How do you defeat depression and bad feelings ?

how do you defeat depression and bad feelings ?

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you do not

>defeat depression
Lithium and xanax
>bad feelings
Xanax and vodka


A live show like this would be a good start!

Exercise. Specifically running.

You can't run away from your problems, nigger.

if you wait a while it should go away...
otherwise you probably need the drugs

Exercise, low card high fat diet, talk therapy, realize that your ex is a horrible person, stop obsessing over childhood trauma and self education.

Get a job you basement dweller.

Morphine and alcohol here. Worked well thus far.

Sounds like a good recipe as well!

Most of your problems and bad feels are generic. Find consolation in literature, art and philosophy. Deal with it. Welcome to being human.

A book isnt going to change the chemical compounds in my brain that i lack or have to much of

1. upbeat music without voice
2. ambient natural sound recordings
3. sunlight, a lot of it
4. a change of location, somewhere sunny
5. avoidance of people who make you feel that way

Then please be more specific.

as someone that dealt with depression for years, you just have to focus on making your life better. It sounds dumb, but you're depressed because you're not doing anything about it.

This. user is exactly right. I'd add that find some perspective. Its underrated.

If you enjoy reading then it will

Depression/anxiety are results of lacking or having too much of 6 main chemicals in your brain.
Painting, reading a book, thinking isnt going to change the make up of my brains chemicals.
Medication will.

You must be an Amerifag. You fuckers take a pill for everything. I'm surprised you lot need to bother with illegal drugs.

>how do you defeat depression and bad feelings ?
Easy, remember that your "mental illness" is pretend and go back to being a fucking man.
Everyone gets sad sometimes you little bitch, very sad, but you gotta tough it out.

you're confusing the context that produces the "chemical change" with the chemicals themselves

ask for more hours at work if possible
take some extra classes if that's where you're at in life
find a hobby you can get lost in
add time to any of these and you'll eventually be good

Fine i guess if you want to say you increase your dopamine and serotonin levels 1% when you read a book because "LOL I LIKE IT KEK LOL" then sure you wont the argument have fun, but in reality the only way to change depression and anxiety is with medication. That is LITERALLY the only way to deal with it as it is changing the makeup of your GABBA

>1. upbeat music without voice
This doesn't work for me at all, I need the opposite
When I was down. blue and couldn't get over an ex I familiarized myself with Hank Williams Sr and that shit healed my ass straight


A collection of paper bound together will not change 'the chemicals in your brain', but the contents will. Just as a blowjob will do.

Literature, art and philosophy is key. Just check out the School of Life youtube channel as a start. Thank me later.

Depression isn't the lack of happiness, it's the lack of vitality. Force yourself to do things that you do not feel like doing , also, start working out, physical exercise does wonders when it comes to depression. Slowly you should recover. Avoid taking pills, they do more bad than good in the majority of cases.


Show me medical journals that say otherwise.

>Avoid taking pills, they do more bad than good in the majority of cases.
I would literally be dead if not for lithium

I can't. But that's ok. Tell us something more about your depression and bad feels. Give us more context. How's life user?

>video games
Simple man with simple needs

get rid of unmet expectations. its the only thing thats causing bad feels


By suicide

All these ppl are retarded. Fully embrace and love every emotion u have and it will dissappear. Somebody once told you it was wrong to be depressed so you try to cover up that emotion? You are going against the way your brain was designed. Faggot

With medication i am a functioning part of society,I hold down a decent office job 5 days a week and i freelance server support for small bussiness' on the weekend. I can interact with people and hold long conversations.I have interpersonal relationships with people. I go out on the weekends some times with people from work.

WIthout medication, i have zero energy and i cant leave my house, im always chronically tired.I have panic attacks if i go out of the house, thats it just leaving the house i get anxiety attacks and scurry back in to the house. Irrational paranoia that everyone outside is looking at me and judging me.Dont even think about trying to get me to talk to people casually, cant even handle talking to the UPS guy for all my amazon purchases so they either put them down or take them back for delivery again.

I didnt want to kill my self but i had been up for 12 days in a manic episode and i took all of my pills and some vodka trying to sleep and woke up in the ICU 5 days later, my landlord found me choking on my own vomit(rent was do and she always got it manually)

Yes, medication saves lives


>get a job
doesnt work lol

Stop smoking weed, stop masturbating as much (or use a fleshlight). Stop smoking and try to get in shape or at least strong from weights.

Secure a job, property and capital (working on this part).

Best of luck Sup Forumsro

You don't...if you're lucky you end up tied. And repeat the process

literally this
also drink tea and meditate faggot

Ya. Thats right. Stay medicated. Stay numb. Fucking sheep. Who fucking says every person has to be happy every fucking day of their lives? Scared of your other emotions? Youre acting like a queer.

Your thoughts change the chemicals in your brain. Depression is not set in stone because “Hurr I have a chemical imbalance.” That’s literally everybody.

How bad is actually that?

I want to know because I'm starting to feel really dependant of hentai and masturbating since a few months.

Can someone argue me well about it?

Put down the growth hormones for a sec will ya.

Who said im happy?
Who said im numb?
Im not happy, but im a functioning shell of a person.

Don’t listen to the haters Mr. Nigger. Running is indeed a great way to fight depression.

Idk I exercise and smoke pot if I stop doing both I literally start having panic attacks

Ok. I see. I do not disagree taking medicine in this case. But still, I believe that art, literature and philosophy can help. Over time. Give yourself time. A few years. And you'll become a stable, secular, non-medicine dependent human (again).

Try embracing your emotions and see what happens. Do a little research on it if you need help. If you are like me you may not be able to identify emotions cuz youve been pushing them down so long.

Its been 20 years since i started with this shit. The past 5 with my current medication thats working exceptionally well.

>And you'll become a stable, secular, non-medicine dependent human (again).
This will never happen, my brain is missing chemicals, medication restores that.Just 5 days without my meds my depressive state starts to show its head.

Even when i was a child i had problems with emotions and interpersonal relationships. Its either none or a large burst
