I had this weird lsd experience with a friend a few months back that I can't explain...

I had this weird lsd experience with a friend a few months back that I can't explain. So me and my friend had taken a "125"ug tab of acid each. We were watching youtube videos and also taking nitrous oxide. After awhile my trip started to go south and i seen this black demonic arm come out from behind the tv and shake the entire tv set. Sat there thinking wtf just happened my mate screams did you just fucking see that arm shake the tv. I looked at my mate in shock thinking he can see it too which then led to a spiral of really bad trips with demons ect. After the trip ended which was the most terrifying thing I experienced I talked to my mate and both our faces dropped when we fount out we were experiencing the exact same hallucinations every detail and aspect was the exact same to the key. Has anyone had a shared hallucination or could explain how and why this happened.

You guys were tripping so hard that you dont remmeber that you guys told eachother what was happening.

My best guess is the Lsd made you both more aware of each other and "synch up". You were probably experiencing the same things as you were talking about it, while also creating false memories. The Lsd made you unaware or unattached to the point were you look to each other for structure. The reason it went south in the first place is probably because one of you has some unresolved demons.

Fake and gay. Sounds like a canned fake trip story by someone who's never actually done Lsd.
>>We were tripping and started seeing demons and shit.

Bullshit. 125ug is pussy dose. No fuckin way you saw reality shifting like that on 125ug.

It is pretty common to experience similar things if you're in the exact same scenario as someone else, and you have been for the duration of the trip.

Memory is pretty malleable - 'filling in the blanks' may have happened as you recounted the experience afterwards.

Don't fret, demons are not actually coming to steal your soul!

Don't listen to this user. They're oblivious.

I had a mind bending experience on half a tab + a gram of weed. Most vivid experience I've ever had, despite being a fraction of many of my other trips in terms of dosage.

$5 says you fags ate 25i-nbome and not lsd

Not entirely true. You have have adverse reactions to different things. I experienced weird shit on marijuana alone. It all depends on a person's mental state and possibly a predisposition for schizophrenia

Half a tab. Not a fuckin chance pal. Talking to me like I don't know my shit, since January I've consumed roughly 200 tabs of lsd-25, ald-52, and 1p-lsd. Lsd-25 and ald-52 I've done together at a combined dose of 600ug.


Maybe but my money is on fake and gay.

Just so you are all aware, this is what a LARPer looks like.

Either that, or someone that doesn't have a god damn clue what they're doing :)

> takes hallucinogen
> supplements it with nitrous
> weird experience

you fucking think so? wow, what are the odds.

for someone who claims to have done so much acid your ego is fucking huge. making things that "never happen" happen is the name of the game with psychedelics, there's numerous stories of a small dose having effects much much greater than expected, and also numerous reports of people tripping together sharing hallucinations

I've done acid 4 times which all have been pleasant until the most recent experience.
Sounds likely

That's why I put 125ug in quotations its the dose what the dealer had said yet it was about 5x more powerful then when I had 250ug. Was thinking if the nitrous oxide could of played a part as we went through 4 boxes.

>Durrhurr I ate half a tab and had a vivid experience

It wasn't the lsd, mate. It was placebo. It was likely your first time. lsd is not as magical as people make it out to be. Shits fun but it loses it's mysticism quick and reveals itself as just another synthetic chemical with it's own pros and cons

why would you tell lies on the internet? :(

Acid doesn't make you see demons. It's not fucking dmt. You're lying out your ass

It was my 14th tab from the same order. Your baits are obvious.

My ego is fuckin huge because it's always been huge. the notion that lsd breaks down your ego for longer than the effects of the drug is a huge misconception. It's not a fucking miracle cure for assholery

i do not know to what extent you believe in the other, so this answer may not be of use to you, but taking psychedelic increases the brightness with which your fire burns, so to speak. it allows you to see more, and also draws curious things to you. spirits like fucking with humans, wouldn't you if you were in their position?

