Why are women not funny Sup Forums?

Why are women not funny Sup Forums?

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Sarah millican is. And the short fat one in Spy and Identity Theft, but generally I would agree with op.

Because they try too hard and when they are not funny they blame it on men.

Lauren Lapkus is probably the only genuinely consistently funny woman.

and women aren't funny because they are too emotional

Probably more to do with a prejudice against women, rather than whether they're funny or not. It's one thing to find comedians unfunny foot whatever reason you find listening to them. It's another to claim ALL female comedians are nut funny, because that's simply not true.

I can't say exactly why, but I've never met a female that could consistently make me laugh while I can effortlessly make bitches laugh whenever I want.

Because their comedy is usually targeted at other women.

Natasha Leggero is pretty funny.
It’s hard to imagine a funny female stand up comic when Amy Boomer is the most famous one these days. I can’t understand why people like her.

>too emotional
Kek have you even seen Bill Burr?

KEK. Evedently he has not.

I actually used to work in the comedy industry, there are some great female comics. Just a lot play way too hard on the ‘female comic’ card instead of just doing comedy. Same thing with fat comics, every fucking one has a bunch of fat jokes. For the record most stand up comics are very insecure people to begin with so a lot of their work is a feeble attempt at self validation.

Some people are funny, some aren't. You aren't funny

>implying funny is an objective thing.

as if you knew any

You need life experience for good humor.

Jokes about the kitchen sink stop being funny after the first hundred times.

this. women can imitate comedy but they can't create it.

there's that aussie stand-up comic that goes on rants about getting drunk on wine while ignoring her kids, and the other aussie ventroliquist that does dirty jokes

Yank stand-up is usually pretty bad so makes sense that they have no funny women in comedy.


Because they don't need to be funny.

Comedy is a social evolutionary trait; being funny helps you get laid.

Every female "comedian" learns comedy through men, they'll often have a lot of brothers, or something of that sort.

Simply put, comedy is a man's game, like putting on make-up is a woman's game.

booty too mmmmm

There was a study that suggests through evolution and social evolution that men 'had to' become more funny, in order to be able to secure a partner more easily. A lot of it has to do with testosterone, aggressiveness and humour seem to interconnected.

Having high testosterone and aggressive tendencies isn't a guarantee you will actually be funny, but it will make you think you are.

Shoe0nHead is funny.

I like her little bit sarcastic comedy.

Because they have vaginas

it is not prejudice, but simple experience.
even a broken clock tells the right time 2 times a day


Some women are funny but it isn't the norm vs males.
It is a social mechanism that exists to allow males to interact and alleviate stress without physical interaction.
It also allows for management of stress, emotions and situational understanding.

>Forty keks

Shoe is pretty hilarious. I dig her shit.

May I add that this is a prime example of political correctness desecrating scientific rigour. The exact same backlash happened when James Watson, the guy who discovered dna stated that Africans are not as smart as us, and was crucified for it. The guy was only saying was the data told him. Politics and science are an atrocious pairing


>Unrelated statement followed by what's intended as a direct insult, likey belying a personal slight.
Wonder who's behind this post

Calling yourself fat all the time is not funny. Self depriciating humor is the laziest form of comedy.

It's just like most things, women are ok at it unless you compare them to their male counterparts

First of all what is humor, why are things 'funny' that trigger a laughter response?

When you can answer this question you will know why it is more difficult for women to be as funny as men.

Comedy 9/10 times is utilized as a coping mechanism for people with hardships and problems like depression/OCD and since women dont really know what true failure is like bc of the glass floor they will never be able to really hit home with their routines

I think it has to do with the stigma that women talk literally 100%of the time. They never ever shut up. So their talking rations are way out of proportion to being funny and annoying. So they try harder to be funny when they really only have one liners.

Guys on the other hand tend to not talk as much so when you get a funny guy their talking ratio tends to be way funnier because the only time the speak is when they have something funny to say.

Interesting theory.
Have you ever been tested for retardation?


Sarah Silverman is funny af tho

Sarah is nothing but shock humor for 15 year olds.

>stop liking comedians i don't like

count me in tho. What superb comedy do you recommend, sir? A fine gentleman, such as yourself, sure developt a great feeling for a good chuckle. Please Buzz Killington, enlighten us. you goddamn motherfucking stupid piece of shit.


