Fuck is there anything easier than picking up pussy as a famous athlete? It's the perfect combination of rich...

Fuck is there anything easier than picking up pussy as a famous athlete? It's the perfect combination of rich, famous and athletic.

>the benefits of being rich
>girls know you have to be in some sort of shape (unlike fat as fuck or nerdy loser millionaires
>famous enough that the bitches can get exposure
>known by all dumb bitches because you're not a company CEO/inventor

it's literally the perfect medium between random guy and rich billionaire piece of shit

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Doesn't really make sense. A billionaire would still get more pussy

this. if all youre after is getting pussy, money trumps literally everything. billionaire men have access to women and experiences average joes like us will never get

>rich billionaire piece of shit
doesnt matter if he's a piece of shit. all that matters is the billionaire part.

Girl from my high school ended up marrying a famous baseball player years back. I can confirm it's pretty much the sluttiest of the slutty who stalk these athletes in hopes of wooing one of them over into an easy life. I mean good for them if it actually works out and they end up happy together. But pretty much any girl looking to hook up with an athlete is looking to get knocked up for that free ride.

not really. theres an enormous difference between having sex with a beautiful woman who is crazily attracted to you and having sex with a beautiful woman who has been paid $50k to fuck you. there are some things that money just cant buy.

those women look quite rotund

forgot to address this point:
>known by all dumb bitches because you're not a company CEO/inventor
>known by all

"what if she's a gold digger" will always be in the back of your mind

if youre an unknown rich fuck with millions/billions you can afford to set up an "average joe" life where you drive a modest 2009 toyota, have roommates in some apartment, and live a lifestyle of someone making 50k/year. that's how you'd weed out the gold diggers.

cant do that when fame is one of your defining qualities.

>crazily attracted to you
yea because of your fame

Any woman that's a 9 or above is getting paid in some way or another to fuck you no matter how fit and aesthetic you are. Guys without money will never truly land a 9 or 10.

i read a short article somewhere the other day where a retired anonymous NBA player was saying how much better rested NBA players are now because of Tinder and DM's especially on road trips.
He basically said when he was playing you would go out after the game go to the club for a few hours to get a girl, get food on the way back, actually take the taxi back blah blah bahl and by the time they got done fucking and he would go to bed it would be like 3 in the morning everynight. He said now players just wait for a chick to hit them up, tell them where to be after the game, they fuck and then are in bed early getting rest.

players today are soft

>yea because of your fame
No. Most professional athletes are tall, muscular and have masculine faces i.e. strong jaw high cheek bones. Aswel as having dominant competitive personality. All the things that woman are attracted to. The money and fame is just an insane multiplier. These guys would be getting laid like crazy anyway.

that's some freakonomics shit right there

t. virgin on the internet

>needing to be an athlete
>needing to be famous
>even needing to be a decent human being

>betas work hard to create dating systems
>alphas hijack them and get all the bitches

Sorry if the truth hurts. I'm fine fucking solid 7's and 8's.

I would guess that means they're at point of starvation for the average American

This hedonistic lifestyle is very unhealthy.

Also, rich guys will get their pick of women, if they want to, regardless of being nerdy CEOs or athletes.

things losers say to shield their egos

Look at my flag. It is not exactly hard to be a super hedonist here.

You'll never post that article though

You can fuck 9 and 10 18year olds everyday of the week if you are a skeevy 30year old drug dealer in a college or beachside town. or even if you have a motorcycle and scars and tattoos

Here's the full article. I guess what i read, wherever that was was just a summary. So you can read this, or live with my summary of a summary


>Most professional athletes are tall, muscular and have masculine faces i.e. strong jaw high cheek bones
>These guys would be getting laid like crazy anyway.
so "women are attracted to Chad and would be attracted to him even if he wasnt a famous athlete" is your argument?

no shit sherlock



It says in the article they don't use Tinder but instead Instagram and they have a middleman arrange everything.

Protip: these women are prostitutes and not girls posting with their Labrador Retrievers




nah he is too busy grabbing it

I think OP is saying it's easier being a famous athlete because you're well known to dumb girls. Most girls don't know who Elon Musk is but they know who Lebron is, so you roll up in the club as Lebron they literally come up to you, you have to put forth no effort

At a party during a summer of my college years.
Linebacker for SEC powerhouse in attendance.
Tells us how we have no idea how women throw themselves at the players and how careful the players have to be to avoid negative shit (everything from stds to assault allegations).
It's one of those good problems to have.