I was brainwashed as a kid and lead to believe weed was all good with little to no ill effects...

I was brainwashed as a kid and lead to believe weed was all good with little to no ill effects. I now fully understand the negative aspects and is no drug someone who is trying to be productive should do. 5 years deep and want to stop. Any exweed smokers have any tips. Don't like the idea of being dependent, I'm not weak.

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If you smoked heavily as an adolescent you're fucked. Sorry mate.

I'm in my mid 20s and smoke recreationally a few times a month. No problems at all, helps me unwind, focus on creative stuff I've hit a wall on and get a new perspective. Don't really understand how someone could smoke it all the time, gotta have the sober days to appreciate it properly I think.

You are weak if you don't have the willpower to get the the fuck up and be productive even though weed makes you too comfortable sometimes.
Plenty of people run an enterprise and smoke everyday.
Weed isn't stopping you from being productive, it's an excuse to not be productive.

It messes with cognitive development if you smoke it as a kid, but for adults it's the safest recreational drug. Also,
>I now fully understand the negative aspects and is no drug someone who is trying to be productive should do.
>hurr durr amotivational syndrome

If I could become a teetotaler after continous drinking for 8 years nonstop than so can anyone.
"Don't even try goy, you will fail. Now go and buy some more weed from Tyrone over there. Shalom!"

I have a job. Just got back in college, I'm a productive member to society. It's just that it holds me back. Makes me achieve my goals slower than I'd like.

Currently managing a statewide political campaign, doing well in law school (not top of the class but definitely top 20), engaged to my soulmate and I smoke weed almost every day.

You're not an addict, you're just weak. Weed is not addictive.

Then stop smoking i dont get whats so hard. It has zero chemically addicting properties, so if you can't stop smoking it's literally 100000% all in your mind.

If you're dependent on weed, then you're kinda weak... just fucking take a day break... then take a 2 day break. Then a 4 day break. Then a week...

Then don't smoke it 24/7 you damn idiot. Smoke what you can while doing what you need. IF you can't, cut back. Most people don't smoke every day, and if they do, it's bc their current situation allows it.

Smoke dmt. Best cure

You can’t blame weed for your motivational issues. If it helps to quit it, then do so, but weed is not causing you to be a lazy piece of shit. You’re doing that to yourself

like with any addiction.
1. Identify the situations that draws you too it. Try avoiding these.
2. Cut your supply and get a replacement addiction.
3. Preferably one that forces you to avoid situations like 1. A lot of people choose sports. But it doesn't have to be. Good luck it's hard.

i feel your struggle OP, smoked since i was 14, quit 3.5 weeks ago at 19 almost 20, not going back to that shit.
You just need to commit to quitting, know that it's going to be better on the other side and get through it day by day, week by week etc., keep your mind and body busy to avoid withdrawals (which are very real for marijuana, don't believe the rats saying it isn't addictive, they just haven't smoked enough/haven't admitted that they have a problem yet) if you have any underlying mental problems, depending on where you live go visit a drug and alcohol counselor and talk it out while withdrawing/attempting to quit, it should be government ran and free, just go looking.
they are the main points that have helped me so far.

I'm a nursing assistant and I smoke a 1 gram joint to my face everyday and still take care of my son and clean house to help my fiance the point of my comment is you have no willpower if you can't get off your lazy ass and do shit while high it's not a fucking drug it's a plant that's now legal in alot of states

OP, sorry but thread consensus is literally MILLIONS of people smoke weed every day and lead stable, productive & healthy lives. You are just blaming weed for your lack of impulse control.

Don't smoke all the time, dumbass. Smoke at the end of the day, to watch a movie or listen to music or make art or music, not when you have to do shit.

I've smoked every day for about 4 years now. Not sure what negative effects it has. Sounds more like your personal problem. Just stop if you don't like it, use the money for other fun activities to distract you. Why is that so hard to figure out OP?

I was smoking a lot when I was younger, like daily, then I just started to feel anxious and weird when high, so I just stopped. Not entirely, but its usually weeks apart when I smoke and it has to be with someone im chill with

smoked form 8th grade till 11th grade. Quit because of the possibility of job prospects. Tried to be a cop then got rejected cause i smoked weed and admitted it on a questionnaire when i was 15. should have never smoked weed to begin with. Quitting weed is easy but it sucks loosing people u considered friends but were really just mutual smoking buddies . feels bad man
mfw havent smoked weed in 4 years


>5 years deep and want to stop. Any exweed smokers have any tips.

Do like I did, just stop smoking weed. It's that easy. And I smoked daily for more than twice as long as you did.