I get a boner when I think about girls

I think that's pretty funny

Shes not but someone like julia Louie dryfuss can be.

There's actually a pretty good answer to this question, and it has to do with what comedy does and what women do. Comedy is about distancing oneself from emotion, denying emotional attachment, so that someone falling hard off a ladder makes you laugh instead of feel pity. Women are valued for embodying emotion. When a woman tries to be a comic, she repulses people for being unwomanly.


off to school with you youngling

i beg to differ. sarcasm is the laziest.

self depricating humor is hilarious when you talk about jacking off.


Fucking LAUGH at me you SHITLORD.

this is true. and usually, comedy crowds will generally have more men no matter the sex of the comic. it makes it awkward to tell jokes that are targeted at 30-40% of an audience.

How do you explain the popularity of black comics with majority white audiences tho?
The fact is, women just aren't good at stand-up.

Cause its still dudes talking mostly to dudes

Talking mostly to whites about being black.

There are exceptions but most women comedians cannot resist targeting their women audience and tampon jokes get cringy after a while. They go for the low-hanging fruit, they make half of their audience flinch to the point where they're happy to see them get off the stage..

See This point is proven every single thread lmao

The easiest way for a black comedian to appear funny to whites and Hispanics is to reinforce black stereotypes. Its a technique pretty much every black comedian uses especially when the majority if their following is white

I have tried watching all female comedians on netflix, result: 0 laughs holy fuck theyre horrible

Women can be funny. I don't know why everyone's talking about comedians.

Look at me I did a sex thing. Look at me hilariously fight the patriarchy

The worst is when they stop telling "jokes" to "get serious for a minute" towards the beginning or end of their act. They try to turn the whole shit into a speech like anyone is going to listen to a woman who just spent an hour talking about her dirty vagina

>haha I eat a lot and say words like clunge

Because comedians are supposed to be funny, hence the name. If you are talking actresses, the chick from always sunny is pretty funny but her new show is major network cookie cutter trash.


Easy, because they whine, claim to be victims and can't laugh at themselves except as an excuse to blame a man. You know, kinda like Democrats

>like democrats

My niga trump goes apeshit over the sligest mean comment towards him

Her stand-up is awful but shes probably a freak in the sack

Arms like a werewolf

That's quite the swarthy forearm she's got there

They are not self deprecating enough. They try to be shitty and vulgar, but at the end of the day most guys in the audience would still fuck them. Men, on the other hand, are able to make me believe they could possibly be living in the dumpster out back.

He goes apeshit because people focus more on insulting him rather than the insane amount of problems facing our country at the moment.
>North Korea
>racial division
>"gender" division
>antifa morons
>shitty healthcare
>like twelve hurricanes
>over 3 million illegals sucking the economy
>Sports players who are supposed to be national symbols bashing America
>huge rise in neo nazis and kik
>mass shooting aftet mass shooting
You know he can be an idiot sometimes but he was handed some real shit.

There is not a huge rise in neo nazis, just more coverage.

Incest redneck detected

Yeah that's what I meant, I wasn't specific enough. The neo nazis and kkk have been more active.

men need to have character in order to be accepted socially. women get accepted more easily just for being pretty, so they don't need things like a good sense of humor.

On top of that, a lot of women try to do comedy now, just because they're told that they can do anything a man can do. People treat them like they're special just because they're women that are doing something that mostly men do. those women then think that their vagina is the most important thing about them and their comedy acts then turn into "me is woman. me have bobs and vageen. laugh at funny joke!"

See that's the problem. People who don't agree with trump literally cannot see a single valid point made in his favor/ defense. Thats why we arent getting anywhere no one does anything constructive they just throw insults around like a bunch of children. And FYI I live in the northeast and graduated from Brown you fucking degenerate.

women take themselves to serious.

But more importantly they are not mentally free.

They need to be in some form of bitch-mode because that is how they manipulate other beings to somewhat do what they want.

And as they don't have any other form of interaction they cannot show something else, aka something funny.

Men have stuff like cooperation, and trust.
They can do things for themselves,
and they know that they are part of a group, no matter what mental state they present.
So they can explore being funny, without the fear of losing their lifeline to influencing other people.


The only women remotely funny.

Yeah, I'll take "Why democrats lost the election" for 600, Alex.

This isn't funny. It's "cute."

I remember reading an article, ironically written by a woman, about why women are not funny.

