Heroin Addiction and Drug Laws

Today I have been clean of heroin for 4 months. I am a 22 year old student about to graduate with a Masters in Chemistry, and I'd been using heroin for the last 2 or 3 years on and off - just about able to hide it and prevent myself falling into a serious addiction. Its been tough, but I'm getting there.

I made some degenerate choices, but once you've made those choices it takes you. It really does.

Anyway, how do we combat abuse of addictive drugs? My idea is more serious crimes for dealers. Literally, the police don't give a shit here. There's so much heroin. The same guys have been dealing here the last two years, I don't know how they don't get caught.

Death penalty for dealing heroin and crack? Then what about cocaine? What about ketamine? Its very difficult

>implying heroin isn't the ultimate redpill

Why would you want to deny the people what they deserve?

Is Trainspotting accurate?

Criminalizing possession is bullshit, go after the dealers.

Don't do it or get hook on it. Have some self control user, you don't need it. You need to stay competitively in the game of life and drugs will seriously slow you down. You cannot compete if you are on drugs.

Heroin is good but not as good as you think. Like, I thought it'd be fucking ridiculous and overwhelming. In some ways it is, sometimes it'd make me vomit from feeling good. But overall it just feels "quite nice". No pain. No anxiety. No fear. No care. This eventually translates into No Soul. You lose yourself in it.

Never trust a junkie.
You'll relapse.

Agreed mate, that's why I've got off. I know it will ruin everything when I have so much going for me.

I'm a heroin addict. Don't you bongs have to add acid to the dope to shoot it? We get nice Columbian dope on the east coast here in the states.

Congrats user.

When I was in high school, well-known dealer A was told by friend B on behalf of friend B's father being part of the local police that A was on their list and he'd better shape up. A never really did shape up, but at least he got a chance to try to get his act together until he could be charged as an adult.

Who knows. I don't think I will. I am actively working on my recovery. But yes. Things go wrong and I've had clean time and relapsed before. I wish I'd never got on this train.

Yeah we do. I only smoked off foil though.

People caught in possession go to rehab and drug courts than to prison. Allow for their crime to be wiped from the record if they follow through on probation/staying clean.

Go after big heroin dealers/cartels than just the guy on the corner dealing.

Congrats OP
Best of Luck staying clean in the future

Why the fuck are you doing heroin?

Get a hobby to deal with your problems, nigga. Jesus.

Never shoot up then. I used to just smoke too, going from smoking to shooting up made me lose 5 stone.

>punishing dealers more harshly for the lack of self control from their buyers

You've wasted so much heroin though. You've been smoking it and never had a proper rush from shooting? You get just as addicted either way. Might as well be eating pills.

Incentivize buyers to turn in their dealers. Those monsters are ruining your life and making a profit. Buy enough to last a few weeks, turn him in, get paid by the police, then repeat until you can figure out a way to break your addiction. Dealers will be incarcerated or won't trust their own customers. You get a temporary fix until you turn your own life around. Everyone wins.

Of course there is the fear that your dealer will get revenge, or that you are so hooked you don't want to lose your dealer, but both of those ought to stand out clearly in your mind as reasons why the dealer is scum and needs to suffer.

Congratulations on your successes.

Decriminalizing possession is what I say whenever people ask if I want drugs like heroin legalized. Yeah just buying it from a store would not be good but throwing people in prison for it isn't the answer either.

And no the 1 in 100 prison helped get clean isn't doing anything to solve the problem

Secretly agree... You bastard

I don't know, man. All the pill people I know who completely lost it lost it when they flipped over to H.

that's a recipe for getting murdered

>more serious crimes for dealers

Seriously fuck off. It's not the dealers fault you can't control yourself. How are you any better than the people that sue McDonald's because it made them fat?

Here's an idea. Next time when you want to do drugs try something else like mushrooms or MDMA that are much less likely to get you hooked.

Passing blame onto dealers.
Just kys, nigger

Switched codeine for heroin.
Raped my system.

You'll never stop producers by going after them. You have to stop the dealers and distributors behind it. More so the distributor who buys directly from the producer.

The problem is that much of this happens internationally and there is no way to get a bead on it.

