan a decirlo, simplemente lo aprendes de algun lado y lo repetis toda tu vida... algunos dicen que es por una costumbre de los italianos que decian "CE" o algo asi, para mi es puro humo.

it's ok... i don't even have enough money to go to the downtown of my city.

i have italian citizenship (pic related... i have to go for my passport that day)

San martin de los andes. Its on the west coast near chile. Everyone i know in argentina always abbreviates it to SMA. I frequently go there, my father in law runs a bookstore there so I was curious if you ever went.

oh i got it... nope, i never went out of my city except for buenos aires with the school.

Que opinas de los mapuches?

Buenas noches.
¿Alguna opinión sobre los resultados de las ultimas elecciones?

I've been there, fucking beautiful

Movimiento politico, de ambos lados.

Nada, siquiera fui a votar.

¿No se supone que tenes una multa por eso?

I agree, aside from just visiting the family its so fucking nice compared to the everyday droll of new york (where I live), the wife and I try to go at least once a year but werent able to this year unfortunately

Se supone... no fui a votar en las anteriores y no me pusieron nada, igual prefiero pagarlas.

who do the falkland islands belong to?

Not op but Malvinas are Argentine


Nope. Argentinians have no claim on the islands

i told you those islands belong to fucking penguins....................... they will rule the fucking world.

British penguins

¿Que preferencias/gustos musicales tienes, compañero?

3412107266 ya sabes que es

Again,they inherited those islands from the Virreinato del Rio de la Plata, then the English settled unscrupulous there and expulsed the original inhabitants

you got me there.

En español todo lo que es el rock nacional y el rock uruguayo, y en ingles Nirvana (youtube.com/watch?v=bZgtMchcOy0 escuchando ahora), Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Gorillaz y poco mas... Me gusta la musica tranqui.

una scort o un transa?

Na soy yo jajaja

Falkland Islands


Que tipo de musica te gustas?? Estoy aprendiendo espanol.

My father is an argie, but i live in another country.

Haven't been to the fatherland in 15 years and i'm planing on going there next year. What should i expect?

Oh, me encanta Gorillaz... ¿piensas ir al Festival BUE o a Lolapalooza (que estaran los RHCP)?

favorite yerba mate brand

Don't you ever come here it's disgusting

Are you hoping Argentina to win the World Cup this time?

What's yor last name? Also tell me most common last name in your municipality

>caring about the World Cup

we dont need more black people, dont come here, inmigrants ruined our country



not op but brazil will win

How is your English so good?

>En español todo lo que es el rock nacional y el rock uruguayo, y en ingles Nirvana (youtube.com/watch?v=bZgtMchcOy0 escuchando ahora), Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Gorillaz y poco mas... Me gusta la musica tranqui.

Esta cancion te puede ayudar mucho, casi todos los que aprenden español la escuchan jaja, porque decidiste aprender español?

Mmmh... where are you living right now? it deppend because every city is different, i recommend you to go for Buenos Aires (CABA)... there you got tango, nice meet, friendly people, a lot of french influence (in the architecture),etc...

Mmmhh... nope.

i can't... i'm the only one with this last name in my city haha... you could find me easly.

That bad? Last time i went it looked fine for me... What changed?

Oh ok, so yours Aguante and Miranda is common is that what you mean?


No, hablo de que amo tu país solo porque escupió a Miranda y es de mis favoritos

We are the best country in latam speaking english.

and my city is the best one in the whole country.


>and my city is the best one in the whole country.

There's a shit load of soul niggers here I call them that because they are lighter skin color but still act like niggers they kill you for a couple of bucks



Family is actually from Buenos Aires (Caseros and Palomar, really). I used to go every year until i was 15 (that was in 2003), so i'm quite familiar with the cultural background.

I'm wondering more what changed in this time.

>Santa Fe
>Best city in the whole country



Insecurity and prices... now everything is more expensive.

>Be Rosarino
>Someone call you Santafesino

Recien lo leo, me gustaria ir pero de pedo tengo para cargar la tarjeta de colectivo jaja

Nobleza Gaucha

>be rosarino
>be comegatos
lol xD



El BUE no cuesta taaaaanto, pero el Lolapalooza ya me parece un robo.

