Drastically fewer houses decorated for Halloween in my neighborhood this year

>drastically fewer houses decorated for Halloween in my neighborhood this year

Have you notices this too in your city?

Yeah, actually. It seems like people give less and less of a shit about the holidays as the yeas go by, and it's very noticeable.

Yeah I'm in Pasadena CA and there are maybe a fourth of the houses decorated compared to last year. The fuck?

Same here, my house is the only one on my coldesac with decorations.

The local churches here (deep south) fucked up Halloween years with "trunk or treat." The kids still get candy and helicopter parents aren't forced to cut the umbilical.

Good. The more we become a secular country and quit celebrating these obscure christian holidays, the sooner we can move forward as a society. Celebrate science, not superstition.

I don't really recall many people decorating for halloween when I was a kid. Maybe they put a jackolantern out or a scarecrow or something, but that was about it.

All the orange christmas lights inflatable yard decorations and such is kind of a recent phenomenon.

Also most of the towns around here do an organized event for kids on the town square these days.

For the past 25 or so years it’s been declining around me as the neighborhoods I have lived in has aged and gotten worse.
Conversely, reports show Halloween is on the rise in most places.
I guess I just live in the bad/poor parts of town.

Poor bait is poor.
Halloween is about as religious as my old pair of work boots.

Halloween is originally Celtic festival. Not Christian.

But Halloween is on the rise world wide so hard to see how it would be declining. Perhaps you just live in a neighborhood where kids have started to move out from their parents home and thus Halloween celebrations tone down a bit.

Most kids would rather sit inside and stare at their screens instead of go trick-or-treating. Sad but true.

Sadly not only that, my Bro and friends can't even trick or treat this year because he's making the go to practice. :(

H all o we en bruuuuuhhhhhhh

Halloween is far from a Christian holiday in origin. The churches adopted this shit in an attempt to prevent defection from the church to something slightly more reasonable

I wasnt outside for the past 2 weeks

Good for you. It’s horrible out here.

Just look at the lack of halloween themed commercials on television. (((They))) have declared halloween is over

Every year we do pumpkins assholes chuck them all over our yard. Last year they hurled one at our door. This year we have cameras and shit just in case, so that's why we aren't decorating tbh

What do pumpkin assholes look like while being done? Do you need lube for that?

Is there anything you lesser races won't try to blame on da joos?

Found the racist. He didn’t say or even hint at it being Jews.
He meant (((they))) being Illuminati or the Vampire overlords.
Maybe the aliens.


Last year an old lady got the cops called on her for handing out candied apples by some bitch screeching about individually wrapped candy only so 3 neighborhoods stopped Halloween this year.

fuck those little niglets they dont deserve candy. they gotta get a job for candy

proliferation of cunts there is.

You were probably born after 1995.

Considering that we recently got hit by a hurricane, yes.

yeah fuck the sun i hate the sun