I have a question for Europeans. What was your age when you first saw a non-white person?

I have a question for Europeans. What was your age when you first saw a non-white person?

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0 years 0 days

0 years 0 days

-9 months

0 years 0 days

15 years, the first time I saw a North Brazilian. Was pretty traumatic.

probably as a kid when i went to a football tournament in sweden

like when I was 15 years old or so
it was an african warehouse worker at a department store

I think i was 3 year old
I saw a veiled woman and called her a ninja according to my parent

From day one, this place is so overrun by niggs it hurt

I saw a gypsy in kindergarten. I remember when we were singing songs and walking around holding hands in a circle I didn't want to touch his hand because it was super wrinkly and gross, but it wasn't in fact his skin color that disgusted me, but his palms.

Black people...that's tricky. In TV you obviously saw them, but they were American, so it had very little meaning to me. In elementary school there were a few female black singers on national TV, I kinda liked them. They were Hungarian on the "inside" that's all that mattered. Then in 5th grade our sister class had an actual black girl for a year, she was kind and really smart, her father was a doctor too.

At the tender age of 39, single most traumatizing event of my adulthood

There are plenty of gypsies and Kazakhs around my town, so I had to be pretty young.

I saw a regățean for the first time when I was 4

You mean in real life? 13 I think. It was abroad though.

I saw one negro when I was 10. He bought me and my female friend an ice-cream and then we ran away because we didn't know what to expect from black people especially when they buy you something. After that I haven't seen one in many years. Now you can see them from time to time in Moscow. Mostly, they are students btw. No old niggers here.

He wanted to molest you.

Very probably. Good that we were smart enough to get away from him.

Too bad you are not smart enough to not take krokodil lmao.


Haven't seen anyone who do something tougher than weed.

>Who does

That was a rather cruel joke, Jan

Gypsy - 5
Nigger - 21

7 or 8, there were loads of asians in my school

18 years, on a trip to north Italy, I remember seeing a black guy and thinking "Oh, looks just like in American movies".

It's not that weird today though, because I moved to the capital and live near the UK embassy so I see different people every day on my way to uni.