Should I smoke and drive

Should I smoke and drive

No. Only I can do that and be fine.

No. i am the only person who is allowed to do that.

dude, charge your car

You have girly hands

Yeah its fine. I do it every day.

If you get smoked and pulled drive it's over

How would you say your driving abilities are?
Yeah gotta find the USB cable
What bout me

as long as you can pitch it out the window and not give a fuck if you lost it, then sure go ahead and smoke while driving. me, i just wait til i get where im going. cops can be pricks, no need to give them a reason to pull you.

How can cops test that you are CURRENTLY high?


I always smoke, drink and drive user,
just make sure to develop first a high alcohol tolerance, then you'll be good

Dude Hyundais are for girls.

said the 12 yr old with no car

WTF is going on with your console?

You won’t

What?! How did you know?!!!

I used to all the time when I did a while but if you just started I wouldn't or go to a spot to smoke I used to know a couple around my town. Stay away from places police patrol and if you live in a small town or area with alot of traffic stops I would wait

I always smoke and drive, multi-tasking makes me more efficient.

You probably should

Just don't smoke it IN your car, dude. Never have it in your car. But go for it, I drive baked 70% of the time. Basically just puts me on autopilot. Shit's nice.

is right tho. Hyundai is trash tier right along with Nissan.

I always have my weed in the trunk... Never gives off a smell

are you autistic or just 16? do what you want retard why the fuck are you asking us? wow you're so hard, you smoke weed. congratulations, is that what you want?