Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

I support white pride by existing


The white race is genetically superior... Why not be proud?

yeah, it just takes grace. you don't gotta present your pride. you just know...

black skin has less chance of getting skin cancer

The same people who tell you that they shouldn't have to apologize or recognize that their ancestors owned slaves because they're not the ones who owned them are the quickest to then claim the good deeds of their ancestors as their own. It's fucking hilarious.

Not a retard and don't give two shits about humanity let alone any ethnicity.

That's because being black is cancer unto itself. What is the sun going to do, give their cancer cancer and cure cancer by killing cancer with cancer? wait, that might work.

Irony is a concept not taught thoroughly in the South.

because I have an IQ over 60

Last year while I was in Japan, I raised and taught 40 wild dolphins to kill and mame, I have now released them into the ecosystem so dolphins can stand a chance against dolphin hunters, so far I've heard of 2 cases of dolphins eating Asian people this year.

I can't say that is or isn't true because I haven't read anything about that. For the most part the white race has far better genetics when you look at overall illness rates even those that reside outside culturally perpetuated illnesses like diabetes. Intelligence levels, better physical proportions, better hair and the impact we have on society show a clear pattern. I could keep going but I don't really feel like it rn

yeh na yeh na, ur fucked cunt thats retarded

Lol honestly from a white point of view, if they really want to separate the Country I could say something along the lines of "My white money for ,y white taxes should go towards white community's, I'm not here to pay some dirty Africans,Islamics,Asians way

Sort of like how the same people who have been fed and clothed and provided for entirely by the government for generations say that the government owes them reparations because hundreds of years ago their ancestors were fed and clothed by white people in basically the same way as now, except it was private citizens instead of the government and they had to do some work in return for it back then. That is pretty hilarious as well.

i agree about all of that, it makes complete sense. but all im saying is that black skin is superior to white skin

Hey, if whites want their money spent better, and blacks want all the taxs to go towards their welfare/food stamps, we should beable to vote for a white party to finance white peoples taxs into something more constructive

Everyone needs a support group.

Lmfao in the end, there will be a civil war, whites vs blacks, Mexicans vs Jews and so on.

I don't support any idealogues

I have my accomplishments to be proud of so I don't need to fall back on some aspect of my identity to avoid deep-seated feelings of worthlessness like white pride folks do.

im white I swear


Their skin is ugly and always grossly dry. I dont agree that it's superior because you can find studies that show Caucasian skin to be better at resisting most diseases much more effectively then blacks

You get off on justifying slavery or what?

You know what we do to niggers?

Probably. I'll be in my basement making jokes about it on the internet either way, so I'm looking forward to it really.

It's not about white pride or privilege, I just don't think that my tax money should go to fixing up Martin Luther king Boulevard, I see way better options updating the schools or community's, I'm not paying my taxs so crack heads can have a nice street, fuck that

There should be some white pegs in south africa

Why would you be proud of something that happened by chance?
>Spoiler: Because you have nothing else.

"Don't cut down the tree from the bottom, cut the branches off and surely it will fall!"


I support White pride. I also support other races' right to their own pride.

White guilt and racism are not mutually exclusive. You can be neither.


I agree. Could you imagine how far we would get if our money wasn't drained by those who knowingly and openly abuse the benefits system? We wouldn't have had to cut NASA or art programs in schools, we'd have more money for education and infrastructure let alone tons to spend on scientific research and thus advancements

You see that is a valid point, but stormtards don't think like that. It's all about accomplishments they had nothing to do with.

>It's not about white pride or privilege
Then why are you responding to me, given that I responded to someone asking "why not support white pride?"?

what the fuck is white pride? no really what is it?

But what if I know, deep inside, that something I had no control over literally makes me more human than them?

White pride is for mixed blood mutts.

I've got German pride.

