>Pay 30 dollars (US) for this game.
>Infested with hackers
>Infested with whining streamers
>Devs are typical lying money hungry scrubs
>Devs favor streamers since its free advertising for their game.
>Servers are unreliable as all fuck.
>Optimized like balls.
>Shoot a streamer. Banned.
>Honk near a streamer. Banned.
>Crash in a gunfight. Banned.
>Do literally anything besides panning your camera around. Banned.

30 Dollars well spent Sup Forums

I've seen a lot of people complaining about being banned for shooting streamers. How does that eve work?


It doesn't.

It's a complete joke. If you're in the same game as a streamer and you shoot them you're liable to be banned. since they go and complain straight away to devs. and because devs favor streamers over everyone else. they just ban the player with no warning no questions asked or anything just a flat out ban. it happened to me and it happened to my cousin too. I do like this game but i doubt i'll play it much more in the future. there's far better multiplayer games out there than this shit.

PUBG is trash. Go play fortnite is way better and is free

>spam nigger like a fucking retard
>oh boi I'm so funny XD
>get banned cuz anoys fucking everyone

I wont stand this, time to whine on Sup Forums

Agreed. the game being in early access is no fuckin excuse... especially when cock sucker devs are charging 30 dollars a hit

Play Fortnite - Battle Royale

I jhave played over 70 hours and haven't had the problem with streamers or anything like that
Though I do have a problem with FPS

>game runs on ~50fps
>decide to OC graphic card
>still 50fps
>GFX on 70% load
>CPU on 40% load

so fucking tell me
why the FPS didn't move

lol it´s confirmed, nobody was ever banned because he shot a streamer...

Ya the frame rate is crap on my pc. I don’t know if I want to buy a new pc for this if it’s not going to make a difference. Streamers I’ve watched seem to have better fps

I've played for hours and literally have only seen one hacker, and one suspicious person who knew a little too well where we were in the building (probably a hacker). I have never once ran across a streamer

Maybe try to play with your friends and have fun.

Why is it better?

>will never be out of beta so they can milk it

I downloaded it and it’s a complete and total rip off of pubg. It’s so unbelievable the level of theft.

simply plays better and its free without cunty devs shitting on their fanbase to favor the few streamers who complain about getting shot in a shooter

>Infested with whining streamers
All my this

>inb4 fortnite

>why is it better
>it plays better

Ya don't say? And I've never even witnessed or realized I'd ever played with a streamer.

>waaaaah they ban stream snipers
kys for being twitch cancer

One of my friends got banned for killing a streamer.

When he appealed the ban he got pic related as a reply.

A week later he appealed the ban again and their response was "there doesn't appear to be a ban on your account"...

He was magically able to play again after that :')

>Reading is hard

spotted the salty faggot who's bad at 3rd person shooter.

Brendan pls go

you are retarded, quite literally

PUBG uses unreal engine, which is made by epic games (the makers of fortnite)

anyone wants to play?

spotted the garbage ass faggot that actually doesnt exclusively play FPP , which is how the game's supposed to be played.
Enjoy never comfortably getting a grip on first person dueling and pre-aiming and being bad forever.

i run at 50-60 fps on a laptop with a 1050 i dont understand people's frame rate issues

What did you expect? Games are shit nowadays because gamers are shit, that's about it.

probably talking about the features of battle royale , but even if you go there , they LOOK similar (falling off an airplane on an isle, looting , etc etc) , but the core mechanics are vastly different. No weapon mods , proper bandage & kit usage , using energy drinks to backstab people by intentionally staying in blue for a while , switch between FP and TP , (if you're a non - FPP scrub) , inventory management , shit like helmets , pans , whatever the fuck.
So yeah most people are retards and just spew out bullshit without the first clue.
Just like OP.

That is exactly the problem he has none

>complains about whining

>Wins a round talks about how he is the best
>Cries about game optimization when killed
>Everybody that kills me is a stream sniper
>Says battleground games are not competitive due to RNG
>Claims to be the champ

I see OP came here because Sup Forums and /vg/ does not want another one of those ''PUBG sucks ass'' threads.

>doesn't know that it's a character
>watches streamers to begin with

>playing a character
you mad?

Already sold crates for more than I paid for the game. The future is here.