All these people talking about how lsd is mild, nah that shit is fucking spicy and go south really fast if you’re not in the right state of mind

you are correct, but it isn't for permanently curing you of ego. the point is to see how living with less of an ego makes things easier, so that hopefully you choose to continue to do so once you come down

you seem like you haven't learned anything at all though, shame given how lucky you've been to have all of those alleged trips in the last year

Knock it off with the spiritual hippy bullshit. It's a synthetic chemical and nothing more. You take it, you get high, end of story.

like literally anything in life, it is whatever you think it is as far as you are concerned. and when you're tripping you are the only concern, since the lines between "you" and "other shit" should be gone if you're tripping properly

As if I'm going to waste my time conveying the essence of my psyche to you. I've learned plenty about myself and it's not really for you to suggest otherwise. I may be an asshole here. So what, this is Sup Forums you can't expect me to read shit about drugs and demons and not take the piss out of it

and you can't expect me to not take the piss out of you, given that using drugs to talk to demons is a beloved passtime of mine

Fucking silly, this is. You have an overactive imagination. There are no demons.

I've had the same thing happen. Not demons, but a friend and I both started seeing things like the door melting. Freaky when you both sync up like that, I can't think of an explanation.

Here's an example of what I mean

>Nihilist here
>Smokes dmt
>Sees bottom of ocean
>Has out of body experience where floating over picnic table at carnival seeing hotdogs being served to customers
>Then sees Buddha. All in the same trip. I don't fuckin believe in Buddha. Nor do I after having seen Buddha. Your mind is the most powerful thing you'll ever know. And it plays tricks on you

Pretty much came here to say this

you're both dumbasses for thinking that whether or not something is real matters. you should know the only thing you can prove exists is you, and everything else you decide in your own mind whether or not you're going to believe it exists. you could easily be in a padded cell delusional as fuck imagining your whole life, or a dreaming god imagining a whole universe. you can't know and therefore it doesn't matter and shouldn't be worried about. all you should give a fuck about is what you experience, and for the sake of my experience being as interesting as possible i choose to believe in magic and demons and such because i know my mind shapes my entire perception of "reality"

This exchange is ridiculous.

I, as a matter of fact, can be sure material exists beyond the confines of my mind. I have experienced insanity, it is far too inconsistent.

You might be suffering from solipsistic stupor, but that doesn't mean the rest of us are.

Aren't I just a figment of your imagination anyway?

Your insanity is self evident. Here you are opposing yourself.

i'm having a conversation with you and it's entertaining me so does it matter if you're real or not?

how are you sure of it? just because it's consistent doesn't mean it's real, come on man everybody's seen the matrix

The matrix is just a movie

I can be sure of it in the same way billions of us can be sure when we are awake versus dreaming. Asking for proof is asking for too much. I'll keep it short by using the word 'consistency' again.

Consistency is important. If one we're stuck in a wakeful state forever or a dream state forever, sure, you might never know.

I am familiar with the matrix theory. It's about as ridiculous as any other brain in a jar scenario.

Occam's razor, anyone?

Is your life so miserable that youd try convincing yourself it isn't real

I had some buddies wake up after a night of tripping on Aminita and explain to me the exact same dreams they had. Probably a side effect of the surroundings, it's not some voodoo magic shit, you're fucking hallucinating, of course you're going to be tricked into thinking some incredibly weird shit went down. I've never shared an identical hallucination and I consider myself pretty advanced.

Fuck ***Amanita

you're missing the point entirely
i do not believe that the world isn't real, i believe it's impossible to know. like you said, asking for proof is too much.

h o w e v e r

given the various illusions and delusions people around the world are fully convinced are real, a certain empowerment comes out of understanding this. life is what you make of it. my question for you is, why do you want to live a life with no magic or extraordinaryness to it?

200 tabs guy from earlier posts, here.

My last dose was 1000ug Rick and Morty team trust tabs.

Anyone who has consumed TT tabs will understand.

Long story short, I ignored all rational explanations and in a fit of negative emotion, convinced myself that I caused an electrical fire burning down my apartment building and DIED. my roommate upstairs trying to calm me down but in my head he was a good telling me to just close my eyes and everything would be ok.

Still a nihilist, convinced I am not dead, roommate not a god.

Existence is extraordinary enough by itself without delusions of demons and magic

i have had trips where it felt like me and my best friend we're communicating nonverbally, but who knows if that was actually the case, i don't think so these days.. and having him agree doesn't necessarily confirm it was true..

you say these things are delusions, explain why
and yeah it's pretty but i found a random collection of matter and energy spiraling off into entropy pretty mundane

>awake versus dreaming

LUL.. you can't prove this isn't a dream.. thought and memory is what provides the illusion of consistency, but it's not so..

this is both real and unreal, just as when you are in the middle of a sleeping dream, it feels real, but unreal.

The notion that demons exist suggests that alternate realms dictated by good/bad choices exist.