The only real solution is a homogeneous and trusting society. It's one thing to be an addict when no one knows you, it's another to be an addict when you're known by the whole community as such.

Legalise, put it in the control of doctors/chemists were it's purer. You take away power and the risks of contamination by dealers and give that power to the state to generate money.

Heroin kills less people per year than alcohol and tobacco and yet tobacco and alcohol are legal.

You being a chemist should know this and the fact most black tar heroin is cut with Fentanyl of which you should also know a drop of Fentanyl the size of a match head can kill someone with weak opiate tolerance.

Legalise, regulate, tax it and keep it clean and safe.

The problem with throwing addicts into the shitcan is that the function of a prison is not about rehabilitation....prisons are about warehousing.

A lot of that has to do with the fact that nobody in charge knows anything about rehabilitation or psychology, or how to apply it. If you want to attempt rehabilitation, then you sentence everyone to a minimum mandatory 7 years, you create an in-take system where they are evaluated by a team of social workers, educators, psychologists and psychiatrists, formulate a rehab plan, and get them on it.

But that would be incredibly expensive, with no guarantee of success. At the end of the day, drug addiction is not a """disease""", it is a behavioral problem. Most addicts are the way they are because they grew up in an environment with no positive role models, with no structure, with no supervision, with no discipline and with no motivation.

You cannot undo that with 5 years of "probation" nor can you undo it with 15-20 years of lifting weights, playing checkers and watching TV.

You would have to fundamentally modify their behavior, and you can only do that in a very intense and rigidly structured program, which prisons do not provide, nor could they ever as they are currently designed.

>Anyway, how do we combat abuse of addictive drugs?

By legalizing drugs and approaching the problem of addiction with compassion, as you would treat a sick patient. We can't make progress on the problems surrounding drugs until we quit treating one another like criminals.

Or... you could legalize these drugs and control them like alcohol or tobacco.
Then people can get the proper information on why their addiction is wrong and it ultimately eliminates the crime involved in dealing and using.

Eh, I know mate. I have hobbies now. Better late than never though.

True. I don't mind telling strangers I'm in recovery, but telling my family would be heartbreaking.

Thanks guys, appreciate it.

Expense is probably the biggest issue in my opinion.
Just let addicts and dealers do their thing as long as it doesn't affect me. Which means no welfare or government drugs. Don't even waste police budget on addicts

As long as there are buyers there will be suppliers. Making steeper punishment or higher police intervention will just make the suppliers are stealthy and dangerous.

If you really want to fix the drug problem:

>Better anti-drug education required at young ages
>Remove people from getting health coverage from standard insurers if they're addicts
>Give tax breaks to jobs requiring piss tests Mandatory drug tests for government jobs.
>Intervention and rehabilitation over. punishment the first time people get caught

The reason many ex-junkies jump on the "ban all drugs" bandwagon is because deep down they know they have fucked up their brain for life and will not be able to resist when they get them offered again. Have fun with your relapse, Untermensch.

I don't think that would work - even if people kn ew the risks they'd still wanna give it a go, especially youngsters.

Its quite hard to find when you don't know where to look - I doubt any of my friends could get heroin if they tried, however I think I could sniff it out anywhere I go now. Its kind of weird, you become aware of this undergound, horrible thing that is literally everywhere. Give me two hours somewhere and I can come back with a bag of heroin and a bag of crack.

Prohibition of any substances from what we've seen at least in the UK has actually seen a surge of usage after bans come into place.

Take Mephedrone as a prime example, its use was fairly low before its ban. After the ban? Use has gone way up and deaths attributed due to tainted product due to the availability of pure Mephedrone being scarce.

They need to legalise it all, tax it all and take away power from dealers. Maybe create a new system of training people and certifying them with credentials to dispense drugs that become legal.

Who knows, but banning causes problems, it was seen in the USA with alcohol prohibition. etc.

>comparing burgers to hard drugs

>Give tax breaks to jobs requiring piss tests

Are you saying tax breaks should be given to jobs that already require drug tests or are you saying drug tests should be used as an incentive for businesses to save money? If it's the latter then please explain why it's okay for someone to get drunk off their ass a day or two before working, but it's not okay to smoke a joint in the same time period.

i have a friend whos addicted to this shit and will not under any circumstances stop stealing everyone has stopped hangin out with him and hes still stealing from walmarts and breaking into houses. im thinking about trying to convince him to kill himself honestly hes only 20 and already threw his life away

>unlike obesity, drug addiction isn't a health issue

It's pretty different. Some people you used to know wind up fat or unhealthy.

