

i want to cry

You look like a school shooter. I’d say more, but that really covers it.

Gives me the creeps

Boy or girl?

Gross mtf tranny



How tall are you?

Why are there no landing lights on your runway of a fucking forehead

you look like titanic sinclair

i feel i need not say more

This is just funny, but I appreciate the effort
5’6, why

No one wants to come here, so they dismantled all the lights

If i tried to come in the same room 50% of my semen would hit that fucking gigantic 5head

That’s just factually accurate, not a roast

Not sure if i could maintain an erection with that look on your face. Post another with a smile

That is a smile :^)

all the other kids

Post some nudes OP, we'll roast those real good, scout's honor.

Was just curious. Thought you were like 5'2 based off the picture tbh

Lazy joke

Sounds gay

The sink isn’t THAT tall, and no way could I ever be such a nice height

go back to your box you lego minfigure looking, square jaw having, down syndrome looking fuck nugget

It's not gay if you look like an abomination

It's more like... experimental and deranged. Like being sexually attracted to dead animals or car exhaust pipes. Or a dumpster fire.

You make a fair point

>lego minifigure
I laughed, bad job
The only thing accurate there was square jaw, which isn’t a new piece of information.

Now I can finally see what Mozart would've looked like if he was a meth addicts instead of a genius piano player

Why in any situation would you ever want to be shorter than 5'6?

Lookin somethin like Dylan Klebold mixed with Kurt Kobain

I dunno if im scared or wildly attracted.

Not like anything is cute on me, but yknow

Be scared, or you’re stupider than I am

Below 5'4 body proportions start to look really really fucked up, which generally isn't cute.

5'6 is pretty cute as far as height goes, though

My body proportions are fucked up anyway, might as well be small while I’m at it

See, you think you'd be smaller but in reality you'd just have sorter legs.

Holy shit isn't Casey Anthony supposed to be in jail guys?

When you’re as ugly as me, that sort of comparison is a compliment. So thanks, faggot

Good, I want my legs to be an inch long

Tell me user, what's troubling you?

>lego mini figure
>square jaw
have you even seen a lego man?

I’m unmotivated, ugly, socially maladjusted, and generally unpleasant. No one will ever treat me like a girl and no one sees why they should
I’m human refuse and I’m just biding my time before I kill myself
Also no tendies ree

It’s a fucking circular prism, not a square

Idk where you're getting this idea that you're hideous, but truthfully you're not that bad looking. If you're that worried though get ffs or if you cant afford that learn how to contour

Dysmorphia is a big ol bitch sometimes
One way or the other I DO have a dumb jaw and forehead, dysmorphia or not
I’m saving for ffs atm

You're focusing on the negatives too much. You should definitely watch some makeup tutorials, shit can do wonders, the bags under your eyes aren't really helping you look cuter.

Also for the record your hair looks great and compliments your face well, try and focus on the positives :)

I need to go to sleep but stay strong user.

Sleep tight

When is Stranger Things Season 3 coming out?