I never accomplished anything in high school. Never got to go to parties, never got a kiss, never got laid, etc...

I never accomplished anything in high school. Never got to go to parties, never got a kiss, never got laid, etc. Part of it was because I was never allowed to leave my house, and I lived with a toxic family that robbed me of my teenage years. And as soon as I get into the social circles of high school, I was rejected at just about every turn and bullied all the time. And they say high school was supposed to be the easiest and best 4 years of my life.

Sup Forums Please, I can't get over this. It's been torturing me since I graduated, and I almost can't take it anymore. It's one of the main sources of my mental issues. My question is how do I get over this? How do I get this off my back and be happy again? I need your guys' wisdom once more.

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Sexually rape your toxic family.

Well, at least someone answered


Thanks. I like having people around who feel the same.

You have to learn not to care, about your past or anything else. We can't teach you this.You just have to work through the logic of how nothing you or anyone else does matters.

Its troll but i answere
23y kissless virgin here
I acceped it at 21 that im a looser and thats fine i guess. On the other hand sex is overrated... right?.....

Watch yes man. Be motivated to accept any request. Go out and become a brave outgoing person. Don't treat others how you were treated

I like that idea. I'll try that

High school blows. For almost everyone. If you believe the Disney channel meme of it being the best years of your life, you're too far gone.

Life is what you make of it, go have fun in college, disown your garbage family

There's nothing you can do now except try to make things better moving forward. It's gonna be a pain in the cunt to just walk on by with all the memories and regrets and anger, but what else are ya gonna do, kill yourself?

It's okay. I know what I have to do now. Thanks

Well, you aren't wrong

That's relieving to know. Looking back, I put more effort in than I should. My last year, I moved back to my hometown away from my toxic family, and I did a bit better, but still issues I have about it all

>Part of it was because I was never allowed to leave my house, and I lived with a toxic family that robbed me of my teenage years.
I sorta had this shit too, I was a grade or so ahead so I wasnt able to get my drivers license until the end of my junior year. Even once I was able to fucking go places nobody wanted to invite me because I was a senior who looked like a sophomore. I tried hard as balls to be friendly, likeable, and cool. I wasnt even that much of an autist. just fuck my shit up tbh fam

I feel you man. I don't think there's any way to just lobotomize yourself and forget about it. I've still got shit that haunts me, but I just end up willfully ignoring it as much as I can.

Probably not the healthiest thing, but it seems to have been treating me pretty alright so far.

continuing from this, I'm sure it'll get better eventually, whether that's acceptance or revenge or some other third solution. You just gotta be able to tough it out until you see that light come to be. You got this, bud.

Jordan B. Peterson once said something like : Dragons hord gold because the things you most need is always where you least wanna look.

This thing changed my life : You can apply this wisdom every day.

I strongly recommend this :

I did nothing I high school either. The best years of my life were straight out of school. First job, first car and first gf. Far better than going to some juvenile parties at high school.

Well, okay. It's a start.

My dude, you sound 100% like me. I can't explain it. I never even got a permit until junior year, and never got a license until 18

I just hope this applies to me soon

Not an accomplishment
Not an accomplishment
Not an accomplishment

That isn't what you can't get over user. None of that shit matters and I don't know how you've convinced yourself that it does, all that is for AFTER high school, college years and early 20's. No, what it sounds like you missed out on is the end of your childhood, hanging out with friends, making fools of yourselves, getting into trouble doing burnouts in your shit first car, making mistakes, being awkward, discovering some of who you are outside of what your family tells you to be etc. Basically, time and freedom to grow.

How do you get over it? First, get it out of your head that those things are important or what everybody other than you experienced or wanted to experience, because that's nowhere near true. Second, realise that the only people who think those were the best years of their lives are the ones who haven't done anything worth talking about since, who have failed in their post-highschool lives and so have to turn to their memories. Third, fucking be doing shit NOW, when you're supposed to be. Watch Boyhood, cry, then discover yourself and start living with meaning instead of pining over inconsequential shallow shit you think you missed out on. Fuck.

That was very helpful. Thank you, nigga

Huge thanks. You just changed my thinking. I can't thank you enough, man

I'm somewhat similar minus the being a social reject part.

Been out of school for a while now and nothing changes unless you change it and you have to want it. I just work and do college stuff and stay occupied. Fuck women I really fucking hate all the extra drama and stress they add to your life. I've already got enough to deal with, I'd rather just come home from work, play games, so some homework, and sleep. I don't care enough for pussy to have it ruin my single lifestyle.

I'm 32 now so highschool was quite awhile ago.

Look back on it objectively. It was absolutely not the "best and easiest 4 years" of my life. Not even close. Since then I've been able to travel the world, build a fulfilling career, establish meaningful relationships with mature adults and start a family.

In the grand scheme of things, highschool is now so incredibly irrelevant.

You solve this by becoming a dedicated, active person. True passion gets you anywhere but it's not handed out for free. Put time and effort into a craft and your mind will eventually transform into one of a happy person. A healthy mind will have things make sense for you, it really is that easy. Your family never experienced this so negativity rules their reality. Toxic environments are contagious but the cancer will only grow if you let it. You're out here asking for help and that's an act of hope and will. Throw in some determination into the mix and you'll be walking down the road to true happiness.

Now go watch every Jordan Peterson lecture you can find online and you'll be on your way. Good luck user

Thanks you. God be with you too

You literally do not give a fuck. You are a god amongst men

I guess you're right


You live now, you're miserable now. If you were happy now you could give two fucks about you should have done then, you'd be occupied with the present, living the awesome movie that is your life. Listen to this guy, he gets it.

I'm totally down with Jordan Peterson and his philosophies are definitely more relevant to this subject, so as a side note I'd like to recommend Alan Watts If you'd want a deeper grasp what I was talking about. All the best user!

Have you ever taken up learning an instrument?

I picked up electric guitar, but I haven't touched it in a while. For a couple weeks now, I thought about trying to start a band to get money, so I think I can pick it up again.

Thanks, user

go on /fit/
hit the gym
drink more water, cut the sugar
eat better
repeat process for a year straight

That'd be a good idea. Drinking 3 liters of Coke a day is probably going to kill me sooner