Basically, girls are encouraged from a young age to not be funny. Think about who your class clown was, the one who could always get a laugh out of you no matter how down you were, and it will almost always be a male.

Clowning around, mouthing off to the biggest bullies, and drawing attention to yourself are staples of a good comic, but considered very unladylike behavior. This rings very true for me, because the only funny, extroverted girl I ever knew, the only one who could beat the boys at their own game, came out as a lesbian when she was 15. (Most adults could tell she was one at 10.)

I was at a comedy club two weeks ago on a stag party and one of the acts was female. Her stuff was basically what you would expect: shock jokes about the etiquette of swallowing cum versus eating pussy. Stuff that most men got tired of joking about when they were 13, in other words. From a 30 year old woman.

She could tell she was losing the audience as the act went on, and responded by getting louder and shriller to the point where she was basically just screaming histrionically to the crowd. Great. That sure showed the nay-sayers.


Seriously, man. When they are wrong or backed into a corner without a counterargument they lash out like an injured animal. Btw, I'm telling you this cause it hasnt been televised (obviously) but they finally discovered Hillary paid a private company to "try and find a connection between Trump and Russia." Its going to court soon apparently it's legit. If you google Hillary and law firm or Hillary Russia it pops up on every major and independent news company out there.

I fucking hate what they did to this show. Its such garbage now. Past 3 seasons have been unwatchable

>muh son cried

Someone should try making a valid point once in a while.

Personally, I say give it a chance. They haven't quite figured out how to do an arc over multiple episodes, but it' still good for the occasional one-off gag.

It's funny how even the women themselves are too stupid to realize the real difference between men and women: They need to pay for being clean. A man can stay in the woods for weeks, shit cleanly, piss cleanly and that's it. Might stink a bit, okay.
Women however, would bleed after a month, it would turn out to be disgusting. The blood would run down their legs etc.
So in short: Women must pay for survival. They need to pay for tampons and whatnot to stay clean and not reek like a dead animal.

This is the primary cause for butthurt by women, misoginy (it makes all women forced capitalists, some men hate that), feminism ("we wuz dirty'n'sheeit"), the myth that the man has to pay for the womans expenses and all the other shit. You'll notice it as well after thinking about it for a while.

It really grinds my gears why only so few people are aware.

And of course this makes women unfunny, they literally have capitalist/money shit stuck up their vagoos to not bleed all over the place.

tl;dr women are fucked from capitalism by definition bcz need for tampons, hence unfunny

The basic reasons most women aren't funny.

>Most comedians tell jokes from life experience or things that happen to them. Hooking up with as many men as possible from the bar aren't life experiences that translate well on stage.
>Successful comedians are usually intelligent. Women aren't intelligent by nature and are more emotion driven than logic driven.
>Most comedians can make funny jokes by relating to the struggles that people in the audience. Women are held on a pedestal through life and always fail to make those connections nor do they share those same struggles.

I'm sure funny women exist, I just haven't met them yet.

Season 18 wasnt terrible but 19 was unwatchable imo. To be completely honest I think they were so sure Hillary was going to win they had a great season ready, and when Trump won they had to wing it. The part I'm most upset about is Cartmans new dynamic in the show

Low IQ nigger detected.

>Think about who your class clown was

It was a guy named Casey who got in trouble every day but made everyone laugh. He's RIP as of yesterday due to drug overdo... mysterious circumstances.

women are unfunny because period? You failed to draw any sort of connection between women needing tampons and women having a bad sense of humor.
I don't even know how tampons are vital to a womans survival. that's like saying "men can't wipe their ass without toilet paper, so they'd die in the wild and therefore do not know how to tell jokes"
what the fuck are you even on about?

>misogynistic asshole in one post who's taking his frustrations out on women cause he can't get laid
lemme guess you're part of the mgtow movement too?

What's more important: Were you aware about this fact?

Because most men aren't.

Бaбы нe yмeют шyтить пoтoмy чтo oни тyпыe, плюc нe yмeют в caмoиpoнию. Boт и вce.

>Babes do not hesitate to say that they are very kind, they do not go to the world. Boat and all.


>aussie stand-up comic
No thanks


Блять кaк этo пo aнглийcки тo cкaзaть. Жeнщины глyпыe и y них oтcyтcтвyeт caмoиpoния. Пoльзyйcя гyглoм eбaнoe ты живoтнoe