While I'm all for alternate dimensions and the possibility for material to exist out of phase, it's still a far cry from realities populated by tortured souls governed by an omnipresence.


I can prove it to myself when I am awake vs dreaming after having transitioned between awake/dreaming. The consistency I'm referring to is that which is apparent during wakefulness versus the inconsistency of dreams. Magic exists on dreams, not reality. You would not be dreaming about having philosophical debates on Sup Forums in such detail let alone with a 3rd degree asshole

demons is just my preferred word cause i like the aesthetic, when i say demon i mean a non-human intelligent entity

demons and angels (good entity/bad entity) are likely the same phenomenon observed differently. ufos and aliens may also be this phenomenon observed through a more modern lens

i've been tripping on acid and shrooms with my friends and after hitting nitrous you can alter the earth, make trees dance, and make your friends feel exactly what you are seeing. Taking a huge hit of no2 after you're tripping and start making a high pitched noise and you'll see what i mean.

>The consistency I'm referring to is that which is apparent during wakefulness versus the inconsistency of dreams

that's thought, that isn't proof of consistency..

you can't be in two places at once.

maybe it's all a dream, and you're using an alphabet to try and make a point that it's not..

your words imply you gain control, and this interests me

I would write off such examples of paranormal as a secretion of dmt in the brain. Which is easily attributable to angel/demon/ufo sightings as well as visions of bright lights at the end of tunnels/out of bodies during near death experiences.

You simply want to believe in it. As stated previously, your mind is the most powerful thing you will ever come to know.

your explanation simply raises the question of why DMT is produced in our mind in in the first place. our minds have parts that function to perceive (note this word is interchangeable with imagine) the supernatural, why?

Everybody is just fighting with eachother over psychedelics/psychoactives. How about share experiences instead? Drugs effect everyone differently. Of course you'll have similarities with people. But tolerance, effects, reactions, etc. All vary. You could have the same exact tolerance and trip as someone. But then have an entirely opposite experience with someone else. There's no black and white standards. There's a lot of grey areas.

what is a mind, upon immediate observation?

For real. Take 1000ug and then talk.

It this is a dream, then logic would dictate that none of you are real and that all of you and the entirety of the internet persists within myself.

Again, I say to you Occam's razor.

Do I need to spin a fuckin dreidel every morning that a crawl out of bed to prove it to myself

1000ug is fucking retarded

You sound like a fool, but have you had a paranormal experience in the house you were in before? If not then you're just creating shit with your mind.

You're trips are 666. Devil shit.

Anyways, I see shadows sometimes when I'm sober. When I smoke weed friends, i have adverse reactions to it such severe anxieties and depression . When I'm alone and smoke I'm somebody else, I listen to music and think a lot.

I think I could be borderline schitzo, I can recall two experiences where I heard somebody call my name.

Scientist have made a recent breakthrough figuring out the exact cause of schizophrenia which is the "helper cells"

It's arguably not for us to experience supernatural events and instead a self defense mechanism of the brain to shield itself from traumatic experience

The weirdest thing i have ever experienced is hearing my wife and friend's voices in my head. Like they were telepathically communicating with me and I could communicate back but I didn't know how. It was like an unspoken language between us that I didn't know how to control. I was 5 hits deep when this was going on. After that trip I pretty much stopped taking psychedelics. I did lsd one more time and had a horrible experience. I just kept getting the feeling everyone could read my mind and i had no privacy in my own head. Like when I was frying I had no way to keep them out. Anyone else experienced this? or know how to get past this feeling?

1000ug is fuckin amazing.

fuck you this is an enjoyable discussion of personal perspectives

i notice you have not answered my question
my definition of a mind is a symbiotic relationship between a sort of "soul" or essence that accounts for our consciousness/self awareness, and the bio-electrical structure of our brains that house it and allow it to express itself in physical matter until the body deteriorates. that's my current model at least

shield us in what way? powerful psychedelic experiences can be quite traumatizing in of themselves

i'm not sure i understand what you're asking me

Jim Morrison did 10k ug

Get someone to trip sit you, think of something and ask them to read yoyr mind. Say it's a little game. You'll become super aware of how terrible people are at picking up on others signals and emotions. You might go full 180 and feel isolated as fuck. But it's worth a shot. Just know you can't go back once you go the way you desire.

