There have been indictments in the "Trump was having Russia rig our elections" bullshit

There have been indictments in the "Trump was having Russia rig our elections" bullshit.

The indictments/charges will be unsealed tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure that the left will NOT be happy.... lololololololol.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off cancer

Try some cold hard facts on for size.

(1 of 2)

(2 of 2)

>lots of third hand info and people just making accusations

Well if there's a chart just blankly saying 3% and 97% with no sources then it must be right. Wow OP, really makes you think.

Denial is your choice of drug.

what happens if you're wrong though?

Ops image is just so much better and more informative too.

GRAND JURY indictments

you know you can subit shit to a grand jury that you can NEVER use in actual court?

you any decent attorney can indict and ham sandwich?

Not in denial at all. Present true facts and I will look at them. If Trump ever goes to any grand jury Hillary and a few others are also FUCKED, because now you can request evidence.

Who said it was? Liberal logic strikes again.

cold hard fact like they never left the fbi inspect the servers

and that they proved by science no less that is was in fact a leak and not a hack, the flies was downloaded at a speed faster then any US internet provider at the time, Meaning, they could only have been copied locally...

this isnt even a real thing. youre a faggot.

same fake polls as before the election

The only one still focused on Hillary are desperate Republicans.
Republicans = Traitors

>If you did horrible shit a while ago, everyone should just forget about it

LOL liberals. HIllary is as dirty as they get. And she still holds power in Washington. Only an absolute MORON thinks Hillary is anything but corrupt.

Spoiler, you can disagree with Trump and realize Hillary was garbage. Unless you're CTR...Sharia Blue.

Traitor. See Treason: Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
The Trumpeteers forget that their orange god is unusually friendly with an enemy state. DNC is no better. But at least libs will accept facts.

>all these fake news as sources

Are you drinking the Uranium deal kool-aide? The one that was investigated already and found to be perfectly fucking legit? the one that was approved by no fewer than 12 independent agencies, not just your demons?

The problem with Trumptards is that you lot don't actually have any sort of integrity. Your logic goes as far as "I'm right because we won the election, why isn't the world bending to my every whim?" It's like a 5 year old who has to set the table before dinner, but thy don't wanna set the table, because they're hungry, and dinner's ready, so why can't I have dinner? This is my parents' fault, they could just LET me have dinner, but they won't! why do they have to be so mean? Now I'm throwing a tantrum and they STILL won't give me any food and in fact, they're threatening that if I can't pull it together, I won't have dinner at all! this is very unfair! This is a witch hunt! They're spreading fake news that I'm being irrational when all I want is some god damned food and they won't give me any! it's the fucking deep state! it's a conspiracy and it's rigged so that I CAN'T WIN!

Get over yourself you whiny fucking man child. The world doesn't cater to your whim, and when it turns out tomorrow that one or more of Trump's colleagues is being charged, the only person who's going to be surprised is you.

>libs will accept facts
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Oh shit. Like how Obama travel banned people and no one got mad? Like how the Clintons BOTH called for walls to be built on the border? Like how there was literal foreign donations into the Clinton Foundation. Like how Hillary used money in Haiti to build a fucking hotel. Like how she illegally deleted emails from and UNSECURE server that would have had almost anyone else in jail for decades. Like how the Dems literally colluded to fuck Bernie and we have the emails. Like how Clinton met with ol nigger bitch on an air strip. Like how Trump said women LET YOU grab them when you're rich, never said anything about raping them. Like how inner cities cause more gun violence in a year than ALL mass shooters combined? Like how blacks commit over 50% of crime in this country at 12% of the population, but it's somehow the white mans fault they are in prison. Like how social welfare kills the middle class (see the last 60 years) but we keep dumping money into it?

Liberals are literally retarded.

>LOL liberals
People like you make us actual conservatives look bad when you laugh and touch your selves over the idea of those darn dumb liberals. You don't have to be a fucking liberal to realize Trump is a corrupt incompetent piece of useless shit too.

You're not a conservative at all sharia blue faggot.

hillary's actions cost americans their lives. that is a fact. she is a criminal. you are represented by a criminal. that is a fact you should try to remember while youre up there on your high horse, fucktwat.

