2012 election : arabs and black wave their african flags in paris

2012 election : arabs and black wave their african flags in paris

2017 election: arabs and black wave french flag after macron's election

Is he /ourguy/ ? I think he might save france guys

Staged cherry picked photo

>mother not covering up

tell me more about my country

>my country

Nice try Ahmed

highly doubt it is yours, specially paris.

>my country

No politicians will save anyone.

They only cater to establishment. Even politicians/political groups who were hated by establishment such as Trump and Syriza ended up working for establishment.

Also, politicians like to say our pension systems going to be bankrupt blah blah. Yet, regardless of being right or left, they dont really fix the problem. Its like they are either lying about pension fund running out or being ignorant of such a problem. How can I trust them?

How can I say those people who are under establishment and are not aware of impending problems are going to be any help for us?

is it really yours if anybody can enter and become french?

Looks like it. The madman is determined

>all the parties agree they're basically the same and band together to keep out the underdog who's never had power
>a revolution in politics

>waaa why don't they vote for me i just called everyone on the french political spectrum traitors to france who are ensalved by the EU WHY DONT THEY ALLY WITH ME WHYYY


yeah well you know the macron people liked to call people who didn't vote like them fascists and lepen supporters
Then once the vote ended they talked about how we needed to come back together and bridge accross our divisions

nice fucking memes

find me one instance where macron insulted people who voted le pen

see you in a month

Cool I am also French then

Even if you get rid of muh establishment with a revolution or a civil war others like them will take their place, and it won't change anything. The best you can do is get what you have and try to make it work somehow.


maghrebis are ugly people

Yea. I agree. Civil war, revolution, election, blah blah, all are bullshit. Those are just power struggles that have nothing to do with betterment of people no matter what they claim them to be. What I need to do is just developing some usable skills so that I can go to another country or so if govt ever try to fuck me over.

no he won't "save" France. but it's not doomed. everything here is a hyperbole

politicians think for themselves, only.
>will this get me votes? then i'll do it
>won't it? then i won't

at least in archaic terms, "politicians" did not pretend otherwise

>Even if you get rid of muh establishment with a revolution or a civil war others like them will take their place
unless we get rid of establishment as a part of system altogether

He didn't need to.
He was backed up by a mediatic system that did it for him.

Nooooo it was her turn!!!! Stupid macronfkins!!!

he didnt and im not claiming he did
Im talking about his supporter

let's not talk about what supporters say when you're promoting the fucking FN dude

I see what you did there

Macron is as lukewarm and slimy as it gets. He's a neoliberal shill who only won because mlp is an hysterical incompetent with no vision beyond leaving the EU.

The world is watching America and deciding slimy>insane as a result

Meh, people are voting for destruction vs the status quo, the right vs left paradigm and all the other traditional political crap isnt as relevant anymore

macron isn't neo liberal you clueless fool

He wants to gut labour protections and is pushing for EU federalization and shit like a common budget. What do you call that?

No matter what kind of clothes it wears there is only one real concern for governments: Control of the many by the few. Democracy is the rule of the many by their free will, isn't it? If the total is 100, if you collect 52 among them, you can make it rule by the majority. But that majority is divided into many factions. Namely if we add up 26 from among those 52, they can rule the whole we spoke before. How futile is the democratic principle called majority rule when the true aspect of government is control of the many by the few?

>gut labour protections
yeah how about you don't fall for the memes.

>Literally stated he wasn't going to remove the 35 hours work week

his main reform about the labour laws will be allowing companies to have internal agreements with their unions, any change will have to be passed with a majority vote. He will also reduce their taxes, that's fucking it.

Macron will become a French Merkel.
He will inherit her.