Highest I've done was 600ug. How much further does it go? What's the benefit at such a high dose? Am I just wasting the acid? Is it worth it?
I can't get LSD anymore, but I've got 23 tabs of ALD-52 left

Discussions are different from arguments. Challenging someone's experience is kind of retarded because it will never be yoyr own, nor will yours be theirs.

probably not really

thats simply too much, i read the story too and they say that he could speak, 10000 ug would make you loose ego and be tripping balls while passed out

i'm not challenging their experience, i'm challenging the ideas they took away from it

You misunderstood what actually happened and one thought the other confirmed seeing the same, then your imaginations were fed and you may have seen it after that due to power of suggestion.
Stay off of drugs kids.

1000ug is the highest I've gone. I don't know how much different it would be, honestly. My understanding of higher doses is that the effects are generally the same all the way up just with increasing intensity. At 1000ug it's hard to see your hands in front of your face. Anything higher I'd imagine myself being stuck horizontal in bed for the duration due to distortion blindness

All depends on your tolerance. Someone who takes 600 can trip just as hard as someone else who took 1000. It's a squishy area. There's a way to measure what scale you're on and compare using some chart. Cant remember it since it has been years but google eroud experience or some shit. I found it on that site.

>to the key
It's "to the T" you drug addict

He was the lizard king, broski. He went to the LD50 and lived. Good for him.

That's the thing though. Thats what THEY took away from it. They're retarded for challenging yours too. Brains are super fragile in a sense where one small thing that can happen during childhood, whether it be good or bad, can domino effect their future and how they perceive experiences and learn from them. Idk man, its futile

i said both real and unreal. your experience right now is happening, obviously.. but while you're sleep dreaming, experience is also happening..

the only thing pointing out differences between the two states is the alphabet.. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

n o t a d r e a m.
d r e a m.

it may be more accurate to state that words can't touch reality.

I don't know man. I'm speaking from conjecture I suppose.

When you get bumfucked by a big nigger your mind goes to it's happy place

Erowid. That's probably what you meant.
It's an amazing site that's been around a while and had some decent info.

i disagree. it's not futile, because i come away from it with a better understanding of the weaknesses of my point of view and can therefore make it stronger and more efficient

This is now a Jim Morrison LSD /thread

lsd ld50 is like 1 million ugs

a shitton

well he could have done 10000 ug but the part that he was coherently speaking...

thats just crazy as fuck

Yes! I butchered that. But that's the site I used in the beginning for research and looking for what to expect. I seem some super low and high tolerance stories there. It's really interesting if you think about it. All based on so many variables.

again people say shit like "that sounds unlikely" when the topic of discussion is something that makes the unlikely happen consistently

Well. You got me there.

Yea. Really great starting point for beginners and novices alike, as how to position themselves within these mind altering substances.

Those demons are the demons that roam around the spirit realm in life, it is possible to kill them but you havent seen shit until you seen some gargoyles those fuckers will make you kill yourself and some demons can be the cause of your own actions and those demons popped up to scare your ass because lsd is a spirit drug it aint no game if you around demons urban cities usually have more demons from all the crazy shit that happens
If you got trash at least throw it away


Youre just part of the problem

Holy shit. Are you a demon on crack?

That is strange, never had anything like that happen except for when I looked at myself in the mirror and kinda got creeped, but nowhere near like that.

Last I did lsd I became autistically fixated on Rhodesia and can't for the life of me shake it to this day. Never really cared much about it before but now I can't stop listening to John Edmond, Clem, watched all the documentarys I could find, even picked up a record of Ian and Ritchie's between two Rivers vinyl and I don't even own a record player. How do I stop this? This was literally months ago when I last took it and I can't get any more.

Yes i fucking love crack, and no im the demon TO the demons

never done crack, i saw my best friend at the time do crack and end up getting naked with his dick out jumping around his couch.. was actually funny, but wouldn't want to personally do something that made me act so fucking retarded personally..

Embrace it

the one person the knows wtf is going on lol
stay off crack friend shit's bad for you

Crack is wack

How can mirrors be real when our eyes aren’t real?

Yo you gotta tell your family you love them, i know its hard but if its bugging you, you should kill your ego and have no fear and become one with everything as there is light also has to have darkness but what you should do is trip somewhere alone and not with family because spiritual path is all about yourself my friend your family can interrupt your trip and also try doing shrooms instead of lsd because they put a lot of bullshit in it

Yo im on that devil shyt too

Mirrors are a manifestation of illusion, life is a glitch in the matrix you have to overcome illusion