> Sup Forums calling other boards cancer

>the left will NOT be happy..

keep dreaming, it's all you got.


>God save the Queen

You realize you are on a forum that progressives keep free, while the GOP turns your browser history over to the telecoms for profit, and that the evangelical Christian right will have the GOP impose sharia law Christian style and shut down free places on the internet, like /b

Hillary is not president you dumb cunt

Hey now, aside from the dick rate threads, the trap threads, the loli I threads, the ylyl threads filled with facebook memes, fluffy threads... wait, what were we talking about again?


no but you tards wanted her to be, and then started the resistance bullshit to destroy america and try to divide us when you didn't get your way




You can't deflect forever. Time to deal with the cold hard facts of indictments and criminal prosecutions. It begins tomorrow.

the only place in the world where exposing the corruption of both a political party and a candidate is seen as a bad thing worthy of wasting government resources to punish...

you muricans are fucking dumb, you had 24/7 media coverage about Russian election interference and not one single goon said. Where's the evidence? Not one single shred of evidence has been provided against the Russians. Yet yous fuckas have watched your government spend millions of tax payers money investigating this matter. What do we get from yous about that fact. Nothing whatsoever, haha no wonder everyone on the planet calls you dumb as fuck.

>that the progressives keep free

lol no, the constitution does that. if progressives had their way, this place would be shut down because "muh feefees"

>Denying unsubstantiated allegations is denying facts
>we have always been at war with eastasia
I’d love to have your dumbass in my jury pool

at least americans have a choice

This. I dropped my ACLU membership a long time ago because they chose progressive feelings bullshit over civil liberties. Now the chapters are run by a bunch of “hate speech must be suppressed” and “speech is violence” millennials.

Brush up on your English, you Soviet faggot.

let's see you write perfectly in Russian

Кaк этo?

perfectly in russian

jesus the right can't meme

the right tries to create a fake 'truth' by memeing.

the left's memes are based in fact and reality


how it's?
great Russian that is you fucking imbecile


u meme mad brah

Ктo-тo canuse google translate

all you got is photos of mueller that make him look interesting


вы - кoзыpь, oтчaяннo пытaющийcя пepeнaпpaвить внимaниe c зaкpывaющих зaжимoв иccлeдoвaния мyллepa

People fall for Republican bait literally 24/7 it is actually sad. Why are people still talking about Hillary after she lost, she is irrelevant. Literally almost everyone I ever met who actually voted for her did so because it was a lesser of two evils. I have lived in 4 states since the election, not a single person but 1 or 2 of them actually said they liked her and they never watched the news what so ever. Trump is literally breaking the law and spitting in the face of democratic institutions and people who really want to call themselves American and patriotic. If you support extreme right wing dictator policies where you can not protest and can not question generals you are living in North Korea not the USA. Like Trump people are so bad I literally dread calling myself right wing now. He shoved all the moderate people into a spot where it is honestly better to be called a democrat then for me to be called a republican now even though we literally agree on almost nothing.

Sure thing, comrade.


mark it fucking 0

дpyгoй нeмoй мeй. Пpoшли мecяцы, a нe гoды, a Pecпyбликaнcкaя пapтия нaзнaчилa Mюллepa, a нe дeмoнoв, и oни нe нaшли Дeмп-пpecтyплeния, нo были oбнapyжeны пpecтyплeния Maнaфopтa, Флиннa и Tpaмпa-млaдшeгo.

>you know you can subit shit to a grand jury that you can NEVER use in actual court?

Technically true, but false in reality.
These Federal prosecutors have to follow ethics laws that bind them to only following up on cases they could win under normal law.
Your post is just more bullshit distraction from and for ignorant people.

i assume you expect to find fish with that oc copypasta or am I the only one dumb enough to check it out?

Can't read your shit language.

Taк и вaш aнглийcкий

The only thing Trump was guilty of during his campaign was trying to dig up shit on Hillary in her collusion with Russia. What you see will happen is a liberal story twisted by the media to make Trump look guilty for what Hillary actually did during the campaign.

