I used to be a White Nationalist but now I'm a liberal AMA

I can't begin to tell you guys how much easier my life is and how much happier I am as a result.

Other urls found in this thread:


ignorance is bliss I suppose

How long was the recovery from the castration surgery?

Isn't lobotomy outlawed?

1. What made you transition?
2. How is your life now that you've abandoned white nationalism?

What's the biggest dildo you've fit up your ass?

Does your shed have internet access?

He already answered 2. Easier and happier



I used to rage so hard whenever I'd see a white girl with a black guy. It used to fill me up with hate. I even contemplated moving to an area of the country where I'd never have to see such a thing.I even thought about printing up a bunch of flyers about the dangers of race mixing and posting them around town. Now if I see a white girl with a black guy it hardly bothers me. It only annoys me if the girl is attractive, and only from the stand point that I still think niggers are animals and don't deserve attractive white women. But I no longer care that a woman of "my race" is getting defiled by a beast or that the White race will eventually go extinct as a result of miscegenation.

>People who support the party that denies science

OP are you laughing at this as much as I am or does it just make you feel sad about your past?

Having never been a White Nationalist, I can't really relate to your copypasta monologue.

Probably trolling but a friend of mine did the same political journey.
Here's what alt-right Sup Forumsacks don't want to see: nationalism leads to socialism and socialism leads to retarded ideas about equality and social justice.

>Race isn't real
>Women and men are physically and mentally identical
>Trannies aren't mentally ill
>IQ doesn't have a genetic component
>Egalitarianism is true but so is evolution.
>We're going to follow a pseudo-Christian morality with cosmopolitanism despite believing in Darwinian selection

BOTH parties aren't anti-science and ignore truth that contradicts their ideology.

>Hurr Durr republicans are dumb
>Op are you an Elitist fuckwit as well?

Not an argument dumb cunt

So you're not really liberal, you just died inside and gave up. But you don't want to own up to that, so you tell yourself your ideology changed.

One day the completely mixed and cooperative human race of a secular internet culture of logic and reason will look back at the concept of racism and be just as perplexed at the motives of acting so retarded in the name of protecting yourself from your own kind.


One day the authoritarian secular and Islamic governments of the future will look back on social justice and egalatarianism, and wonder what could have motivated a powerful, successful culture to commit elaborate suicide.

If the human species was completely mixed, the average IQ would be ~80.

1st post = best post

>One day the completely mixed and cooperative human race of a secular internet culture of logic and reason will look back at the concept of racism and be just as perplexed at the motives of acting so retarded in the name of protecting yourself from your own kind.

>Logic and reason
>Not feelings

Kek racism is a part of human nature, it's been a part of us all for all of human history.

Damn straya's little mongoloid brother trying to bring the b8
Leave it to the pros, sport

>Race isn't real

Not a Democrat position

>Women and men are physically and mentally identical

Not a Democrat position

>Trannies aren't mentally ill

Probably a stretch to call them mentally ill but it is certainly a mental disorder.

>IQ doesn't have a genetic component

Not a Democrat position

>Egalitarianism is true but so is evolution.

The process of evolution and Egalitarianism aren't mutually exclusive so I'll assume you mean natural selection. Natural selection is how we got where we are now, but egalitarianism is a good philosophy. Do you think that just because we evolved through natural selection that it would be preferable to continue to do so?

>We're going to follow a pseudo-Christian morality with cosmopolitanism despite believing in Darwinian selection

Again, what does moral philosophy have to do with scientific belief? Denying climate change isn't connected with your belief that kittens should or should not be harmed.

Now this is some next level shitposting


blue pills are pretty fucking tasty I'll give you that much


Not an agrument either. We are both just attacking each other but only one of us is pretending to discuss the issues. Seriously who in their right mind is going to try and engage Sup Forums in civilised discussion?

I was essentially kicked out of the WN movement in the past year. I have blonde hair and blue eyes but I was born to two Persian Muslim parents. I'm an atheist but I still somewhat culturally identify as a Muslim/middle easterner. I've always still considered myself 100% white and I was a passionate supporter of WN for much of my adult life. But over the past year with the rise of Trump and the refugee crisis I began to feel way too much irrational hostility and hatred coming from the alternative right and directed at "Muslims" and middle easterners. Now there was always some hostility directed towards "Muslims" but never to this degree.I just couldn't take it anymore Muslims are now considered to be public enemy #1 by most White Nationalists . And to be clear I've never given a fuck about Brown and Black Muslims. A lot of them are savages but it has to do with their race and not religion. WN have fallen for the trap of hating Muslims and Middle Easterners for the sole purpose of more wars in the middle east and invading more countries, like Iran and Syria. The hate is so irrational that most WN's would say they'd rather have Chinese and Indian immigrants move to their countries over biologically White Muslims from Iran and Bosnia. I just can't be a part of any movement like that anymore

2. In my next post

We arent talking about democrats you moron.