Lmfao for some reason the USA and Canada have to completely fuck up their countries while Asia and India sit there with their hands up their asses. As far as I'm concerned Canada is taking in European Refugees of the Caucasian Descent.
Paris is Nigger trash island.

Just being glad your not a filthy nigger. It's quite simple my friend.

Then you won't mind me enjoying the new Wolfenstein. Cheers!

you are dumber then most black people i know


I kek'd!

>We wouldn't have had to cut NASA or art programs in schools, we'd have more money for education and infrastructure let alone tons to spend on scientific research and thus advancements
It's amusing that you velieve that excess money would go to any of that but in reality it would go toward offsetting a trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthy or to the military so they can recruit more GED graduates.

It's what happens when a white person avoids acknowledging his mediocrity by taking credit for good things that people with similar skin tone have done and distances himself from bad things that people with other skin tones have done.

A bunch of people that go "hurr durr I'm partially eastern european but I definitely didn't descend from the barbarians and animal fuckers that roamed the land, my great grand poppy was a peasant farmer so I'm better than blacks"

No, I'm mostly just pointing out that for as much as niggers bitch about slavery and think they're owed reparations, we've basically been paying for them to sit on their asses and do nothing for the 150 some odd years they've been free. During slavery, whites basically fed and clothed blacks and took care of them, and in return they did field work. Now, whites basically feed and clothe blacks and take care of them, and in return they ruin neighborhoods, shoot each other, and apparently expect reparations on top of the money they already get to just sit around and do nothing.

When you wake up on a Saturday morning, it's 9am, gf is making bacon and eggs, you go to the bathroom, and you proceed to have the most amazing 2 1/2 minute piss of your life, that is white privileged.

I’m proud of my English heritage, I’m proud of being Australian. Yeah, I’m white, that isn’t really an accomplishment though. Be proud of your culture and history not your skin colour you colossal faggot.

Whire Pride makes faggots into edgelords

just what i thought no one knows... fucking sheeple

German pride is for mixed blood mutts.

I've got Berlin pride.

I velieve.

Did you not read the entire thread? He was saying if we could vote on where to direct the spending... The money we spend on other races to leach off of the system is absurd along with the support to illegals while Americans are still dying of starvation and preventable diseases. That makes no sense whatsoever. They could take more money towards military spending because it wouldn't matter. Without the other races we would be unstoppable.

I dont want to be apart of any shit group anyone makes
id rather make money and watch it all from an ivory tower
i think any group that takes race seriously is kinda dumb and pointless
this includes BLM

Central Asians are considered white.

Berlin pride is for mixed blood mutts.

I've got Unter den Linden pride

Berlin Pride is for mixed blood mutts.

I've got Tiergartan pride.

and you think all black people are like this?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

and that's why you're a poorfag rolling around in the mud

First of all, I don't really care. But if I did care, what does it mean to be proud of being white? That you feel good about what other white people have done throughout the history? Like inventing stuff and building advanced technology?

That white pride thing though seems to be about being pro torture and supression of other races. I am not for that at all. I don't think humans should be sent to extermination camps lol. But maybe it is not the same thing? I think it is hard to tell really.

i'm not proud of what i am or anything i could be

im white
great grandparents couldnt even afford slaves
apple didnt fall far from the tree
im broker than hell too but at least im aloud to be high now

Unter den Linden pride is for mixed blood mutts.

I've got Zeughaus arsenal pride.

There's nothing wrong with white pride, the problem is with thinking that makes you better in anyway then any other race.

>That white pride thing though seems to be about being pro torture and supression of other races.
It is.

Honestly, what if Taxes were race oriented, like black peoples taxes went to black communities, white peoples taxes go to white communities, only reason people would be against this is Welfare and food stamp niglets.

define "white pride" and then i'll explain whether or not I support it... and give you a breakdown of exactly why

I would recommend balancing out all the Andrew Anglin and Mein Kampf with some different reading material as well. All viewpoints are necessary.

