An average 20-year-old from Finland here

An average 20-year-old from Finland here.
I am bored so ask me questions. I can also deliver something.

Heres a pic of Finland on the map because I bet 99% of you ameriburgers had no idea.

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Depressive germanfag here. What makes life up there so amazing? Or is it a hoax that Finland is the happiest country?

How big of a Slut are Finnish ladies? Asking for a fit Pajeet friend.

Not OP, but Denmark is the happiest.


19-year-old danish guy here. How's life in Finland? As depressed, dark and alcohol fueled as here?

You can trust the people, the government the officials etc in here. Maybe it's because it used to be so harsh up here in the past and all the sleazy people escaped to warmer countries.

Also there's only 5-6 mil people so its controllable. There's simply too many of you guys germanbro.

What industry employs the most foreigners?

Frenchfag here, met a Finfag a few years ago in Berlin. Pretty cool guy.
Why so bored ?

Only people in Finland give a fuck where Finland is. Go eat some pissfish and fuck off.

what other country's swears are as fun as Finnish swears to say constantly in your opinion?

also, what's your view on hockey?

Finfag here. Torille?

I remember reading a study while back which pretty much said that out of all european countries finnish women are the most likely to put out

is there more or less gays than Sweden?

How did you guys get so based? How did you guys buttfuck the Russians so hard? //Swefag

Have you ever participated in any swamp sports?
How often do you do sauna?

not finnish, but this guy.

If I manage to trek through the bottom layer of hell to pick up some government booze and ski back past satan's frozen nutsack on a crosscountry trip to your fucking arctic flat, you damned well better put out. Shit.

I think life anywhere can be depressed, dark and alcohol fueled. It's up to you man.

Factory work i guess.

>Why so bored ?
I'm in bed and I can sleep late tomorrow so I have time.

> Only people in Finland give a fuck where Finland is.
I agree

Not now it's bad weather outside.

Thanks bro

>Have you ever participated in any swamp sports?
No, in the army we had to navigate in a forest that was mostly swamp against a time limit thought. Was not fun.
>How often do you do sauna?
2-3 times a week

Another finfag here, op is naive. Finns arent more trustworthy than any other nationalities, and you definetly CANT trust the government...

I would say construction, kebab huts and of course cleaning services and all that.

you are very incorrect

iso pippeli

Finns themselves are trustworthy, but yeah government is just a corrupted pit of snakes.


how is our government corrupt? think about governments that are actually corrupt

Is the gypsy problem still bad over there? with the pizza kings and all that?

How worried are you about Russia?

What makes you popluar in a typical atmosphere in general society there? I hear in England vanity is not rewarded but intelligence gains/wins popularlity there..

>country full of aliens and fuglies
>vanity not rewarded
no shit

charisma tends to be a redeemable feature here

How? How about betraying the whole country to please the EU overlords and getting cushy banker/EU elite jobs? Almost all politicians are completely self-serving shitheads who don't give the slightest fuck about anything other than getting re-elected.

Not to mention the hyvävelijärjestelmä and its rampant abuses of tax money.

har du niiven och krökar kosken som en riktig finnpajsare?

Not OP, but we are not worried that much. We know what they are and are prepared to make shit more difficult than worth it to keep them friendly.

Bää bää

Moor djoor poor duur floor in, de bork bork bork

Mene nyt ap vittuun täältä. Mene ylikselle ruikuttamaan saatana. Tänne kaivata yhtää suomalaists aivovammast.

mer eller mindre lol


Are you sorry for how Sweden has been on a downward spiral?

Do you know this guy? He is literally what I think of when I think of Finland.

Also, do you hate Lapps?

I have family in Finland and I've been there twice to meet them. I know a bit more about Finland than your average user.

How often do you think of killing niggers

How much do you like/hate illegal immigration in Finland?

Where ma boy kalle at?

I know where it is because only because I know people of finnish descent. Otherwise why would I know or care? Do you know where wisconsin is on an unlabeled map of the United States? Stop trying to act elitist.

this is what I think of when I hear someone's Finnish.

I always had a soft spot for Finland. In 1495 an unmarried woman bore a child and now 500+ years later most of that family live in Sweden but i remember my roots. In my familys history tales of great wars in the 1600s and great despair prevailed.

Kiitos, vitun runkkari ap mee ylikselle ulisee jos haluat huomiota.

dunno if ur still here, American who lived in Oulu for 2 years. I love Finland, its so fucking beautiful in the summer. Where u at op

What is the greatest minus of your country?


Well, you are correct in that showing off your wealth etc is frowned upon. High level of schooling is definitely a positive and it has nothing to do with wealth as all the universities etc are free for finns.
Absolutely this, but you can say that about almost any place in the world.

IMO None of what you mentioned are examples of corruption.

Sure but I think they're realizing whats wrong and will rise again.

Well you are quite the intellect then.

Why would I like illegal immigration? I like almost nothing illegal.

Happy belated independence day btw. /swefag

I loved his two english talk videos.

Do you listen to Eläkeläiset?

Have you ever heard a more passionate and meaningful rendition of Jean Sibelius's "Finlandia" than this ?

If you have heard anything better, please post a link to it if possible.

That's East Sweden

Sanoo nolife 4chanisaa suomalaisuuttaan ja "harvinaisuuttaan" ylistävä suomalaine. Hyi vittu. Luulekko saatana et ketään vittuakaan kiinnostaa teidän/meidän paskan maan sijainti. 5 miljoonaa lammasta suomileijonan miekka perseessä

Korppiklaani is the shit when it comes to finnish music. All about partying/drinking. Check out the video to wooden pints. yLYL when the violin guy enters.