Other people you used to know wind up being last seen getting a ride in the back of a police car.

Attorneyfag here.

going after the dealers has not worked. even after raising the jail time at stake and putting a lot of dealers behind bar heroin use is more prevalent, the purity has gone up and the availability has increased.

if you want to get rid of heroin dealers and limit its availability you have to go harder on the users. the guys selling are only in it for the money. that's it. and at particular levels the money is good enough that the jail time is worth the risk. get rid of the demand, you get rid of the reason to take a risk and you get rid of the supply. get the users off the streets and the dealers move on.

also getting rid of man. mins. on a state level the consequnces are the same whether you have 40 grams of dope dope or 80 grams of dope. on a federal level- whether you have one kilo or ten the consequences are about the same. this encourages the idea of "go big or go home" and is not helping the issue

I've tried smoking black tar heroin myself and I can honestly say that I don't understand how people can enjoy it.

My friend who has now given up heroin for good let me smoke some from her foil because I was in a lot of pain. So I tried it, I remember the smell was like wood chips that get wet in the rain or cheap wine. It burnt the back of my throat and I'm a heavy smoker but this shit was awful. I remember forgetting to take in breaths and feeling sleepy/floaty.

Then being sick and then the urge to clean everything up and tidy up. Weird shit but the high isn't that great.

>just let all drugs be legal, it won't effect me
>get stabbed by some junkie looking for money for his next hit.

>implying this does not already happen.

paid informants have been used for a long time.they just use the money from the police for dope from the next dealer to take his place.

Hey it's another FAGGOT who fucked up his life looking for others to help him!


I love drugs but I would never become a fucking junkie and I would never stick a needle in my body looking to get high or smoke the equivalent. We don't need addictive personality type losers breeding and being part of society. This kind of pity me bullshit is why the first world is falling apart.

>Implying I don't live in a gated community
What's it like living in the ghetto?

>Jailing people on the moral standpoint
Drug dealers are not scum because they deal, it is because they are sociatal leeches that do not pay tax.

>You are blaming your addiction on drug dealers.

>student, graduate soon, 22
You are the same tier of leech that of the drug dealers you buy your smack from.

>Other people you used to know wind up being last seen getting a ride in the back of a police car.

The same can be said of fatsos in the back of an ambulance.

Wrong, you need to relax the laws on it and take power away from dealers, you want to make it hard for users?

Users at the moment have free reign, you can implement as many laws as you want to come down on users, but you can't catch them all.

You can however catch them by legalising it and making it a rigorous process to get the drug they desire.

Your approach has been the same and yes you have gone hard on users, it's failed by all criteria it has failed.

You jew lawyers are wrong and you're going about tackling this problem the wrong way. Generate a profit from it and ensure the drug is dispensed safely.

Both required consensual choices. op choose to buy those drugs. Why should he want to execute the dealers when he's the one who gave them money?

>criminalizing drugs

Are you kidding me? Do you hate liberty?

Usually only when they get old. It's pretty atypical for a young kid to have his life systemically ruined just for being a fatty.

Dealers aren't the problem is the demand for shitty third world rugs by losers like you. Maybe if you were a responsible person and not a piece of shit you would know this. Junkies are worse than niggers.

you would be surprised at how many of them pay taxes.

shit the cheapest way to launder your money is to get it seized, put up a fight to get it back. Police will settle for %13. which is a better than the offshore banks looking to take 20.

The death penalty is illegal under the European Convention on Human Rights.
>inb4 'muh Brexit'
The legislation belongs to the Council of Europe which is an institution created by the UK and has nothing to do with the EU whatsoever. Good luck getting that repealed.

Hey, not everyone that does drugs turns out to be an addict that gets their life ruined; even with heroin.

Only further strengthening my point that OP is on the degenerate level of dealers if not more.

