Hey /B what are you guilty of?

Hey /B what are you guilty of?

I'm guilty of being a beta fatty.



Im very nice for no reason. Im also nicer to the people I care about which aren't too many.

I'm also guilty of not understanding people outside of my spectrum. That's where I in fact lack emotion.

>beta male here
im pretty much just a useless leech

What makes you beta?

hardcore racist Trump supporter but im actually beta IRL feelsbadman

I think anyone can be beta or alpha depending on the environment.

Like any alpha retard will be beta as fuck on any intellectual aspect.

It's unfair to judge people based on the environment. There is beta within alpha and alpha within beta.

I case my rest.

basically im socially awkward with no confidence

I thought you were the opposite. Something is beautiful about it.

we're all alpha in heaven, brother

Degenerate cock sucking drug addicted loser with only one year spent in prison and many more to come if i dont keep my shit together.

Wana be alpha here? Kinda lame to wait 100 years dontcha think?

I'm 5'5

so you're a cock sucker....


I just think your uneducated because you're using sae

im guilty of using my sister when i was 13 and she was 7

still feel bad for it to this day

God it's easy just keep it together retard

You probably messed her up for life... I know from experience.

Easy of course but being a piece of shit it so much more fun and rewarding

I don't know what I'm talking about I just wanted to say some rude shit to a stranger for no reason

Pussy ass bitch apologizing. Whats there to be sorry for facts are facts

what is that my friend?

like used her like a doll?