Name one movie that really scared you

Name one movie that really scared you

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The baby scene in Trainspotting

This one

I saw When a Stranger Calls when I was in elementary school and that scared me. The kitchen scene from Jurassic Park. All of the movie Mirrors. I get scared from most horror movies tbh

never a movie scared me bad as a teen-adult

i only remember when i was like 5 that i saw a "tooth faerie" horror movie and i was really scared

Kiyoshi Kurosawa

I lost so much sleep to this as a kid

The exorcist fucked me up for a whole year when I was 9

scariest movie i've ever seen

I'll even give a second movie that ruined me.

Fire in the sky

tf is this and why does it freak me out so much

Cant say any have really scared me since I was a kid. I just watched Babadook and while it wasnt exactly scary it was pretty suspenseful. Other than that Jeepers Creepers was seriously creepy and I also quite enjoyed Grave Encounters 2.

Gremlins. I watched it when I was like 6 and had nightmares for years to follow.

Wanna play?

American Scream King

looks like David Bowie

I remember this . What movie

Agree. That part was twisted

Pet cemetery

Per Cemetery

This. Many J-Horror films are some of the best.

saw it in the theater when it came out. scared me pretty good.


Hate to admit this, but Salem's Lot, with David Soul. Nearly crapped my pants watching that vampire come alive in the morgue.

Fucking baby sitter showed me this movie. There is a goddamned scene where these fuckers come out from under a bed and eat someone.

The movie lacks spacemarines.


Only movie that ever scared me.

would actually be an awesome crossover

The Grudge fucked me up when I was a kid

fuck I am old.

Final Destination, make me paranoid for days


But it's comedy how it can scare you?

Hostel 1 & 2. Doesn't really scare me but the general idea behind it is a kind of fucked up that is close enough to reality to through you off

My buddy showed me this movie and i fucking hate horror films mostly because of the predictable shit plots but this one got me genuinely uncomfortable, it's not a jump scare faggot fest but i really liked how well made and normal it subtle it comes on till full tilt. It's on Netflix, watch it.

Love the movie but sometimes would have to cut off cuz I felt trapped. Or maybe I was just high when I was yungur

Do i need to say more? Just look at it. They had this shit movie played like few times a year as if there were no other movies on the tv back in the day.


Donnie Darko.
Was like 11 when I first saw it and the fucking rabbit was so unnatural in its appearance and behaviour it creeped into my nightmares for months.

I saw a commercial when I was six and it stuck in my memory
I watched it years later and I realized it wasn't scary

When i was lil kid I was really scared by Freddy Krueger. Serious, I got own Nightmare on Elm Street. But now it look like fairy tail for children.

"You wouldn't download a car"

Like the shit I can't download a car is braking whole economics, and I'm fucking sick and tired.

Jacob’s Ladder

the scenes with the mom literally gave me nightmares as a kid

Movies can scare me I’m tough as nails.

First time watching Blair Witch Project. Nothing scares me anymore.

actually none, when kid i got horrified when Dicaprio died in Titanic but that was it. But that Mama movie gave me goosebumps when she started to run towards the camera

i saw that when I was 5.
You can't show a kid with a developing sense of reality totally abstract visually arresting shit like that without it having an effect on their mind.

I'm glad I saw it, in hindsight, but the final scenes, after the colors, of bowman as an old man in the bed, with no dialog, and the starchild, really freaked me out.

>Be me, 9 year old birthday
>Dad decides we should watch a scary movie to prove how "old I'm getting"
>Okay, why not
>Already very superstitious of mirrors, never liked looking into them for a long time
>Entire movie about mirrors
>Dad falls asleep, I'm the only one still awake and this makes me even more scared
>He's having a nightmare and starts moaning in his fucking sleep
>9 year old mind goes insane, thinks dad is possessed
>Start screaming
>He doesn't wake up, just gets louder
>Run upstairs and wake up mom
>Mfw he laughs about it the next morning but scarred me for the next few years


The scene in star wars, where luke puts his father on the funeral pyre and the flames shoot up through the trees up to the stars.

Having grown up in the northwoods, it terrified me that I'd have to do that someday to my own father, and stand there and watch him burn and be alone in the world.

