Can anyone tell me why this show is any good? It seems pretty stupid from what I've seen so far...

Can anyone tell me why this show is any good? It seems pretty stupid from what I've seen so far. Nothing but dick jokes and fart gags.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

My IQ is at 115. Is that high enough to understand the show?

The humor is immature, but the writing is pretty good. The fan base is completely garbage though. Don't feel bad if you don't like it, most people don't

not even close

so. no ones ever seen your tattoo then

What is the acceptable range?

Its pretty funny. Most of the fanbase isnt as they are portrayed everywhere. Its just fun, easy to digest and imo worth to watch.

fucking terrible show

It sucks and the creator of the show thinks everyone who voted Trump is a nazi

Its fun to watch. The comedy changes up and usually doesnt use the same formula for every episode. I cant stand rewatching more than a handful of times as it gets repetitice with only 3 seasons

what should I watch to pass my time... just finished house md

Wow So Genius!, It's like Rick and Morty would never Copy / Paste a Comment because they "Think for Themselves" am I Right?

Why's that, friend?

Watch rick and morty

Haha. That's insulting to nazis

It's well written, has pretty damn clever jokes but is also amusing topically, and is all around good

Judging a show or band or food or anything meant to be enjoyed for its aesthetic value cuz there are dumb faggots who also enjoy it is the definition of edgelord tumbrina fagottry

I love that show. Watched it all multiple times. It's hard to say what to watch next. Maybe Rekt porn?

I look down as she unzips my pants,
My left nut itches, but there is nothing to be done
She begins to slob on my knob
My dick explodes all over the bitch
She begins to cry
I tell her Rick and Morty is a show
only for people with a high Iq

i need something to keep me me occupied for at least half an hour without needing to click anything

What's your IQ?

>you're* Enjoy

The United States is a pretty good country, but the fanbase is garbage.

what is this vsauce guy.. ive seen many ppl bashing him never bothered to ask why


I'd like to know too. I've always liked Michael's videos.

Sup Forumstards just hate because they can't understand his genius. Much like Dan Harmon

Well I watch rick and morty so like 5000-7000 approximately

Gave up after like 5 mins or so. I'm not very bright

you win the internet today.

dunkey! what are you doing here?


This. And why do they portray rick as being against nazis? Doesn't he sterilize entire planets, and commit genocide and slavery in like every 2/3 episodes? Isn't he supposed to be a nihilistic man of science?

Ah, the pretend to be stupid b8. Nice.

It's so obvious I'm surprised anyone replied.

Rick doesn't believe in ideologies so he's be opposed to Nazi's or any group for that matter. He's a nihilist not because of the things he does, he's a nihilist because he doesn't believe anything matters. Which is what allows him to do terrible things without guilt. Because so fucking what.

Yeah but he's also very anti authoritarian.

Its got some clever writing but its very crude, its good for a chuckle id say its like a cross between archer and doctor who. I like it but this whole fanbase thing is bs.

Yeah, this.

Nihilists are always so full of shit, it's so hard to take self identifying nihilists seriously

I didn't claim to be a nihilist dipshit, that's just the show.

I didn't say you were, I was just saying nihilists, especially self identified ones are winy bitches, so it'd detract from the show for me. If you were a nazi you wouldn't like a show with a Jew as the leading man

There's no such thing as an absolute nihilist anyways. Don't think too hard about it.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cuckolding. The kink is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of intersectional feminism most of the empowerment will go over a typical cuck's head. There's also the Bull's aggressive outlook, which is deftly woven into his role - his personal mannerisms draw heavily from the mating habits of bovine animals, for instance. The cucks understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of being cuckolded, to realize that it's not just arousing - it says something deep about DIVERSITY. As a consequence people who dislike cuckolding truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the power of when the woman says "leave the room Carl you're breaking Tyrone's concentration," which itself is a cryptic reference to the plight of African-American males in the United States. I'm smugly grinning right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as The Bull's strong African seed ejaculates itself on my wife. What bigots... how I pity them. :joy:
And yes by the way, I DO have a cuck tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for The Bull's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 7 inches above of my own (preferably higher) beforehand.

Yea show seems meh. met Justin roiland once tho, pretty alright guy

He doesn't describe himself as a nihilist in the show, he's written that way. We are talking about a fictional character here, he can't self-identify as anything.

It's kinda funny.

Not sure why people here have to work so hard to prove that they don't like things that are popular.

I mean if a charicter in a show says I'm a Mormon they're a Mormon right? So If someone said I'm a nihilist they'd be a nihilist. I've never seen the show but I assumed there was some overarching theme of nihilism since it seems to be all people talk about in referee to rick.

When does he say "I am a nihilist?' Not saying he didn't, but it seems to be the whole point of your posts and I don't really recall that. Not a super fan though so I could be wrong.

>I've never seen the show
Oh nevermind, discard didn't realize you were just talking out your ass haha


Yea, I'm mostly going off the pasta and what I hear from people. And whether or not he says it the character just seems 2d and the story seems sorta throw away. Then again it's a Sunday cartoon so maybe I'll watch it some day

Dude, he doesn't go around saying he's a nihilist. His character IS a nihilist. Do you not understand the difference?

Regardless of whether or not he goes around saying he is or he just is doesn't matter to me. The whole nihilism meme just seems really retarded to me

I think you're really retarded.

We'll I mean an opinion is like an asshole yadda yadda... but why, I just don't see the show appealing to me so I don't watch it. I'm not gonna attack you for not liking Fraser

Who doesn't like Fraser? Don't be ridiculous.

I don't really care if you watch it or not but it's pretty stupid to form an entire opinion on something when you know next to nothing about it. And I don't like Fraiser, but that's because I watched it and then formulated an opinion. Because that's what a rational adult does.

I know enough about it to know that the main character would fundamentally irritate me, and the story would be throw away gags. Beyond that it's just fart jokes. I don't need to read the communist manifesto to know I wouldn't be terribly interested in it

you don't really need a high IQ to enjoy Rick and Morty like others claim to. Basic Philosophy will do. if you enjoy Adventure time and Gravity Falls, so is RnM

As far as story goes, it isn't terrible. It's a bit dr Who, but there are story arcs. The show uses the idea of the multiverse pretty well.

You see that's a good review. All I ever hear about the show is nihilism and pickle fucking rick

>fan base is shit
We've been over this tbh

I'm not picking on the fan base as I havnt hat much interaction with it irl or online. I just meant that people only ever describe a gag on a show I havnt seen which is the equivalent of describing an inside joke, or talk about how cool rick is for not giving a fuck

I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm telling you the reason you never hear anything about the show that would make you want to watch it is that the fan base is shit.

Because they come on hard and fast, and leave you wanting more

The last three numbers in my digits is the minimum.

On second thought, I don't think that's possible.

Infinite dubs loop?


t. justin roiland
nice self-promotion faggot

it's pretty solid but the meme worshiping people that like it have ruined it. kinda hoping that harmon or Justin end it.

It's okay, the humor is nowhere near clever though, and it has alot of cringey normie shit in it. It was okay before the cancerous fan base made it embarrassing to watch, nothing special at all though. Futurama is way better.

>i let other peoples' interest in things decide my interest in those things.

Literal cuck.

>I have to synthesize all data myself because I can't make assumptions based on my interests due to my autism
A literal faggot

It proves that normies have no taste and just need to be told what to like. Drawing bright colors and sexy cartoon women helps too.


There's like two things I hate about it the fan base and how they stutter a lot in the show it becomes even more annoying when you think of how much they stutter while you watch it