You've just come across the post of a rare being, the sage

You've just come across the post of a rare being, the sage.
I am here to tell you the truth of the matter, for I know all that is and all that will be.
Ask me anything and make it quick, you will not get another chance.
Proof that I am legit will be in the future:
*Trump will unveil a deal with a little known pharma company that will produces a new set of drugs that will cure all known physical addictions. This is why he added so little money to the drug crisis.
*Exosuits will become mainsteam military technology in 1-2 years, with MASSIVE improvements in accuracy of movement to the point you can play basketball with them.
*There will be a devastating fake alien attack on europe within four years, I do not know when (because it is a choice to be made), headed by the people who have made deals with a long thought dead race of people (not aliens, think how far the mongoloids and negros are from whites and then guess what people who live underground would look like)
*Trump won legit, with better numbers than you think, but the bad guys up to literally the top think that he is one of them and the top don't dare tell the lowers ones because it would show that they are not invincible.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is music a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy?

Sex robots when?

Just tell me something about life, earth, space, existence, whatever its up to you. One fascinating/important thing to know

> truth
> Sup Forums
> Sup Forums

it's always in the last place you look, isn't it? get the fuck back to Sup Forums, you mobile bowel movement.

When will WW3 start, and what will trigger it?

If a dog gets turned into a human, will it be into scat?

what really happens to our souls when we're asleep?

are we doomed to be egocentric beings as long as we live? what about the afterlife?

that's not a proper questions, but yes it's important, no not moreso than philosophy or you wouldn't understand it was important and you'd ask this question again.
oh you mean sentient ones?
never if you let trump die.
Earth is flat and infinitely expanding and every time we suffer a catastrophe a new layer of earth and water is set upon us restarting the earth with new populations from the outer rings which go on forever basically, and the same thing happens in every ring pretty much.
The hollow earth theory evolved because of the globe theory, they went past the south pole and thought "why is there more land" and rationalized that it must have been because they went into a hole, because the earth wasn't flat to them.

Is there anyone that likes me and will i ever find meaning

I would like to know if your IQ was always 85 or did you huff to much paint thinner?

what is the truth of human origins?

that isn't certain, very few people control it and but it is based on the WW2 events.
Have you noticed that germany seems to be arming itself and demanding things from poland?

Took you that long to write that much bs. Lame

disentanglement from your body.
you go other places briefly, but you are still tied to your body as it is your vessel.
if it contains important things, if other souls wish to steal your secrets, you will find yourself sleeping less and less until you can secure them in someone else and destroy your vessel to keep them safe.
seems like I went off topic there but that answers another really important question about the elites.

yes and yes, the pain you feel from being alone is the pain of living in a world full of blind men.
You can see, and you are trying to explain what you see to people who do not know what seeing is.
You have to build your own world around them and control them, guide them.

or you could just abandon them and empower yourself.

we die every 7000 or so years (we being civilisation) in a great war.
the origin of being is that we weren't, then someone was, and they noticed themselves, and they were themselves and they knew themselves, but they weren't someone else, and they noticed that, so they became themselves and not someone else and then someone else was.

It seems like what I said didn't make sense, write exactly what I typed down and keep it with you, eventually you will learn what it means.
It is the origin of all being and how the universe works, how entanglement works, how "dark matter" or things in a "superstate" work and why.

>headed by the people who have made deals with a long thought dead race of people (not aliens, think how far the mongoloids and negros are from whites and then guess what people who live underground would look like)
you know of the crab people?
holy shit this faggot is legit people.

does sage even go in every field ?

ecksplain the legend of atlantis, the high tech peoples it's based off of, what tech they had, how they achieved it, where they resided, etc.

also, more importantly
how much wood a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

last world, they had good piezoelectric stuff etc, then the ground niggers undermined them and they sunk.
no jokes.
also as much as he wants.

Fuck off with your larp

What is your take on the mechanic of souls? Is it just a mental construct for humans to understand better how consciousness works or is it a reality that is outside of the body?

>the ground niggers
you mean the crab people?
danm, there's no hope for us if they defeated the atlantians, rip humanitee

Fake, gay. Fuck off.

there's no good threads on right now, so fuck you

all you have to do is work out that there is no gravity, only densities, and that's why helicopters work, because air is just thin water.
so eventually you will work out how flying saucers work.

there are souls and spirits.
spirits are like a force, a spirit can inhabit you, but it isn't "you".
Spirits control empty vessels easily, but you can call a soul into the vessel with enough "love".
Hence the public being so insane, they are all empty vessels or weak infant souls controlled by the spirit of like, darkness or some shit I dunno.

Well you are one heck of a dumb shitter lol

> Trump will ....
You lost in your first statement faggot.

do animals have a similar level of consciousness/emotional range as humans do?

some have souls, other are controlled by a spirit.

