I need the best possible antivirus software that doesn't cause me to have anxious breakdowns, deppression...

I need the best possible antivirus software that doesn't cause me to have anxious breakdowns, deppression, general anxiety, overall sadness. Basically anything over which I can have control. Please, this is serious. bitdefender has ruined me, both physically and spiritually, rendered me unable to search or happiness or other antiviruses. help please

i just use common sense 2018 professional haven't gotten a virus ever since i switched

that doesn't work for me. I get desperate anyways

I recommend comodo, it's free and seems to work well. good luck op.

there's no support for it if something about it isn't working for you, but you really just have to commit yourself to learning how it works and you're set for life. the only thing it doesn't protect you from are things like 0day exploits that commercial av's can't save you from either.

Try Norton.

bitdefender doesn't listen to me, it just blocks my crack.exe's and shit :_(. excluding and turning the damn protection off doesn't work... I know I just have to get a different antivirus, but I'm ruined inside already. it's too sad

common sense won't block your crack.exe

hopefully and with your support/sugestions, I'll be able to exit the spiral

Consider not using windows

:o .. but sometimes, those truly are viruses and malware. plus, the antiviruses firewalls are neat, better than windows firewall

impossible, admit we all are Microsoft hostages

why would a piece of software cause any of those things

you don't know me. anything can break a man

The best antivirus is called commonsense. Look it up.

Try protogent

many speak of it, and yet here I am, unable to find this "commonsense" wonder you mention

Common sense and windows defender had me covered. You should try it OP

huh...maybe.. maybe you're right. who knows
it may work for me somehow

commonsense must be a very 'soft' software then

it does its job