Hello Sup Forums, I'm in my final year of highschool and i have no idea what I want to do with my life...

Hello Sup Forums, I'm in my final year of highschool and i have no idea what I want to do with my life. What I mean by that is that I have no future plans for a career or anything like that. I was hoping that you guys could give me an idea for some kind of job or career. At this point all my options are open(made good grades and no physical disabilities) and my only requirement is that it pays 40,000+ per year. Would prefer a job that doesn't involve me dealing with customers directly(like sales or customer service) but I wouldn't really give a shit if I was getting paid for it. Thanks

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could do trade school, get good job right when you're done

just become an hero

cocaine makes more money than a 9-5

I went to college to be a pilot. Didnt wind up doing anything with it (am private pilot, not commercial).

But had a shit ton of fun and its something that sets you apart. Shit. You got all options. go for nursing. Only need community college. and can make bucks as an RN and have the option (and get paid really well) for travel nursing.

People kept pushing me into dentistry. Not a whole lot of schooling, damn good money, and can basically open up your own practice and set your own schedule. Being a dentist is the last god damned thing I want to do. But might work out well for you.

Or join the military for a couple years.

You would like some suburban fag who needs parent/peer approval and adoration.

My actual advice. Get a life. For real, go get any job you can get without whining about xyz. Make and save shit tons of money while living rent and Bill free. Move out and or travel. Do things you want.

I have always worked "dead end jobs" since I was 16. cook, sbux, retail, mall... But I travelled over 40 countries because I live within my means and save. 30 now. I'm happy.

If I had a career job do you seriously think I could tell my boss "hey I need to book 2 weeks of again. Ok cool."

No they would tell me to stfu and be happy with one week a YEAR.


Just curious, how old are you OP

Im 18 almost 19

He's probably 17/18. Im in a similar positión right now

Do this.

Do NOT go into massive debt pursuing a B.A. That is literally the dumbest thing you can do. It's dumber than being a NEET.

I'm 31 and just getting into the trades, don't be a retard like me and you could be sitting on half a million right now.

I've considered learning a trade for awhile now and it seems like the best way to go, any specific ones that are better than others, or should i just do whatever.

Why didn't you plan shit out man? I only got a 29 on my ACT but I think I'm looking good for getting into Rochester... International Business Management is what I'm planning on because I've lived overseas most of my life

I'm looking into welding, possible HVAC. I need to speak to a guidance counselor at the local cc tomorrow. There is a serious labor shortage in this country.


How does 40k a year sound.

Goddammit just travel until you figure out what you wanna do. We can't tell you a career because we're just as confused/don't wanna work

>International Business Management
vague white-collar shit which will probably leave you flipping burgers at 40 after you get sacked in a recession

>just see the world maaaan
earns zero bucks

Do 4 years of military , navy is easiest,
by the time you're done you'll have more credentials, insurance, money to continue education, than most of your peers

>Do 4 years of military , navy is easiest,
Don't do this. They have your ass for at least 8 and potentially indefinitely.

DT recently signed executive authorization to recall retired pilots. No, you can't opt out. If we get into a war with Iran or the Norks you're fucked.

Here's my advice:

1. Start learning a valuable trade skill
2. Build good credit
3. Claim 0 on w4 tax form; invest tax return every year (I recommend CODs.
4. Obtain a mortgage and purchase a house when you turn 25. Create a plan to achieve this important goal.

Follow my advice and you will be financially secure for your entire life even on low income.

>Obtain a mortgage and purchase a house when you turn 25.
You were doing great until then.

Buy a house, by all means, but don't go into debt to do it. Pay in cash.

Oh I forgot one:

5. Don't listen to retards like this guy. Make realistic goals, not unrealistic goals like "buying a house outright with cash".

>paying rent instead of mortgage payments while trying to save up money to buy a house with cash

a foolish idea

>getting tied down into a 20-year debt agreement in an economy that's struggling
brilliant advice guys. i bet you make car payments too.

You really are a dumb motherfucker, aren't you? I bet you live with your parents.

Only an idiot would pay rent instead of mortgage payments. You have to make payments either way; at least with a mortgage you are building wealth instead of flushing it down the toilet.

>20 year agreement

And you can pay off a mortgage early if you're able. Any adult should know that.

>bet you live with your parents
nope. been paying someone else's mortgage for 3 years. and i can walk away at any time.

be mad.

Join the air force reserve. You'd only work one weekend a month and you would be stationed in your home state, or the nearest base to where you live.

>paying someone else's mortgage for 3 years

lol have fun w/ that cuck.

>hurr durr cuck

Both a mortgage and rent have their ups and downs depending where you're at in life, what age, job etc. don't be a dick

I am. Don't pay maintenance. This place is trashed up before I moved in and when I walk I won't be paying a cent to fix it.

I hope it's your house. I'll take a big shit in the living room when I move.

Second on the trades, I got a job as a mechanic right out of high school, gotta start with just oil and tires but in a year I got 2$/hour raise and promoted job title twice. Welding pays better but I love working on cars, keep in mind that it's nice to do what you like. But you really can't go wrong with welding, I know welders who don't even work for a company, they make really solid money on freelance stuff.

What captures your attention?
What’s your passion?
What would make you want to get up in the morning?
See if there is a way for that passion to make money, then go for it.
You need money, but you also need to enjoy this life. Only you can figure out what will take you there.
Good luck!!

What is it that you're passionate about OP? That's what you want to do, don't aim for a job that bores hell out of you, then you'll hate work and it will affect the rest of your life too. If you don't know what you're passionate about yet don't worry, I've only just decided now and I'm in late 30's. Until you figure it out, focus on living a good life, travel, just stay out of debt!

The only excuse for renting is when you're young and don't have job security. Which is why I said originally, to get a mortgage at 25 and have a plan to make this happen. You can think I'm a dick all you want, but at least I'm not the retarded degenerate giving terrible life advice like this guy:

Have fun getting your rental applications turned down in all but the most ghetto residential areas, you disgusting degenerate shitstain.

>whats a background check durrr

You'll find out.

If you don't go into the field you like/are passionate about you will regret it deep inside of you until the day you die. No matter how much it pays, you will probably have money to live but no amount of money can change the fact that you did what you felt is right for you.

I was just kidding user, you dumb faggot spaz.

Seriously though give me your addy so I can shit in your lawn.

Trades are solid. The only downside is there is no upward movement within that trade. You are pretty much doing that trade forever. Many people who learn a trade often get burnt out within a couple years. I know I would.


i want to poop on you. what do you think about this proposition?

Fuck off. This is advice for whores, except you didn't include the part where you become desperate in your 40s and latch on to some poor asshole to receive the benefits he had to work his whole life to achieve.

And there's no reason you can't be financially responsible and also do what you want. Enjoying travel isn't an excuse to be a minimum wage chump your entire life.

you should like in your moms basement