What the hell is that weird growth on my dick? Snapped my banjo and it healed like that doesn't hurt or anything

What the hell is that weird growth on my dick? Snapped my banjo and it healed like that doesn't hurt or anything

Most likely just scar tissue.
Probably AIDS though.

Thats a Herp that dude...

Yeah I thought so too looks weird tho

why are you fucking a banjo


herpes wart

get checked and antibiotics

If you looked like me you'd fuck a banjo too

HPV , welcome to the club

that's a genital wart

Looks like a wart.

But you say your frenulum snapped, so I have no Idea how that would look afterwards.

Probably genital warts. Got to a doc, put the cream he gives you for a couple of weeks and it will go away. HPV is not a big deal

Dick skin is weird = dick scar tissue is weird? Idk man, go to the doctor.

Your schlong is slowly turning into a portuguese manowar

Hey OP im studying to be in the medical field im in my 5th year. I can confirm without a doubt that you are growing a second penis. Enjoy your journey friend

if you have been circumcised, and it was sloppy. sometimes this happens. Could be a result from a poor circumcision is what i am saying

I'm uncircumcised

Looks like hpv. Nice close up on that head btw. Fucking professional.

visit a dermatologist, he or she will be able to remove that excessive skin from your dick without causing an infection and your manhood will be restored to it's full glory.

You reckon they can get rid of it?

They do minor cosmetic fixes all the time.

If he was circumcised, he wouldn't have had a frenulum to snap, dipshit.

I had this once after snapping the ol' banjo string.

Overgranulation of healing tissue. Can be removed easily and in most cases will resolve after a while.

Mine looked exactly the same and it was not herpes or a genital wart.

I snapped my frenulum like three times and mine's the same its just scar tissue. I've been checked for STDs about 4 times since the last time I snapped it and had nothing.

Its the sure sign of a winner

skin tag. no worrie

You tore your frenulum.

It's basically the male hymen. It will do this. You can clip off the excess with toenail clippers, but it will bleed and take a few days to heal.

Welcome to the non-virgin club, everyone else in this thread is a faggot.

How the fuck did you snap that? Also how painful was it

>asking for serious advice on Sup Forums

Congrats, you have HPV


Same happened here. You're fine. Pain is minimal. Blood everywhere

You ripped it for sure man. Happened to me. You didn't have as stretchy of foreskin. Bet it bled a lot if you were hard.

HPV buddy, welcome to the 85% of sexually active adults.

That's 100% HPV. Visit doctor ASAP.

Haha clown.

that's a wart, I know cuz I got one on my finger, you need to cut it off pretty deep or go to a specialist and freeze it or just stick your dick in liquid nitrogen and hope for the best.

Ok. I'm first contact doctor or whatever burgers call it. That is hpv and he really should go seek medical help if he cares at all about his health.

nah i'm saying it's a wart not a snapped banjo string. majority of anons are allsaying wart. i had one, got it diagnosed and treated. its a wart.
>taking nail clippers to your dick
wat the fuck.

cut it with a nail clipper and post video if dubs

HPV go to doctor u can get cancer from this shit


HPV, had it in the same place from some fat Irish slut.

I cut it off with scissors but it will always grow back. Eventually got some cream for my dick from the docs and it went away.

Also stop putting it in the microwave
