So guys how old is your rs account?

So guys how old is your rs account?

that's not that many hours user.

Haha i have been playing since i was a kid

where's hans? haven't played in years but I'll go find out

He is in lumbridge. Right click and then choose age

I'm lying, they require the client now
fuck that

4460 days agoLumbridge if im correct

The website was way better then the client. A friend of mine used to olay it on his mobile

10 years in 17 days

He probably used team viewer with his pc on at home.

No man i was sitting next to him in class. It was a few years ago

fine you've goaded me into it, I'll get the client :p

Welcome back hahaha

10-12 years can't tell for sure because my account is banned
I never really liked the game when I tried it then I was offline for like 10 years, tried it once then tried it once again in like 3 months and it was banned,
Can't be assed to even ask for an unban because I don't like the game

Idk man,

516 days in game btw, so like 12k hours?

Shit I accidentally replied to u

19 days 13 hours 58 minutes
since I arrived 4,593 days ago

>Idk man
only required old as fuck java

24 days 10 hours since you arrived 29 days ago, on my alt ofc.. busy on main

153 days 37 hours 42 minutes
since I arrived 7,243 days ago

i have no life

Just a question. If i bot on a new account. And i trade stuff eith my main. Will my main get banned?

Drop trade it over to your main and you're good

My Eve account is both older and has more hours tho I don’t know the exact number


All goods man

Probably not, pretty sure that would require a manual ban for the main acc. I think they only do that for accounts associated with big gold farmers.

I wouldn't bot without a vpn though, and not just straight up trade it over to main. Maybe kill your alt in the wilderness or by a drop trade or a stake in case they track trades.

That's like an average of like 30mins a day, that's the opposite of not having a life

Prolly about 11 years at this point.
Am only level 60.

What is this? A game?

There was an android client for a private server I played a bit over a year ago but it was absolute garbage.

Should have used the snipping tool to crop a proper screenshot

I win.

I play Airline Mogul

Pert old

This is impossible. 7243 days equates to over 19 years while runescape was originally released in early 2001.

Assuming you were there on launch day the most amount of days could be is 6146

mine's older

good math and google skills. took me 10 seconds to check that

runescape release day
days since jan 4 2001

Thank you. I got curious after someone said this was about 30 mins per day since release and could not believe the game was almost 20 years old. Still crazy amount of time though if the playtime is accurate

didn't want to have to download runescape (how long has that been a thing?) but i started playing at least 8-9 years ago

You seem pretty upset, they never bragged about their find or anything

uh I'm 19 days playtime in 4593 days, I was just legitimately complimenting his simple and effective research (and I genuinely think he got it; something about people who know how to google intimately)

have you got something going on in your personal life right now?

I was banned for 2 years before the Gower brothers sold the company and then the new management all of the sudden unbanned me when they took over.

So youre 15 now?

No man I'm 20. Started 4249 days ago

They bascially deleted your old RS account, if you didn't already know. It's an entirely different game now and it's much worse yet completely the same.
Amazing how they can do that.

Afk online is a shit mmo

Yeah i know. That old account is now my rs3. But i started old school a few weeks ago on the same one

Pretty close to mine op.

You really brag on Sup Forums about how to use google?

This is on OSRS, funny thing is on RS3 I have twice as many hours yet only 1/3 of total exp compared to osrs. Not my first account though, my first was probably a year before this one.

osrs and rs3 times

Nice man!

newfaf here

Found my very first account just then by resetting passwords and shit on my mum's old e-mail

forgot to link image like a twat

oh so the counter for RS3 is different

72 days arrived 4957 days ago

>how to google intimately
Confirmed dumbass

I think the hours played might be just in osrs. I think i played more before rs3 came out.


>7 days played
>they think it's admirable

WoW playtimes upward of a year

you niggers are beyond bush league. you're not even in a league with this weak-ass shit

five fucking days. WOW ONE HUNDRED WHOLE HOURS!

congrats, you're a basic fuckin bitch. just what I expect out of Runescape and Tendies over here but hey, disappointment seems to be in your MO

how do you feel having spent 1 year of your life (literally) grinding



old enough it got purged for inactivity

that does not happen does it?
maybe your name gets deleted but you are asked to pick a new one

xp tracers?

Yep had more hours before rs3 update

I remember making my account at school in 2003, at the same as 15 or so of my classmates were making theirs.

Guarantee I'm the only faggot out of all of us still playing.


I'm always inpressed when someone has that much money

Shit tier hours but still old account.

How does one year of grinding and still being a faceless, accomplishment lacking nobody feel?