But if you legalize it and make the process hard to get stuff that still makes the need for a black market


Once a junkie, always a junkie

>but but i got me masters and muh hobbies

Lying fucking rat. Christ will fucking rape you and toss you out into the lake of fire. Be sure of it faggot, get OUT of my sight and off this board.

Having been both a user and a dealer before, I can assure you that supply drives usage. It's not the only factor, but it's not one you can ignore. I watched the town where I grew up turn from a place where maybe kids snuck out to drink some beers and the outcasts managed to smoke a joint into one where drug abuse is completely out of control.

Even when I was in college, there was no such word as "scrip" and there was a stigma if you had one. Now pills are passed around like candy and the manufacturers hire people just to come up with new names for them all.

True. My econ professor made a point of this. I and some of my friends made it out the trap. But it's still a pretty big trap.

You go after the cartel by rolling up the guy on the corner.

In addition to your suggestions, we need death penalty for dealers. Couple that with wide availability of plea deals for dealers that roll up on their boss and ample funding for witsec and you've got a winning recipe.

Doing heroin is like saying you fuck niggers. Only retarded pieces of shit even consider the idea in the first place and the lowest of the low are the ones who end up doing it. You seriously have to be retarded to ever do heroin.

Habit forming addiction and physical dependence are different and the difference needs to be noted.

Drugs like heroin create a physical dependence and the withdrawals from it aren't nice.

Mental addiction is the weak willed and minded.

Death penalty solves problems yo.
My country's a testament to that. AMA

go pray your imaginary friend in your local church and get the fuck off this board.

Even if it was legalised with a relaxed process of getting it, you'll create a black market, dealers will still deal at a cheaper price than what the state is offering.

Legalisation isn't the ultimate solution but it's better than it being criminal and illegal in its current form.

legalizing dope is a terrible idea. the only thing worse than a dope fiend is a meth-head. legitimizing access to dope would not work in the states.

>you can't catch them all.
you dont need to, just enough to start to hit the profits. lower the profits. change the risk/reward scale for the dealers.

>making it a rigorous process to get the drug they desire.
that doesnt work with oxys or percs why would it work with dope?

and no rarely have we seen a concerted effort to go after users. most user arrests are related to something else and most of the time they get probation.

Regular pill user. Never made the switch, thought about it because pills are expensive as fuck and i got a pretty high tolerance. Do you know anyone who has been able to keep their shit together on H?

So when you go into hospital for getting shot or having an operation you'll refuse Morphine correct?

You will actually refuse all pain killers right? Because if you don't, you're what you describe.

This kind of retarded ignorance is why junkies exist in the first place.

Personally, no. Every time I heard so-and-so got on H, it's just a matter of time before somebody links me to a police blotter, or an unwanted child, or something else that just really sucks.

Obviously it's possible, but the odds are really not in your favor.

Are you a retard? A dealer is only above the user on a drug using tier. There's the guy above him, the guy above that guy, the guy above that guy, and so on. If it's run smart you don't even know anyone's name in the operation

>is a degenerate fuck
>wants death penalty for the people he keeps in business

shut the fuck up cuck

slav atheist shit hole, how surprising...

Didn't you learn from the crusades?...

get ready, we WILL return. DUES VULT

this is right. the good organizations use a multi-tiered wheel-and-spoke System so only one person knows more than other contact at their level and that guy who knows more than one person at his level does not no any contacts at the level above him.

>legalizing dope is a terrible idea. the only thing worse than a dope fiend is a meth-head. legitimizing access to dope would not work in the states.

Some states have already legalised it and it's turned out to be quite a good thing and weed has uses for neuropathic pain management.

>you dont need to, just enough to start to hit the profits. lower the profits. change the risk/reward scale for the dealers.
So send them to a prison were drugs are also rife? Or really ruin their chances in life by punishing the person for indulging in a vice that we all do from time to time, whether it's eating a chocolate bar, smoking a cigarette, drinking a shot of vodka. All vices.. The difference is, drugs are banned, but you ban vodka, chocolate, smoking you'll create the same problems that exist with banning drugs, you'll create black markets, tainted products and a drop in revenue for the state and businesses.

>that doesnt work with oxys or percs why would it work with dope?
Because your doctors just like the doctors here are too happy to prescribe pills, also addicts/dependents will go and get prescription drugs instead of illegal drugs because they are legal, doctors are poorly trained when it comes to dealing with addicts/dependents.

