Fml pic related

fml pic related

sweet you won with an ace!

anyone else would have called that all in?

I lost

literally one card in the deck could beat him. wouldn't you?

There is nothing wrong with that play. Only if you have less than $100. 0.05/0.10 you should have a bankroll of 100$

I deffo play within my bankroll, im on some serious losing streak, ive lost past 5 hands when im 90% fav sucks balls

is this thing legit? i didn't think you could gamble real money online like that...

how do you get it back?

it's just variance, ride it out you'll be alright.

I'm playing poker for money online right now as I brouse Sup Forums after I fold a hand. Up $3,537 tonight.

how can i get in on this juicy action?

the come back

I'm up a little also, will get better I just got started tonight. Ride it out opie, I would have bet mine on your hand also.

are u for real? where do u live or are you 12 yrs old?

You're bad at poker

no, i'm of legal gambling age

you would have folded?

Go fish!

Real people or computer?

Not saying that. Just letting you know you're bad at it

You not won? What? It's 3

Real people. A university actually built a computer which plays poker and it beat the pros in a competition.

real obvs

you can tell from that one screen? I'm not actually too bad

I'm sorry if I asked. Geezus. Peetty cool

you took whining to a whole new level by posting this shit on Sup Forums. Keep whining and you'll never be a winner, just deal with it, it's variance.

this the shit im talking about

Damn son. Thirty whole dollars? How many dicks do you have to suck in four days to make rent?

leave poker stars alone, it´s just a big scam, makes players bet hard cuz there are tons of good hands... just not fucking real, not at all.