Am I doing this right?

Am I doing this right?

the nigger got to stay in the country, why else let the nigger into america

For a chance to have a better life

>comic sans
its like pottery

don't you think it's absurd to have to feel guilty for actions committed by your ancestors? wouldn't it be the same as saying that if you were the son of a serial killer, you should feel guilty for his crimes? it almost feels like people try to push this guilt thing for some reason, like to get something out of it. i don't feel guilty for the actions of people who died centuries ago. i'm sorry that there was slavery, that shouldn't have happened. no guilt here, though. go fuck yourself for forcing a feeling on me, you fucking bully!

And that's says all about the mental state of those who come up with bullshit. Nobody's responsible for acts committed before their time, nor is anything good done before their time attributable to them in any way. Both are just easy ways to not having to do any efforts on your own accord. Stop living in the past and build your life.

I give no shits that my distant ancestors beat down lazy niggers for fun and profit.

Oh yeah
You baited me good

I swear I gotta repost this shit every 10 minutes

Baited hard
First slave owner in America was black

you don´t feel guilty for the actions of your ancestors, yet you profit from their actions by living in a country that got wealthy through slavery.

It's not my fault I was born here

Actually, it's not even my fault I was born, so fuck off entirely.

so do you

ah some good ole anti white racism from our globalist friends at the Democrat party.

not exactly, no.

Slavery didn't make us rich, cotton was a shitty export and would have made us a weak agricultural nation. The purely white northern industry is what created the powerhouse that we live in today. So in reality modern blacks profit from the work of past white people so how is that fair??

how so?

Pretty sure all of us humans are descended from the leaders that were ruthless and efficient. Everyone has suffered in some way and/or dominated everyone else.

speaking as a white person
seeing other white people doing this is an embarrassment. god just .... no.

Dude just breathe when you freak out like this it's not good for white culture. Be the better man. Don't respond to hate speech.

We are not responsible for the actions of niggers in modern society not should we give penance for these silly contemporary accusations.



Nah, it's not about feeling guilty for someone else's crime. You're right, that would be stupid. When it's done right, it's supposed to be about recognizing that things in the past still have an effect. A slave owner 300 years ago will have had money and land and education. A black slave wont. Which one of their children do you think will have had the better advantage, even if all other differences were taken away? These advantages and disadvantages still exist and protests like this are supposed to highlight that.

HOWEVER, the people who do this shit are still fucking retarded. A white guy in chains for an afternoon does nothing except make that white guy feel real good about themselves. Instead of doing this stuff to get a pat on the back, if they really wanted to address inequality they'd be out asking for more money for schools in poor areas, or better taxation policies to address inherent disadvantage.

tl;dr It's not about guilt, but they're still fucking morons.

kill everybody unconditionally

why can’t people just forgive and forget. We need to look upon the future and maybe then we can co exist. By looking to the past we will just divide ourselves. The black community needs to look at them self’s instead of focusing on an other race. They most murders and crimes that occurred are in the African American community. They only focus on when a white police officer tries to do his job.

past oppression only goes so far. Black people have the exact same rights in america. Anyone who says otherwise is using past inequality as a crutch.

What people really lack is empathy. Many minorities in the US are only able to focus on their own problems and shortcomings. Never realizing everybody, including white people, have hard lives. It's the fucking POOR that actually fucked in the US. All this PC culture is doing is blinding us and keeping a divide firmly in place.

I would beat the shit out of that stupid nigger-loving cuck if I saw him, if you want to be retarded then don't fucking drag your kid into it

I bet you meant to write poetry...

and time travel too
rare photo from the 1650's

How could a black man get rich and powerful enough to own slaves in a time when white folk oppressed them on every aspect of life?