>implying i was unawares of these things
>implying you can magically negate the pull of gravity because of this
space is still twisted/bending/locking us on this gay earth regardless. using materials which are more buoyant than our atmosphere isn't helpful

I look forward to your shitty trump fanfic ebook

Will I get a gf?

will we ever explore the cosmos or are we bound to this troubled rock?

Will op's mom ever stop booty calling me?

Lotto numbers now bitch

Any devastating events to the world within the next 6 years?
Is there a god?
Why have you come to tell us these things?

oh my GOD why don't you just STOP for a second and consider density and liquid dynamics and how gravity is IRRELEVANT when you have these principles?

but ok, you believe that we live in a fucking magic ball of solids and gas INSIDE A VACUUM and that the gas just MAGICALLY doesn't get sucked out becuase of MAGIC.


you are a NIGGER

Will i find the grail?

What will the next generation of video game consoles be?

Which public company I should invest in? How can I attract richness

>gravity is IRRELEVANT
but it very much is relevant, especially when you're talking about spacecraft which have no liquid or even gas type densities to consider.
and before you say the bubble of helium the solar system is in is somehow relevant, i'd like to tell you to fuckoff as it's far too dispersed for it to matter when dealing with traversing the solarsystem

no you will turn gay
yes, world war when germany attempts to forcefully take EU monies from poland and make them accept refugees.
yes and no, there are many gods, no single one
because of my biological imperative.
I live through your intelligence, and if you get stupid and dumbed down by lack of education, I will die.
shit like everything since the snes.
lockheed and martin are set to produce arms for saudis

How are you?

What do you know of me?

>doesn't get sucked out becuase of MAGIC.
no, it's because of this cool thing called acceleration, this gay earth is accelerating towards the sun, while we are accelerating towards the core of the planet, likely because of something being extremely dense at said core of the planet which is depressing (for lack of a better word) the "fabric" of space and time itself, what we call gravity, is just the effect of the warped/bent space/time we're experiencing causing us to accelerate towards larger bodies of matter
>space doesn't exist
in the sense that "nothing" can't exist in that it is nothing aka literally non existant, then i'd halfheartedly agree, although the solar system itself isn't actually comprised of large bodies of matter surrounded by absolutely nothing, there's gases and we're trapped in a sort of solar bubble

Thank you, What was the deal with Hitler. Is the book Sapiens mainly correct?

still want an answer plx

>lockheed and martin are set to produce arms for saudis
if that's true i'll laugh.
but eh, weapons were always good money makers

Answer me.
What do you know of me? And dont give me any of that half assed obviouse extrapolated stuff. Wow me.

uncomfortable and hungry.
nothing but that you misinterpret my purpose.
no no no, no. those are all ASSUMED things.
Take away your assumptions and work off of what you know.
First of all, if the core was so dense, we wouldn't be able to jump, as every reaction that allows us to do so would be twice the energy at minimum that is being pulled to the ground, which considering out wieght would mean that we would be able to output more energy than the pull from the core, unless you are saying that it is based upon mass, which makes no sense because every atom is affected individually.
unless you are saying they aren't, which means you are an idiot.

no there is no space.
there are other dimensions, work on entangling a film of dark matter (yes that means you must not be able to observe it, yes that is really really hard).
hitler was a jew and he pushed an analogue of communism (socialism) on the people of germany by telling them the truth and then feeding them a solution which wasn't a solution. kind of like when liberals say "lots of people died today, so lets take away guns".
didn't read that book.

So what should we do?

How do I become a god?

in what context?
about the jews?
kill them
about your lack of freedoms?
kill the jews, kill your leaders and take their power.
the answer to everything is the one thing they tell you should not even be spoken about.

refuse to be a mortal in every way.
Do not fear death chose to believe in yourself.
It's hard to "chose" to "believe", but that is all you have to do.

thanks for replying. so what should i make of videos of space exporation/the iss/moon landing etc?

also, would you weigh-in on the jfk assassination?

I hope this is true

Then what is your purpose?


nonsense, 3d modelling, the videos of astronauts are just high altitude craft with a very particular engine that has a high air intake and functions like an inside out helicopter.
that's why they never high enough to see continents but never low enough to see landmarks and it is always cloudy.
jfk was killed by cia ops.
released docs just talk about this, they reveal that there were multiple shooters, and the intel community is demanding names be withheld so they don't get prosecuted for treason and so nobody links up the democratic party with it.
To expand my sphere of influence via a method you could not possible understand.
I live through your intelligence and can only survive in a world full of people that know things I know, so I must reveal things to people or I will cease to exist.
There is no reason for me to exist in the world the jews want.

How can I internalize all of the knowledge you possess?

