Who else wasted their youth looking and screens and sitting on their ass?

Who else wasted their youth looking and screens and sitting on their ass?

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I sorta did.
I mean, I worked out, rode my bike tens of hours a week, and built and painted miniatures/models and stuff.
But I had no friends at all, married my first girlfriend, and never went past second grade.

I feel like playing lots of Vidya and browsing the web robbed me of a lot of potential though, and I think that's what you're getting at, right?

now i'm wasting my adulthood doing the same thing

Its never too late to change, man. Just start doing shit, start sleeping right and eating right, stop using the internet except for research/learning. Its hard but worth it man, trust me.

Me too user. Should we even care. It seems like society has thrown us aside. I just want to feel real for once.

>society has thrown us aside
we threw ourselves aside
we have nobody else to blame for our shitty life choices

I've lost 15 pounds since the Spring. It feels good to be healthy, but I feel like everyone around me is so different. There have only been two people outside of my family that I've been able to have meaningful conversations with.

How would you know? Your're right here on Sup Forums with the rest of us.

The only other option in my neighborhood was to be a degenerate. I didn't want to do that. 3 people OD'd on heroin in my street. How can we truely be happy when those around us are terrible. We are a pack species.

jesus christ its possible to be a functioning normal person with friends and spend large amounts of your time on a computer, classic autistic wallowing going on here, hurr durr im so different and outcast.

Its fine man, its like any other process, it takes time and effort. Sometimes it takes more time for people than others, don't give up and just say that you're hopeless, that is taking the easy way out and just reverting you back into depression. All you need to do is put yourself into situations that make you uncomfortable, for example you could go to a math/chess club or some other event that smart people usually go to, and start talking a whole lot of ridiculous bullshit. If you are able to say stupid, ridiculous things that you know are wrong and listen to the obvious criticism that you are going to receive, you should be able to talk to people regularly. Start building up your conversation skills, chat up random people, say hi to people walking by you or things like that. You will become more confident, and thus look and act more confident, which is a trait that attracts people. Look at drug addicts or murderers, they sometimes literally have swarms of people to talk to. You can make it man, the process is going to be hard and shitty but trust me bud, keep trying at it and failing over and over again, eventually you will get what you desire.

There's a difference between a 1 hour/less activity and staying online all day, I sparingly use my computer to fuck around, just decided to hop on and waste some time. No need to be a pussy about it

Nice simplification... I'd like to hear more.

How bout my whole life


Thanks user. I'm only 19 and my life is improving. I can change myself as much as I want, but I can't see how I can change others. I think I'll take your advice and seek out similar people. I guess what I really desire is to live in a different culture. I'm nostalgic for something that doesn't even exist.

Me, but I had good times. My only regret was that I never got pussy

Everyone in this generations spends inordinate amounts of time on a computer, even popular social idiots who live for the gram spend insane amounts of time on their phones. You cant blame you're pathetic lifestyle on computers, at any point of any day so far you could have spent 1 hour going outside or something like that, no ones forcing you to stay inside and wallowing around in self pity claiming you're different is a waste of everyones time.

That sucks user. The pussy itself isn't as great as you would think, but having a companion is nice. Too bad I'm a loser... I'm not currently the type of guy that attracts women.

I'm a massive nerd, game artist and spend most of my free time gaming/smoking weed. Yet i've had many girlfriends, have a solid group of friends and go outside every single day. Its possible to do both. People outside my house however, would never ever know im remotely nerdy. It really doesnt take much effort to be normal.

Same but with drugs
I wish I took up sports instead

Me to. I wasted my youth on the computer because everyone in my life fucked with me. I had school "friends" but never hanged outside of school. Now I don't have any friends and I don't go outside. I am really alone and sad. How do you make friends as an adult go out to a bar? Sounds gay everything is gay. Why is life so bad? It could have been good.

Everything is gay. I want what my grandparents had.

I fucked twice. A ugly girl and a prostitute. I meant that as a teen I never was successful into banging the girls I desired. Being in a muslim family and having a wimp of a father that neglected me during my entire childhood I had no father figure that showed me how to flirt and what to do and not do. Instead I was playing videogames all day. They blamef me for that. They also subscribed me to karate which I enjoyed but cancelled the inscription then later in my life blamed me for not doing anything. The worst is that nobody believes me. Not even my friends believe me when I say I have a shitty dad that never spent time with me and only told me how school is important and how if a guy punches me I should tell a teacher instead of defending myself. The guy litteray yelled at me when I skipped school because I thought a girl I knew was gonna kill herself and went to see she was ok. He told me I should ignore a guy that had an heart attack on the street if that means i might miss school. Total whacko. The worst is that hes a fucking wimp too. No backbone. He yells at everyone with a screeching voice, has a dad bod and blame me for not trusting him

Fucking old people have no idea how good they had it! Fuck man. Even my parents generation had it sweet. When my shitty grandma died I was looking foreword to some cash pay out to get at least something from my shit family. But no she had to give it my shit dad who I haven't spoken to in like five years. And the bitch had the gol to ask me to visit her on her death bed. Sorry if you didn't want to hear my life story. Everything is gay I just wished something straight would happen to me once.

That sucks man! Having a shitty dad that dose nothing but tell you to do the most basic shit like to stay in school and never teach you shit sucks. Also as a Muslim can't you just rape anyone that is nonmuslim? JK! I hope things get better for you friend!

Technically, but as an atheist its a no go




better than wasting your youth getting sick, bullied, and/or broken.


I was outside catching frogs and shit




Can I help you?







No, but that’s how I’m wasting my adulthood.




C'monnn Maygneee IM' Afftteerr YYUHHH!!!! GHaaaAA





Depends on what you mean. Is studying on your computer a waste of time? Isn't everything a waste of time in some fundamental level? Some people think sex is a waste of time.If something makes you feel good in some way and it doesn't hurt anyone, then why deny it from yourself? And if you feel bad about doing something, then why do it in the first place?

Only morons think there's one exact way to living your life. My enjoyment gets fulfilled by reading about interesting stuff and thinking about it. If there's one thing I really regret in my life it's ending up in bad relationships with girls that were really vain. And friendships where the "friend" just saw me as someone to gain from but not someone to give to. If you ask me, you're always better off being alone than being such a fool to get into those kinds of relations.

NIgga yALl NIugUHhsSszz! Are boring FUUUCKKING ~PUKE~


98* degrees- Una Noche!! BRAND NEW! VIBE~~

^^^^CkhEvCk... OuT Thvt TrvCk~~ Written above this message alone in the pinkish little red box

Not quite but I did waste it drinking, smoking weed, doing coke and pretending to be a successful musician.

DAM bro! Islam is such a shitty religion nigga be turning down free pussy! Love ya bro!