How do you feel about that?

How do you feel about that?


last night i pierced the buns of your sister?


last night I 007 double hamburger your sister

Bond sandwiched?

last night i secretly putted my meat on your sisters buns

last night i bond burgered your sister

Last night i spy half your sister?

this, obviously

6th bond, 9th combo

Last night i man pattied your sister

last night i james bond agent 007 hamburger your sister

this isn't appropriate sir

you bunned my sis like a gentleman? how sweet of you!


You spied on her cheeseburger!?!? Cheeky bastard!!

Silently pounded

thank you for posting this

69'd. Good sir.

last night I james bonded burger on your sister

Exactly what I first thought!

last night i Pierced your sister's buns


joke's on you my sister is 2

last night I blew away the bad guys and fucked your sister then took her out for burgers

You shot my sister's lunch? Why? She was gonna eat that. I should be calling YOU a cunt for ruining my sister's food

I still don't get it

you shot my burger

Last night i neflixed an chilled some mcdonalds your sister

You took my sister out for fast food?

Last night I, Pierce Brosnan, special sauced, your sister.

Is that the devil's number I see?

neck yourself faggot

last night i 007 the onions of your sister?

spy burgered?

Last night I Pierce In-N-Out your sister