I agree that there are differences between races, Judaism and all its mutations suck, and even that some Nazis bring up valid points that neither conservatives nor liberals want to discuss.

But the thing that differentiates us from monkeys is something that isn't race specific. Anyone can develop it. Mind over matter is a thing, even in cases of fucked up genes. Even black people can transcend niggerdom and become presidents. And there are white niggers out there, too.

If you only want to hang around White people and only breed with White people, do that, but the opinion that being White makes you superior indicates a lack of understanding about other races and how evolution works in general.

Zeughaus arsenal pride is for mixed blood mutts.

I've got northeasternmost corner of the basement of the Zeughaus arsenal pride.

Nature is uneven. The white race is genetically superior physically and mentally. We had to be to survive harsh winters and more difficult terrain and it shows now in statistics.

Lmfao, when blacks were slaves in Africa, they had shit lives, shit jobs, shit deaths, now that we bought them from other blacks, we can take them to America to do our work, yayayayayay

Not every white person had slaves
The civil war was over states rights
Abraham Lincon wanted the slaves back in Africa
Would you have liked that alternative?

This picture is so stupid.

According to it, italians, germans, austrians, dens are not white.

Southamerica has a lot of white people, too.

I wonder (((who))) made the image. It's just propaganda to divide the white race.

Not having to pay for some random persons groceries just because they are black? Isn't that racist that white people should have to pay black expenses

weed was not discovered by whites... like everything else we stole it then said the blacks did it.

>Not every white person had slaves
missing the point
>The civil war was over states rights
to enslave people
>Abraham Lincon wanted the slaves back in Africa
Again, missing the point.

>The civil war was over states rights
Revisionist horseshit.

Then they would leave because too many of them are unemployed and would find somewhere else to leach or demand our money again.I work 10 hour days to build a better life for myself while going to school full time and these apes end up with more spending money then I do on "disability" and welfare.

Abe should have sent them back, I think we would have conquered Africa and Caucasified it by now.

Because its not important to me.

rolled cigarettes were found in Cuba when Spain showed up is ever smoker a cultural appropriator even the blacks?

Thats not true. Lots of different cultures have been using weed for a very long time... If you're referring to the black jazz players in the 30's remember that we were farming weed since Jamestown

Who cares about inventions, if we put this into perspective 99.6% of all influential inventions came from non black contributors. And 90% of anything they use on a daily basis was invented by a white dude.

>I've got northeasternmost corner of the basement of the Zeughaus arsenal pride.

Why do your kind always hog the potato salad at arsenal potlucks? Didn't your kind get enough to eat from your women's slightly larger than average breasts?

Southwesternmost Corner of Zeughaus Arsenal Pride World Wide!

why should every white person apologize then for the way white people thought back then.
I think you missed the point.

>Abe should have sent them back
That was the plan but some asshole shot him and left us with Johnson, who had other priorities.

Dude I hear ya, I love how we have homeless but we're still carting in Nigerians like they are made of gold, honestly by 2019 europe will be a refugee war zone

Now the blacks can use the internet
wonder who made that

> Being proud of being born with because you you have nearly nothing else to be proud of
Good job at lowering the bar this much.

Bonus maximum self delusion score for how you needed to convince yourself that everyone else is inferior, too, in order to achieve that "elevated" position of yours and your friends.

>Why do your kind always hog the potato salad at arsenal potlucks?
Care to cite a statistic to prove that, southwestfag?
>women's slightly larger than average breasts
Yeah, the same breasts we all know you southwestfags love sucking on in secret. How does it feel knowing you're a traitor to your own kind?

How can it not be important to you?!

It already is. I went to france in novemeber and it was disgusting. There is gangs of muslims and africans walking around pretty much mugging people no police to help and theres no-go zones everywhere

>why should every white person apologize then for the way white people thought back then.
That wasn't the point of the person you were responding to. Carefully reread that post.

You realize there are white people in Argentina, right?