DMT can help or a high dose on magic mushrooms, they've used DMT to treat all sorts of addictions, there's a Ted talk on it . High mushroom dose worked for me

just stop. Afgter a few weeks you get your life back. i wasted a couple of years, didn't learn or grow or do anything. jsut stoned. Stop adn give yourself a few weeks to recover then see how you can actually get shit done, learn things, have real relationships - sometimes I miss it, (twenty years now) but I remember the vapid dickhead i used to be and get over it...

yea cold turkey its not hard. and dont hang around stoners anymore that will pear pressure u back into relapse


Ted talk

Bro im smoking 3 years straight up now. Im back to self improvement after 3 years break. I seen my intelligent side gone rusty. But its not about me, i want to learn from you. What can you tell me or advice me about using usage and how to manage?

I've been smoking since I was 18 and I'm doing fine. The problem isn't weed. It's you. Also, you can quit at any time. Weed isn't physically addictive.

i smoke almost on a daily basis for about 7 years now, i'm 28
when i start to feel it bothers me, i stop smoking for a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, once i did three months
just don't smoke it, it's that simple
i had a gram the entire three months at the ready, but i didn't need it, so i didn't smoke it
it's all about character, but if you really do want to stop smoking, all you need to do is stop
you probably won't be able to if you don't really want to

>Smoking since 19
>Now 28
>Moved to a better country
>High paying IT Job
>Make more money than middle class parents

Weed isn't the problem, you're just a failure with or without it.

Yeah. Fuck those asshole pears.

Sorry pal, but I'm not in this world to be productive, I leave that to animals and niggers.
I'm here to enjoy the full experience that is hedonism, before I die just like any other living being.


You're a weak willed faggot trying to blame your laziness on something. All the morons in this thread sucking each other's dicks about their weed addiction are laughable. Just stop you fucking idiot.


Depends on the person. I have poor impulse control so the best option for me is to refuse all drugs. No alcohol, smoking, pain killers fuck I don't even drink anything with caffeine anymore.

Some people can take all that shit and be on top of the world and then there's others who fall into a downward shit spiral. Decide what's important OP.

To be clear I'm making money. I try to stay humble but I'm not lazy by any means. Weed is just bad for you. Makes you slower. All the kids see on the internet is that weed is good. Not much of the negatives. Smoke is smoke. Foreign body to the lungs nurse assistant.

I've smoked weed daily for probably 15 years and I don't think it's hurt my productivity.
>Graduated with two degrees
>Hired immediately, despite graduating in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.
>Haven't been unemployed since.
>Currently financial director for a regional consulting firm
>income in 94th percentile for all US workers
I didn't smoke until after my school work was done and only smoke in the evenings now. You can still be a productive member of society. Or you can be a waste of space. A lot of lazy people use weed as a crutch to explain why they haven't suceeded, but the truth is that it's all dependent on your internal drive to succeed. Make yourself.

Just stop? I've smoked heavily and stopped cold turkey like 50 times. It's literally just like 2-3 days of being slightly irritable, slightly decreased appetite, and it being slightly more difficult to fall asleep. You aren't smoking fucking crack. It's not hard to stop you just literally have to deal with slight inconveniences for about 2 days.

They don’t call it the devil’s lettuce for nothing. Can you use it and still be productive? Sure. Can you use it and still be a good person? Sure. But it is a step in the wrong direction. All drugs are.

Not OP, but that's exactly why it's hard. I used pic related (dunno the english term) since i was about 15. Now i'm 25. And even though it contains nicotine, after about 3 days of not using it, all the nicotine is gone from your system, but that's easy to get through. It's the habit of having something in your lip that you start missing. And even if you quit, you still miss it a little.

BTW, I smoke as a way to unwind and let myself become more mindful. I can't tell you how many times it's allowed me to think through a problem I've been having and see it from another point of view. When the wife seems like she's being crazy, a rip puts me in a place where I am more empathetic to her feelings and I come away in a better headspace. Not that this can't be done without the herb - it just helps.

or, your level of success isnt his level of success. im sure youre some random engineer that thinks he can compete with the scientists :DDDD

Chewing tobacco


Most scientists do the same boring repetitive shit over and over, no thanks.

Plus I'd get paid less too.

Sorry i been smoking for 15 years almost everyday. Its all in your head trust me and the only thing u might get is lack of appetite, irritability, and possible sleep issues. They are nothing compared to harder stuff. Try kicking a 5 year subutex addiction. Takes up to a month after your last dose and everyday you have worse withdraws than using H. But if you are having trouble try ordering some kratom. Helps with opiate withdraws so why not green, or try to smoke less using a gravity bong? Good luck!

>implying a good whipping doesen't get em picking

exactly, enjoy your life bro

lmao u got me

Lös snus va? De är skit


But make sure you dont do pussy out with the dose, can't overdose it but the more you do the more it helps.

Same shit here, 5+ years. Quiting is easy I quit simply by not smoking. You are not addicted to the thc just the fucking routine and maybe your smoking buddies. Don't be a twat, just quit if you want to.