Gonna keep that in mind when planning the trip.

¡Gracias, viejo!

Te consideras newfag, normie, redditfag o Oldfag

you're welcome (:

Si mal, estoy esperando que algun día hagan algo en Rosario asi gasto lo menos posible en transporte, estadia y esas cosas jaja

Ni idea, entre en el 2012 mas o menos pero no entendia nada y a la semana deje... recien hace dos años aprendi a usar la página... yo diria que newfag.

Parte de mi familia es de Ecuador y Puerto Rico. Tuve buen suerto porque ha visitado los lugares de mi abuelo y abuela. Pienso que durante los vaccaciones de invierno passado tiemp con mi abuela for tres semanas y solomente hablo espanol con ella.

por que te decis argie a vos mismo, es despectivo


Ahora lo importante, ¿Qué estarías dispuesto a sacrificar para tener el fantasma de Ricky Fort como Stand?

Si pero me gusta como suena, aparte escribir argentine o argentinian se me hace re largo.

Ahhh hablas bien el español che, te faltan pulir unas cosas pero vas bien! hace cuanto que estas aprendiendo?

Que no estaria dispuesto a sacrificar... :'(

favorite country?


Argie too. imo doesnt care who owned the islands first, Argentina and England fought a war for them and England won. thats it. Its like any other war, whoever wins gets the price. i dont care if anyone calls me a traitor, thats the reality and we cant do anything about it.

las malvinas son inglesas

>no, we are PROUDLY an amerindian country.
Speak for yourself nigger

>Rosario < Santa fe < Argentina
Oh... that make sense. Enjoy your narcoprovincia

take it easy m8, is an Sup Forums meme

>proudly amerindian
argentina is actually autistic
every single argentina poster is a newfag who can't even meme correctly
all of you should commit suicide

colombia master race

That halfniggery that you use to speak is hurting my eyes.


If Maradona runs for president of Argentina do you think he stands a chance of being elected?

Me Mori de risa

To all the latiniggers.
Stop trying to be cool.

Your existence stop being important since 1930


good boi.

sadly... yes.

are the nazis hiding there

Concuerdo totalmente con este chabon

>Acusado de drogas
>Acusado de insultar a sus seguidores
>Hace mucho que a nadie le importa su existencia
>Dejo de ser importante en todo ámbito futbolístico
>No tiene idea de política y menos de hacer discursos
>Demasiado viejo

Parece que estoy describiendo a Trump lol

i'm honduran and they are not even close to being niggers
and even if they are at least they're not ugly halfbreed spanish/moorish/native monkey mongols who wish they were white

>filthy frank reaction pic
thanks for proving my statement about you retards being unable to make actually humorous jokes

Where in Argentina can I find girls like this?

I'm Norwegian, by the way.

do you think there 's life in other planets?

Kek it says it on her arm

Usuahia, Bariloche, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Cordoba and maybe Mendoza.

ofc i do.

Who looks cuter in a helmet?


Gracias amigo. Por todo mi vida. Mi primero parabla fue "agua". Agua por mi ojos azuled de mi bisabuelo Juan. Tuve clases de espanol en escuela. Necesito cuatro semestres de un idioma para colegeo, por eso voy a vaccaciones con me abuela in Florida.

Que quires hacer en to tiempo libre??

You don't argue against that 1930 thing.

I've been in Colombia before, and I know they look almost white. But I use "nigger" for the fact that they are latins.

Eh! che que envidia de hilo! que buena te armaste aquí, saludos y suerte! por aquí vamos a andar a ver que

What do you think of macri ?
why is he a cat ?
Have you ever been to the USA?
What do you think about the NWO?

What's your favorite cumbia song?

No esperaba mucho de este hilo y aún así, me decepcionó

En Argentina le decimos negros a todos. Mis propios amigos me dicen negro y soy albino.
A mi amigo asiático le decimos negro-ilegal
A mi amigo negro le decimos blanquito
Tenemos ese tipo de humor.

Le decimos "gato" (Cat) a los ladrones

what is the difference between peruvians and argentinians?