>left memes are based on fact
>shows a fake photo of Trump with KKK wannabes


>shows a fake photo of Trump with KKK wannabes

Is that what you think a meme is?

Left calls anything memes. I wouldn't be surprised if a leftie antifa endorsing white guy called it a meme.

Mueller’s job was to get dirt on Trump so that’s what he’s going to do, regardless of its truthfulness. If he does deliver, he’s “done a tremendous service on behalf of the American people.” If he DOESN’T deliver, he’s “been pulled into a whirlpool of collusion and red tape, is ANYONE safe from Trump’s evil?” Either way, this will turn into a stupid political circle jerk.

How/if this will be proven will be worth a couple bags of popcorn at least.


based on fact. there is a basis for the concept. not just made up out of whole cloth, you retard.

>uranium one was legit
On paper, yes. It was signed off on because the people who got paid off in the deal had enough pull to make it binding. But ethically, no. The whole “donate to the Clinton Foundation and by complete coincidence you get a massive Uranium contract” is, y’know, illegal. As it would be for any politician guilty of this. Please stop shilling.


>all this projection
I'm going to call you Shirou from now on

>implying I didn't know what words are
I'm assuming that you think the Trump image with KKK "members" is real.
If my assumption is correct then there's no base in reality for that image as he outright condones hate groups.


Eagles will fuck you up, though. The only people who wouldn't pull away there have never encountered a real one.

you are incorrect. It is clearly NOT a real image.

What is real is that Trump has cultivate the vote of the KKK. Evidence in plain sight in so many ways. In his own words.

So, getting back to the original point, there is truth to the pardoy of this picture because Trump *is* loving his support from the KKK.

As opposed to right wing memes where they just literally make up stupid shit and try to create a new "truth" where it never existed.


>What is real is that Trump has cultivate the vote of the KKK. Evidence in plain sight in so many ways. In his own words.
I request that you provide this evidence you speak of.

Memes are often satire rather than intended to be portraying some sort of "truth" btw e.g. The Virgin X vs The Chad Y

Just cause he gets support from KKK doesn't mean he endorses it. They could've voted for either Trump or Hillary and they picked him because it's obviously a better choice.

Unemployment rates in US are the lowest in 16 years.

He's partially responsible for stocks rising

And this out of the way:

Most memes aren't based on truth; half of the Sup Forums memes have fake/twisted story and they're not real. Memes aren't just "truth" but comedy

>Just cause he gets support from KKK doesn't mean he endorses it.

but he does. It took him many days to disavow support from David Duke. "both sides" . retweeting white supremacists, all of that. don't try to explain away any one of them. he could maybe get the benefit for any one, but put them altogether and it's clear he supports their support.

He is literally the only national politician to do this in decades.

Can you prove it? At least provide some evidence.

In other words you don't have any concrete evidence?

>trump basically sucking Putin's cock
>putin saying "we will go to war with US if Trump isn't elected president"
>trump elected, fires anyone investigating him colluding with Russia
>indictments finally in action


Are you seriously this retarded?

Trump talks like your typical conspiracy troll from Sup Forums. Wouldn't be surprised if he lurks that retarded every night before he goes to bed at night.

What was on Wiener's hard drives besides dick pics?

Russian bot approve of OP post

If he is wrong...its off to the next excuse...

>"Not in denial at all...but Hillary....." Trumptard

Dis gunna be gud

do you not understand yet that duke is a dixiecrat? you do know that the kkk is/was democrat right? i dont care what you think you know or what duke or anyone tells you, thats what he is. You dont think he wants the racial instability and BLM out chanting death slogans to whites, ushering in the great race war that idiots the likes of duke have major chubs for over past decades while trump worked with black communities in NY? duke and other closet dixicrats put out these tweets in response to the MSM narrative and they do this propaganda dance to give you the visual matrix that there are boogeymen out there comin to get ya and oh look duke is a right winger, an alt righter, look we payed attention to a tweet for the first time in years and low and behold he said hes for trump. = trump admitted racist. the only difference between post slavery era and today is that the democrats have turned the boogeyman from black to white and garnish it with gender.