Finland doesn't exist Stay woke

Not OP here. But finnish person. The most biggest minus about Finland is the corruption on the highest levels (Pedofile president, prime minister who takes away tax payers money) And of course the immigration invasion that has been happening. We actually have polices to look for hatespeech against islam and immigrants online and you can get up to 2years in prison for saying something that offends illegal immigrants. So yeah.

Who cares about the states? It's all same USA, you can't fool me. Pointing a state in america is equally important to know that a municipality on some democratic European country.

Siis mitä todellista vittua mies, tässähän mä saatana paasaan että mikä perkeleen järki on tässä langassa, ei ketään vittu kiinnosta.

What's this song about?

Did some of finnish guy would consider go to other country or just fight with this in some level? It's like shitty state of country to me.

Finland is boring.
We should raid and steal their women.

Pretty much Britain. Thought Police to the maximum over here, with coppers wasting valuable time targeting internet troll instead of the pedophiles of the BBC and in their own establishments and communities.

Missä päin Suomee asut?

How long is the required military service for a Finnish citizen? And would an immigrant who gained a citizenship be thrown into the army?

Just a bit of banter no need to get frustrated.

And by the way
>Do you know where wisconsin is on an unlabeled map of the United States?

Cool, where do you live?

Here I am. Agree about summer!

Kuka täällä ruikuttaa ja ulisee? Menkää töihin ja ottakaa pää pois perseestänne aivovammaiset.

The taxes are too high.

Very beautiful indeed.

Wow you are so smart! I would love to hear more about your theories on our pedophile president! Where can I subscribe to your newsletter?

same guy who wrote that thing here
People are leaving. Same as people left from Sweden. If you are reading the news you know that people won't go to certain parts of the country because there is too much non-integrated immigrants. That thing is coming to Finland aswell. We have 1 hope and it's politic party Perussuomalaiset. Without them we would be fucked. And the media is all bought and try to make them look like nazis and other stuff for saying bad things about immigration. We have hope but people are still leaving. They are not leaving because the corruption. They are leaving because Finland isn't safe anymore. Although Finland was named the safest country in the past. You can get prison time for saying factual things about illegal immigration. We don't have free speech anymore.

If even 5% of this is true (which it is, it's proven) Sauli Niinistö is a criminal:

What English bands do you like OP?

Youre government is successful and you all have money but I hate finnish people. You're conceited and never genuine and like to one-up people a lot. That's just my experience thought. I'm American and im pretty sure I know more finnish geography than you know American geography.

First off asshole can you point to Arkansas on a map. Also most Amerifats are educated. At least the people who aren't poor. How many people travel to your country to go to university?

Well... In my country it's otherwise. If I would speak about letting imigrants to my country (which I don't want) I would be beaten as hell. But we don't have free speach too. And a lot of special snowflakes.

Now guess from which country I am.

Sweden? Canada? Any country in Europe?



> (You)

>Very beautiful indeed.

Thank you so much for posting such an awesome link, even more quickly than I would ever have thought possible.

The music, and images are absolutely amazing and I am sure you (quite rightly) consider yourself to be very fortunate to live in such a great country.

..... just as I consider myself to be fortunate to live here in England.

Nice bedtime story here. I would like to see some documents backing up the facts stated here though.

No one is leaving Finland like you are claiming. You can go anywhere in Finlnad and be perfectly safe. I can say anything and no one will arrest me.

Do you actually go outside? Do you know people outside the internet? Do you actually do anything ever? You should. It would help you clear your head and think from multiple points of view unlike you do now. I know you think you've figured it all out but in actuality you havent. I used to be the same way.

Tell me more.

>can you point to Arkansas on a map
Yes. I was just making fun of the irrelevancy of Finland from your point of view. I quarantee if i asked 10 random U.S citizens from the street to point Finland on the map no one would get it.

I bet that one experience you had, the guy must have been drunk. People sure can be conceited but bragging about anything here is very uncool. Also people don't like getting compliments and are very bad saying good things about themselves. Everything is looked with pessimistic and negative way.


Go to itis and scream "neekerit vittuu kaksoispiste dee"

Eii saa peitää.
Routsilainen reporting in.

>Korpiklaani is shit
Fixed. We actually have some metal too.

>And would an immigrant who gained a citizenship be thrown into the army?
Yes but immigrants aren't wanted or welcome here.

Life in finland is shit. Everyone is depressed and wants to kill themselves, everything is far as fuck from anything, everyhing is expensive as fuck, everyone just wants to drink and get wasted. I think of finns as the european rednecks, moonshine, booze, fucking their relatives, iq lower than your shoe size, think they are the best and everything in finland is so great, when theyve never even tried to see how things are elsewhere.

Also finns hate everyone who isnt finn or like from the same village they are from. They hate anyone whos been to abroad and live in their tiny circle, never even wanting to look how things could be better. Especially when talking about immigrations some finns become complete retards because theyve not actually even thought what it means or who those people are and why they come there, they just think they come there to steal and rape. Again what american rednecks think of mexicans. Im sorry but i just fucking hate some finns

Finland doesn't exist.

my favourite Finnish metal band

And we hate you. Now get out of here.

I'm American and after living in Finland for 2 years I think you've just met too many shit people. I made many friends there, so long as you're always ready for drinking you can have a really good time.

I not like my peers know of your position on the map even without it's name. I wish my equals could understand the world but nay, they only know of the Pumpkin spice latte :(



Its too cold for the arabs, so no immigrants

First--nice job awesome commandos WWII vs Nazis.

Second--how pickup the hot women you have in Scandanavia if visiting tourist--G damn you have beautiful women in Sweden, Norway and Finland.