Haven't thought about that in a while.

Oh, i love me some Henrietta!

There were a lot of beautiful scenes in those three star wars movies. The benefits of having the studio take the movie away from lucas and put it in the hands of competent artists.

I grew up in the country in the 70s & 80s.
We went into the city to see star wars and indiana jones. But, otherwise I didn't see any movies until I was an adult.

...still wound up on /b with the rest of you fuckups..




this was a spooky movie

The end of A Serbian Film.

This TV movie from maybe the late 80s, where there was a sea monster in this deep lake, and it ate some kids in a rowboat, and maybe one of the kids dogs or something, and then they eventually drained the lake (it was a deep quarry), and realized it was an abandoned steamshovel left sitting on the bottom swinging around in the gurrents, and when the water temp would cause turnover, the bucket would sometimes riwse up and come out and plunge back in again.

I wish I knew what it was called. Terrified the shit out of me every time we'd go swimming in a lake, bc unlike sea monsters, that was actually plausible.

best movie ever. I would recommend everyone watch it

Me to bro... the same image

i think it was supposed to be

That's a good one. It's called "The Quest". I remember back in middle school loving it and the main girl at the beginning was super hot.

ain't pasting that shit nigga

Scooby doo on zombie island, rewatched yesterday, still terrifying..

The Quest

Stir Of Echoes was some shit, some genuine fuck you up

A lot of the times in that era, some kid would die doing something dangerous, and they'd make a kids movie about it to scare children out of doing the same thing. Like, swimming in quarries was a big deal for a while, kids were drowning bc the sides were straight up and down, and from getting caught in old equipment cables and things underwater. I'll bet it was an afterschool special.


Don't wait until you're in your 80s until you do a fucking nude scene, Jessica Tandy.

I can't believe you guys saw that and remember it. Took like 2 seconds and you guys knew right what it was. Pretty good, fellas.


i wonder how many other people have this memory. I watched the whole movie the summer before I went to kindergarten and had nightmares about it until i was 15.

I'm know I'm going to sound like a complete pussy, but coraline scared the fuck out of me as a kid.
Just imagining someone being so lonely and unhappy in their life that they let someone sew buttons into their eyes. Fuck that. Seeing the button slowly being lowered onto your eye until you can only see the four thread holes, and then a needle going in deep... Fuck.

Coraline is an amazing movie, even today. Its still very creepy to me and i believe that it scared you as a kid. For me what does it is the claymation, it adds so much creepyness to the characters.

This shit still give me nightmares. I only remember bits and pieces of it from when I was young and every few years I have a nightmare about this fucker. I can watch the movies now, but I couldn't even entertain the thought of watching them till I was 17

Holy shit, i thought i was the only one like this. I got to watch all the R rated movies as a kid. Watched tons of horror movies and the only one that gave me nightmares was Caroline. Honestly an amazing movie.


Lights Out

>A bunch of old men scared by movies from 30 years ago the thread

>implying this is a bad thing
>also not contributing

Yeah, I completely agree. It's a fucking amazing movie, it's one of my favourites. I still watch theory videos on YouTube and stuff about it. But yeah, I was the same, I would watch heaps of horror movies as a kid and this was the only one that got to me. How slender the other mother was, slowly warping as she cared less and less about impressing coraline and making her feel safe, turning to fear as her method of control.
For me, I don't even think it was really what was shown in the movie that creeped me out, rather the underlying themes that were just so dark.

the thing scared the fuck out of me as a kid

fire in the sky

How about something from this century old timers

Courage the cowardly dog king Ramsey episode.

Turn your iPhone sideways and you will see the scariest shit of your life ...

best movie

The 4th kind. Scary af when I was younger

came to realize it when I had the balls to watch it again 5 years later

you can ignore this post

Red State scared me more than any movie I have ever seen, literally had my hair standing


omg yes i saw this when i was like 10 and it traumatized me lmaooo

was soooo afraid of the dark for years

that shit fucked me up pretty good too

"scary" movies don't scare me... and jumpscares just piss me off...

but aliens, those little fuckers are creepy as shit

I have never seen a movie past 8 years old that was scary. Once you get over the fact that is a movie it can never be scary again. Kind of unfortunate.
