Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

In your panties you whore

subhuman piss and shit outside you animal

in the toilets

In the asylum where you belong

doesnt matter what you feel inside, go to where your birth certificate tells you to

I would love to beat the shit out of that fag right on the fucking spot.

in your ass, duh

Prison cell toilets are ungendered.

just piss yourself for equality

In the toilet thats meant for your body type, they symbols, not detailed instructions

Decide next board Sup Forums

Why don't you go to the protests or whatever rallies and do exactly that? Are you afraid or just too fat you cuck?




all this cancerous shit starts in America and spreads to the rest of the world


yeah it's like stupid hashtags appearing everywhere now

Aww dude I got a nerve pussy faggot? I don't care that people are gay but this shit is retarded. I would beat your ass too cocksucker. Go take another dick you bitch fag

If you can't figure out how which bathroom is right for you, the problem is with yourself

You do not. You are getting plugged until you die from urea poisoning, or pick one and one only, no pickbacks through.

whatever bathroom matches the genitals you were born with

As plumber I believe we should pass a law that all public places should have a bathroom for all genders of the "spectrum". So we need like 50 bathrooms in all, restaurants, stores, and like everywhere

Easy: bathrooms should be recognized as being labeled by sex and not gender. If there are no universal use bathrooms Intersex individuals should utilize the bathroom that corresponds to the sex which they are most outwardly recognized as. The same guidance should apply to trans individuals. If they are truly androgynous it should be their preference.

people should be required to carry their birth certificate at all times so they can present it to the bathroom guard before entering


fucking trans weirdo.

You are clearly disabled. Use the disabled toilet.
Problem solved gender fags

Buttmad, the thread.

To your pocket.

penis to urinals
vagina to toilets

look. if this is the most important thing you got...

Why has this even developed into something that has the least bit of importance to be able to discuss. God I fucking hate trans faggots so much I want them to all get murdered brutally