>and no rarely have we seen a concerted effort to go after users. most user arrests are related to something else and most of the time they get probation.

We're in different nations and I'm telling you from a nation that has gone after users harshly, it has not worked at all.

If you're making bad choices to support a habit, it's an addiction. That is regardless of whether or not you are physically dependent. This is why opioid replacement therapy exists, because it acknowledges the fact that physical dependence can lead to addiction.

>I have no retort
So that's a no? You won't refuse morphine or pain killers when you go into hospital for an operation?

There's a few people here that refuse them, they have hypnosis for operations, has worked well.

When they are motivated to present themselves as what ever is necessary to get by then using compassion only you gets you what ever display they think you need to see. They can easily be motivated to take the criminal path when resources dwindle. And then there is the problem of help rejection fatigue, there might be maximum number of times they can be offered help and want to take it more than the next hit - and we need to find those points at all cost.

I think we need to have secret minority report style intervention program where a task force scares the ever loving shit out of drug addicts psychologically - even if that means the controlled burning of their room in the basement right after their dad's funeral - indirect compassion.

I dunno man. Once ppl do heroin I think they're fucked :[

>Remove people from getting health coverage from standard insurers if they're addicts

Brilliant, now they'll just show up in the ER uninsured with no money when they need help, and be unable to go to rehab because they can't afford even the shittiest of rehabs. Are you fucking retarded?

It's why we have GHB clinics that replace GHB with high doses of Diazepam, and alcoholics are treated the same way, with high doses of Diazepam.

Post operative pain medications that are given can get someone addicted.

We have people addicted to fucking antibiotics because they clear up peoples skin.

Legalise it all. Do it now before it's too late.

>Anyway, how do we combat abuse of addictive drugs?
Pray, read the Bible, read good Christian books. Recommendations: Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross; The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis; The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. Go to church, get in a program, get help.

You'll relapse you weak faggot. It has power over you and your clean life. Just surrender.

Figured. Its just weird tho, what is it exactly about heroins chemical structure that makes people go wack, even people who has used other opiates? Heroin is just Diamorphine, which is just morphine with a couple of extra atoms that make it more soluble in lipids which makes it enter the brain faster than regular morphine, which I've tried and can say morphine is very underwhelming. Ive never had it IV tho, only oral, which I hear makes a huge difference.


I have been using heroin for 4 years now and I am still successful and good looking. Come at me.

New wat?

How long has your island had internet access?

Gay. Opiates ARE God.

How about we allow responsible adults to do what they want, lock up the addicts and the fuck ups, and maybe even stop encouraging the crazies to take hormones and get free dick removals?

Really? Sweet! I'm done paying for pills then. Some muslim on Sup Forums told me heroin isn't that bad. I'm all in nigga.

I've done it. But I wasn't a retard about it. Did it every sunday for 3 months. Only snorted it. When my tolerance went up I stopped. Haven't done it in years.

The only drugs I have ever had addiction issues with were alcohol and tobacco. I try not to drink but it's tough.

Just because you read a wiki article doesn't mean you fucking understand it.

Justin Timberlake uses heroin.

1) weed (and especially chocolate) is a very different beast than heroin. (in my opinion) weed can be tolerated by society and not have a dramatic consequence on society as whole. Based on my experience (which i admit is anecdotal) with dope fiends their lifestyle has a massive impact on their community at large.

2. why are drugs prison rife? because there is money to be made and risk is worth the reward. i would also feel safe saying most addicts are made outside of prison so by limiting the money to be made outside and taking the deals off the street outside you will see less addicts on the outside followed by less addicts on the inside followed by a drop in profits in prison which will change the risk/reward assessment.

3. making heroin regulated would cause the same exact issue that's with regulated pills. I dont want to shoot too far off topic but good Drs can recognize addiction seeking behavior. what you are touching on is the pain clinic phenomenon which all goes back tot he same issue: $$$$$$

we are in different nations with very different cultures. maybe in the UK going after dealers is working but all it is doing here is making new more efficient ones.

Dont know but I bet America is paying for it. According to our nigger president we and Europe are going to be footing the bill for internet in Africa.