You should've lied, you could of been shooting someone right now for fun. Disappointed

>I was brainwashed as a kid and lead to believe weed was all good
Dubs mean it wasn't brainwashing.
You were told the truth.

Thirded. I strongly recommend a dose of magic mushrooms to "reset" your brain, followed by 10mg of valium as needed, max 1 per day, for 1-3 weeks to sub the weed while your dependency drops.

I also had the weed problem recently. It does affect you, it's nonsense to say it doesn't. It's proven to affect your sleep, motivation, development etc.

amen brotha

nah just smoke all ur weed and dont buy anymore. simple as shit

Anti weed gets?

smoke at night and read a book occasionally

I smoked a LOT in my 20's. I mean a LOT. Like stoned every day for almost 7-8 years straight.

The biggest problem with weed is that nothing will happen to you. I have an old college buddy who still smokes daily and still lives in his parent's basement. He is in his 40's now.

I gave it up in my 30's. I'll still smoke a joint on a special occasion, like New Years Eve party or if passed to me at a concert, something like that. Or when a tourist in a Rec state like Colorado or Washington. I haven't been a daily smoker for 20 years.

Quints proves it.

Weed doesn't make people into failures.

It just doesn't stop them being failures.

As a daily smoker, I do admit, weed is a motivation killer. However, I recognize that without weed, I'd probably be an anxious, borderline neurotic mess, so it's a bit of a trade off (Inb4 your anxiety is from weed withdrawal. Had anxiety before I smoked, this just helps it go away). Just do whatever works best for you. Maybe don't outright quit it, but just cut back a bit or regiment your smoke sessions so you aren't smoking before you do anything that requires a lot of attention or ambition.


>I'm not weak
Yes you are faggot. You're trying to blame a plant for your own failures as a human being. I've been smoking regularly since I was a teenager and it hasn't stopped me from getting multiple graduate degrees and a good job. If you think the weed is slowing you down, by all means quit. But I suspect you'll find that you're still an unmotivated piece of shit even without the smoke.


is wasted on a braindead pothead

I smoke marijuana multiple times a day nd make beats all day nd sell em find a hobby that marijuana eill help and u can make it be productive for u nd im also a lazy person by nature so i feel u but set some goals nd standards for ur life.

I think you need to get a new keyboard half of your keys aren't working.

Okay braindead normie

Switch to vaping. You can't get addicted to vaping. Just make sure you do it every day.

I smoked weed for several years every single day, like multiple times all throughout the day.

One day I realized this faggot shit is making me retarded (couldn't speak to people without tripping about how high I am) and I can't even think straight.

So I straight up just stopped, and I haven't smoked weed since. It's been about 3 years now.

Bro, just stop smoking, no matter what your friends say just say something like "nah I'm good" and just keep saying "nah I'm good." You might lose friends, to be completely honest, but that just means they weren't really your friends in the first place.

Anyways, good luck faggot.

You're a retard if you think being a code monkey is in any way superior to being a scientist. Scientists actually have to think.
>Most scientists do the same boring repetitive shit over and over, no thanks
As opposed to code monkeys, lmao.

Half his brain isn't either

I'm not a code monkey.

That *is* doing the same thing over and over.

Or you just stop smoking. We are not talking about heroin or a high level alcoholic. Just a guy that can't stop sucking weed smoke.

Programming is mindless, even if you're a software "engineer".

I don't program.

NVM, was thinking of other thread.

Why couldn't you just have smoked less? You know that you didn't have to smoke enough to get stupid high,every time.

don't listen to those dudes. i am an ex smoker myself. i was more or less addicted for 4 years. it is true that it is the safest recreational drug, but that doesn't mean it's harmless. weed came pretty close to ruining my life and i am very thankful to the people who helped me overcome it. i would say one of the most important things: get help! therapy is preferrable but anyone you can talk to about it helps. it helped me a lot to have someone to answer to. also you NEED to replace the nights where you would usually be smoking with doing something else. maybe make some new friends or something? if you are sitting at home all the time there is more time to think about smoking. best of luck

sysadmin 4 lyf

>Faggot can't be productive on weed.
>Blames Weed.
>Stigmatizes millions of people who are productive while smoking.

Good job dumbass. Take some responsibility for yourself, eh?

Smoking becomes a ritual after a while. Breaking the habit is easier if you replace the scenarios you toke in with an activity you physically cant. Its about occupying yourself so you dont think about trying to "improve" that experience with weed. Sports and exercise are particularly good replacements not just for health reasons but because you cant really include smoking like you can with other forms of entertainment plus a release of endorphins can make you feel good anyway.


Smoked alot in my teens, couple joints daiky for 10 years. Stopped cold turkey and still hang around with stoners. They don't pressure me into smoking, although this one friend offers me sometimes. But just decline and continue not smoking.