Be moldovan-american

>be moldovan-american
>go to job interview
>romanian boss comes out

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did you steal this from a fucking leaf? or that is a common meme?

meme? this is one of my personal experiences

>look at an atlas
>there are apparently countries called moldova, montenegro, and tajikistan
>mfw I've never heard of these before

All meme countries that should be reunited with Romania, Serbia, and Iran respectively as soon as possible.

>Chad is a country

oh wow what a coincidence
talk to this leaf, he had exact same experience!

strange. small world i guess

he may be your brother.

>when i was a kid, i thought North America = USA
>mfw there is a country named Canada

>mfw I found out Russia has a border with North Korea
>mfw I found out Belarus is technically sovereign state and not a province of the Russian Federation

>I found out Russia has a border with North Korea


he's right

>China cucked out of sea access to the japanese sea

>Be Greek-American
>Go to a job interview
>One of the interviewers is from Former Yugoslav Republic of """Macedonia"""

True story. I didn't get the job and it was only for a part-time position.

you think that's cucked? look at this shit lmao

kek, literally extending long arms from both sides to barely touch each other. it is like a secret kiss of two virgin traps under the cover of night. good to know, thanks.

>go to job interview
>boss is an emu

>go to job interview
>boss is a black male

>mfw my dad yelled about niggers after getting fired by his black boss for being unprofessional

>be the boss
>only hire black males

I understand if you can't place every country in Europe, but never heard their name that's pretty crazy.