I'm currently unemployed and I cannot go to bed early as there is no reason for me to wake up early

I'm currently unemployed and I cannot go to bed early as there is no reason for me to wake up early.

So I now spend my nights on dating sites and browsing porn while tossing and turning in bed. I'm afraid that this behaviour is going to become a self destructing habit and hoping that someone here can offer me some solid advice.

I'm beginning to feel like a man child. I'm tired right now but can't sleep because my mind keeps telling me that I can wake up whenever I want too..

Get a job in outdoor work. You can literally be retarded and still be able to work. Anyone will be willing to show you how to properly use a leaf blower, drivable lawn mower, mini salkwalk plow. Because they don't wanna fuck you over one bit. Beside above all without even noticing it you'll be getting in shape. By the end of the day your stomach doesn't feel like it can take alot of food so have a small meal then you'll be hitting the bed in no time (agusting your sleep schedule) and with the less intake of your regularly portioned meal you'll be in shape in a solid 3 months. Just work hard, don't complain and don't be a "dog fucker" as they say.

Make a list of things to accomplish.

Go to sleep.

Start on list. At least get one thing done every day. Then try tackling more. Update list as necessary.

Obvious solution is to work toward getting a job. so make the list about that.

I hit rock bottom once and knew I had to turn my shit around or else I wasn't gonna survive.

All outdoor jobs are going to be ending soon as winter is approaching. I just lost my job and have been working on my resume /applying to jobs. I made an appointment with an employment counsellor so let's see what happens.

Ppl tell me all the time that my resume is amazing but I never get any calls back :/

Fuck off to /adv/ you attention whore.

Ahh shit well im in lower canada so the season work never really ends. Where do you live op?

Agreed. Op posted in wrong board.

I'm in Ontario close to Barrie

What does the definition of random mean to you?

Fuck off to /lgbt/ you gay feminist bitch

Hmmmm I had to pay lots of money in winter wear for shoveling work, it paid itself back on the first cheque, after 2 more winters of that I was out on a machine and I'll be doing that again this year. Maybe I gave out the wrong advice but it's what worked for me. People are different.

How much money do you make typically and how old are you?

When I started I was 20 and making 18$an hour for shoveling labor. Now that I'm driving a machine I'm doing 25$hr

Currently 23

Nice I'm 23 my last job was a recruitment coordinator and I was only making 19/hr, so gz on making more money then me lol

Not bad. It's a good pay and job. Just save your money. To too many young people like ourselves go out and spend money on stupid shit to "reward" ourselves. (Been there done that)

Yeah man happy I have some saving and I'm guaranteed EI so atleast I'll have some income until I find my next job

Money is like ammo. Save it all up. The more you have the more youre ready for, for almost any finacial challenge. I currently have enoughed saved to put a downpayment on a house but I'm just being a nigger faggot and living in dad's basement until I have enough money ready to feel comfortable doing so.

How does one get into this line of work?

Assuming it snows in NC this seems like a good way to make some cash. Fuck I need it too. I have nothing.

I've been in your exact position. Wake up at a reasonable time in the morning (like 9 or 10am) and go for a walk. It will help you, so much. And take it easy on the porn

oldfag detected

Look online. There also has to be a local app developed for job findings in manual labor. Also don't be afraid to have balls. Most bosses that work in this line of work are coke heads or pot heads so they like to see some balls. Also ask friends if they know anyone else in that line of work.

Fellow unemployed user here, OP. For two months now, but still manage to get to bead early and get up around 7-8 AM.

What worked for me:
>cheap gym membership and early morning workouts
I train 5x a week in the morning. Usually around 8 or 9. Just because you have no job, doesn’t mean you can’t get into great shape. If you don’t have a gym or lack the coin for it, start running in the morning or do body weight exercises at home.

>online education
Carve out a slot each day or second day for studying. There’s great sites out there such as coursera.com where you can sign up for free courses in a myriad of topics. More on the tech side? Prep for a certification or learn a new OS or some shit. Linux academy is quite good and they’re cheap.

>dig into a hobby
Take the time off to do shit you always wanted to do. For me it’s home improvement and some tech stuff (Linux, crypto currency)

>relentlessly search for job
Each day, Browse linked in and the job portals and write applications.

And most importantly: Schedule your days. All the above stuff helps, but you need to schedule time for it and then have the discipline to follow through with it. Unemployment sucks, but if you’re disciplined enough, you can turn it into a gift to better yourself.

Godspeed OP

Good shit right here too op

exercise. right now. push ups, sit ups, squats, jumping jacks, google other exercise shit. work every muscle till you can't move any more. Turn that emotional pain into physical pain with exercise. every time you feel bad exercise until you hurt just as bad. this is your life now.

This. Maybe not to that extreme,but still. Exercise will push your body into growth/recovery mode. E.g. tire you out. Guaranteed to raise your need for sleep.

Sounds like you are living the dream..enjoy it bro..you've earned it

I am exercising I do bodyweight in the morning and then about 30mins- 1hour of swimming every night.

If you want to fix your sleep schedule then just start smoking weed about 30 minutes before you want to be asleep. Have a quick bowl, lie down and turn on Animal Planet or something similarly boring but intriguing, then suddenly wake up at 5am to the loud ass ads they play for elderly people who watch TV all night

Of course, you could always try melatonin all the same, but that will make waking up more difficult, which is only a problem if you have plans the next day before noon.

At the very worst you could just get a night job, they take less qualifications usually cause nobody wants to work nights. I work until 2:30am and have such an easy job it is almost insulting

wut you do?

I am 100% night owl autismo. I need a job that I can stay awake for and also doesn't care if I have much experience if any.