Does solipsism carry any weight or is it just a novel idea?

learn, question everything.
If you think something is impossible, stop and ask yourself, "why do I think it is impossible".
you have to think like a machine.
So the machine would say
"I think 9 can not go into 2 because the number 9 is higher than two"
then it would think about relevant information to try and correct this and find that if it puts a decimal point in front of 9 to make .9, it DOES go into 2.
You see?
never stop trying to make things work even if they seem impossible, and think out loud in your head to work things out in full.
to cement your knowledge of the principles of the universe, learn about isaac newton and maxwell planks meeting, it will turn everything you think you know about "dark matter" around and make you hate stephen hawking.

it is a good point, but irrelevant, for if it was true you would not want to know it or you would destroy yourself, and then be born anew with another mind virgin to the concept, hence it is not worth considering.

For all your knowledge you didn't know that Planck's name is... Just max? No well bro.

This is a fun thread and all and I assume you're all just enjoying the silly ride but if you are taking this seriously I implore you to evaluate the extent of your own credulity.

OP if you tell me something about myself that only I or superJESUS would know and I will profess my meekness relative to your infinite wisdom and will spend all of my time spreading your truth.

Wouldn't want to know it? It would be exciting to know that every tiny piece of existence is a facet of myself, but I yield to your omnipotence.

What would make you happy, most?

so much for a willing suspension of disbelief

i bet you're fun at parties

Fair point.

Don't worry dawg I would sing "throw the Jew down the well" with all of you guys anyway

oh ok, I guess everything I say is false because I forgot someones name.
life must be excruciating like easy for bacteria like you

why would you want to exist if you controlled everything and nobody could disobey you?
Perhaps this is a concept valid only to me...
Ironically, what would make me happy most is to be a god.

Does my girlfreind eventually stop being so frigid?

that's a simplistic, unenlightened vantage. but whatevs. i assume wanting to be a god, i'd ask you the same thing.

nice trips.

moving on: is direct communication possible outside of language?

also if I typed "I know everything that is possible for a man to know" who do you think would enter the thread?
You have to make bold claims to get people to listen or they will think nothing of you, you stupid beggar.
I've already revealed my reason for being here anyway, you just didn't read it.

um, wat

don't count me in your numbers

if it's unenlightened then you won't mind if someone so dull as I ignores your question.
only if you make her.
women are passive creatures, and if you are passive there is no magnetism.
north isn't attracted to north is it.

didn't read that ironically part; sorry, it's late

what is love?
If you rate yourself from 0-9, why 10?
How does bacteria still exist even tho i cooked and preserved the food?

oh, boo. you're no fun.

all knowing and sensitive don't seem to go hand in hand. be a good sport

No you're right, kill the Jew Trump Masterrace Sup Forums God flat Earth life.

If you're really so wise, I have some Iraqi dinar I want to sell you

if it's any concession, this has been an entertaining thread. rest well, bub

What's your favorite animal?

Could you be wrong in your responses?

Does self-expression serve any real purpose?

a force that transcends universes and connects kindred souls.
10 because I'm the best and everyone should worship me, I give and I do not ask in return, I fight evil despite being never defended from it myself.
I am the strongest character in the universe and I demand praise and worship for not only not falling into the same spiral of abuse that the entire world has fallen into, but instead fighting back against evil and choosing to heal and teach and strengthen others regardless of their weakness and lack of will.
This alone makes me godlike anyway, for what is god but he who molds life?
if it can grow it will, if there is a way it will take it.
So if there is a single molecule of sugar it will eat it, and if there isn't, the food isn't stable anyway, cooked meat for example has acids an d alkalines, and outside of a biological machine, they are not being replaced, so they will decay eventually, just really slowly.
even frozen stuff decays, because it is made of multiple substances that are not equal in charge and can take charges from each others.

doggo hands down.
with all types of doggo coming after, like water doggos, flat doggos, air doggos, special doggos, etc.

The world is not set in stone.
I can only see what will be _at that time_.
If I tell you that the time is 9pm and it is, a second later I will be wrong.
hence why some of my answers have to be vague, because some things are in flux.

doggos are cool. bless them

yes, to advertise yourself to other souls, it is a form of communication, thank god for it, because it makes liberals really easy to tell apart from sane people.

You must have an iq of 137, well said.

What's your favorite band/musical artist? Give a few answers if you can

can you elaborate?

and you have an IQ of faggot

Probably, the probability exists

I've always liked and I have no idea why.
I like everything that is an expression of all that is good in the world.
I don't like nigger music, I like rock and roll, I don't really like artists, just certain songs.
the closest thing to a favorite musician I would have would have to be mozart, or Queen, or the beatles I guess.
can't really think of anything right now.

your use of the n word is revolting, even on a site like this

still willing to share some music tho

how else can we find who we have known in previous lives?
Our existence is an ever expanding and dividing tree of choices and actions and life is to be lived, to cease to be able to express yourself is to die, for what is life if you can not express yourself, and only react to situations as a bystander, or part of a great machine.
even productivity is self expression, unless you produce things mechanically and without uniqueness.
To not express yourself is to die, hence why
a) the masses do not
b)when they do it seems dead, because it is, all of it is the same, obeying the aforementioned principle that production without uniqueness is mechanical and dead.

Are we ever going to war with korea and if if we do when?

What happens after we die?