Americans on suicide watch

>Americans on suicide watch

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i agree



umm but i'm healthy at every size ok sweetie xx

this can't possibly be real

As real as NATO, Grzegorz

It is real.

>20 pounds ago
>imagine being so fat that you start measuring time in pounds

I do not even feel sorry for the husband, taking viagra and brainwashing to shag his fat wife means he is beyond help.

>I mean there are times when I have to force myself to eat something cause I know it's been awhile since I've eaten something and I need to.

That's called "hungry" you fat cunt

Actually she means she ate without even being hungry, because she thought it was too long since she's eaten anything.

By "too long" I suppose she means an hour or so.

That sounds correct.

>this ladyboy obsessed with the US
Damn did an American pump and dump you, dawg?

Fat people should be gassed.

fat people need to be gassed honestly

I find it funny how it's always women who complain about fat rights.

Is it because they are women? Always seems like women never look at themselves when a problem arises.

People don't get this fat without help. If their friends and family stopped getting things for them they'd lose weight moving or starve.
It's an article written by the Portuguese, about the Brits.

>implying amerilards could commit suicide even if they tried


>eat a whole bottle of painkillers
>tfw still hungry

No that's just fat female SJWs who have been peddling this bullshit. Fat men here aren't in denial, they accept being fat unhealthy fucks.


Fat men prefer to be depressed and hide in shame pondering upon the fact that they will never get laid
Or they go to gym to solve the problem

Study was on "healthy" Brits.

That's true. "Fat enabler" is an established concept.

However, the enablers can't take the bulk of the blame. I've heard that the fatties themselves tend to be very active and manipulative when it comes to getting the enablers to give them stuff.

women aren't required to take responsibility for their actions

I think that historically, the stigma has been stronger against fat women than against fat men.

It's not true today, since fatties are (rightfully) disimissed as losers, regardless of sex, but I guess that's where the fat woman victim mentality comes from.

Americans are hot dog fetishists. Sad!

>I think that historically
Depends how historical you go I would guess.

That's prehistoric, actually. Who knows what they tought. Maybe they just had inflation fetish.

prehistoric bunda