Why does this guy just call people a retard all the time...

Why does this guy just call people a retard all the time? He has some valid points but he'll never win people over this way

He's just talking about the people who died in a famine.

>y-you can't insult your way to the top of the intellectual sphere

Okay Jeb

...yeah you can't really

His videos are slowly getting more and more hysterical.

He's becoming Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is a joke, he is literally crazy

This. He shouldn't go down the edgy road and stick with the facts





Shut it you pasta eating shit

What's interesting is that people like him whore are relatively blue pilled are talking about basically "anti racist means anti white" which would have been insane 2 years ago or so.

You stare into the abyss long enough etc.

Sometimes you need to evoke an emotional response to convey your message. People aren't exactly the most rational beings.

i'm just watching his channel for the lulz

He has good points, but he speaks like a fucking retard, even I, with my shitty frog accent, speak a better english than him.

If that's your "explanation", really just an excuse, then that still makes his rhetoric pathetic.

Trust me, you don't

I agree. He seems dishonest, untruthful - and his total conviction that he's Galileo Galilei of globalist-theory(?) doesn't help.

>not 6 M subscribers
im dissappointed

>Why does this guy just call people a retard all the time?

because he's right. no, really.
Sup Forums calles libruls and normies retarded all the time as well. Watson is pretty based. it just shows he's passionate about these topics and seeking truth.

because he's not trying to convert the people who can't be converted.
He's trying to point out how stupid they are to anyone who might be un-informed with no current established opinion or anyone who is near to borderline on XYZ issue.

You're totally right. Instead, he should call whatever people say to him as "not an argument". He'll win over way more people that way.

Emotion Trumps Logic.


You can't take the angry out of Angry Watson. Please.

This is the greatest argument I've ever seen.

Yeah, okey Jeb



I remember when the guy still tried to warn everyone against the evil illuminati who faked peak oil and global warming and want to kill 90% of us with biological weapons as decided upon at the bilderberg conference.

You think he gives a shit about any of the bullshit he preaches? He's in it for the monies.


kek, was this from the 'cow for my love' episode? I definitely remember seeing this series of faces.

it's amazing watching every reddit-approved 'edgy but safely so' youtube commentator start out simply calling out the prejudices and hypocrisy of both sides, only to slowly find more focus on the left, until they inevitably become fully cognizant of the very un-kosher things happening in the world and essentially start talking Sup Forums rhetoric, often without ever having been influenced by us or anyone in our sphere. this shit is becoming obvious, and everyone is starting to call it out.

Being nice to libs hasn't fared well for the right. They don't listen anyways, so why tone it down. More people are paying attention now since the right is getting loud, just like the left did before they gained power. You need to put a little of "fire, brimstone, and eternal damnation" into your sermon sometimes.

this is exactly right. appeasing liberals is like appeasing islam; it doesn't fucking work, and they'll just use any compromise against you.

To get people like you talking about him