Pick one.

salami bacon

>Not a democrat position

Yes it is

>Not a democrat position

Again, yes it is.

>Mental disorder


>Not a democrat position

Yes, it is.

>The process of egalatarianism and evolution aren't mutually exclusive.....just because we evolved through natural selection it would be preferable to do so

First of all, yes, they are mutually exclusive. Second of all, you can't just exempt yourself from survival of the fittest by fiat. Your argument is equivalent to "Just because we've lived under gravity so far doesn't mean its preferable to keep doing so"

You have no choice. You can work with the idea to get what you want [EG: Build a fucking plane] but you can't just jump off a building and go "Nope, I'm immune now. My ideology says so!"

>What does a moral philosophy have to do

Technically one can hold any moral philosophy with Darwinian selection, I just find it extremely odd that they hold to a philosophy whose very basis depends on you suppressing or ignoring large parts of darwinism.

I don't care where your beliefs come from. If you are that retarded I'm going to call you a retard, even if there is a slight chance you'll blow up my building.

Why did you decide to betray your people?

I said and. As in, both types would exist. The future will belong to China as much as it will Islam.

Prove it.

>I used to be white nationalist
>Now I changed my views on a whim
>But still believe in them as fiercely as I did before
>I've learned nothing
OP is one of those people who goes from being a Christian, to a muslim, to a hebrew back to a Christian within a month

So not only were you not a white nationalist, you aren't even white and you're a Muslim. This bait just gets better and better, keep it up.

The average IQ of African Americans is 85, average for whites is 100, average for East Asians is 105, average for Jews is 112. Studies done on twins TOTALLY UNRELATED TO RACE have shown 60-70% of IQ is inherited.

So yes, while that user's exact number is off, the average IQ of civilization would drop immensely if East Asians and whites mongrelized themselves with blacks.

Yeah so has rape and stealing. We shun those that do it because it is not condusive to a good society.

>calls niggers animals
>but ive been doing this since i was an animal so it must be good.

Inb4 we still are animals.

Do you want me to prove to you that there are inherent intellectual differences between races? If so, here's a good study:

One day every human will be dead, the difference being, my assertion is far more likely than any horseshit predictions you churn out.

2. My life is much easier now. I've already mentioned in this thread how race mixing doesn't bother me anymore. But another extremely wonderful thing is finally being able to enjoy tv, movies, sports, and pop culture again. It was probably the hardest thing for me to give up when I became a WN. It used to be so hard to a watch tv or a movie and see some nigger portrayed as a doctor or a lawyer, or just some really strong, funny ,and intelligent character. I knew that IRL this was impossible and the only purpose of portraying niggers in this way is to brainwash White people into accepting them and to convince White girls to have sex with them. Now I don't care about that anymore. The same goes for degenerate music. Listening to it doesn't bother me anymore. Hearing people listen to and talk/gossip about Jay Z, Beyonce, Drake, Kanye West, etc doesn't piss me off anymore. I can finally accept that niggers are the cultural icons of the country that I live in. I don't care that so many Whites try to emulate them. In the past there was almost nothing that would set me off more than seeing White kids use black slang, dress like blacks, or listen to rap.

But the most enraging thing about pop culture in my WN past is that I knew the whole purpose behind it was to brainwash White people, especially the women so they can race mix with blacks. That's why I couldn't stand it. Now I understand the purpose behind it and I don't care. I couldn't stand watching tv commercials in the past because I would always see White men portrayed as goofy morons while women and minorities were always made to look really good. Now I can finally laugh at the goofy morons like everybody else.


There is two different ways of defying nature. To ignore it, or to adapt it. Ignoring nature is like jumping off a building. You hurt yourself and accomplish nothing. Adapting it is like building an airplane. You soar above the limitation and rise to a higher level.

Human beings naturally form reciprocal social systems based on a shared sense of identity. This is an inviolable part of human nature. If you want to 'defy' this, there are two ways to do it.

There is the path humankind has taken up to now, which is what we might call advanced tribalism. Namely, since human beings naturally favor their own tribe, lets just keep making the tribe bigger, which gave us villages, then towns, then cities, kingdoms, nations, empires.

And there's the way of ignoring nature. Which is to say, weakening your own tribal bonds while doing nothing about other people's tribal bonds, which only makes you vulnerable to conquest.

You are trying to pretend every liberal is a sjw when most liberals don't support those beliefs. Most liberals support the Demogratic party and most conservatives support the Republican party. The party of conservatism actually denies science.

Same here. No lie, I think Sup Forums was a big contributing factor in me dropping that ideology.


Trannies aren't mentally ill because there's no such thing as mental illness. They're fetishists.

This is the exact sort of fucking autism I expected

Evolution is literally just the fact that kids take genes from their parents and have similar attributes. Evolution through natural selection is the belief that we evolved based on survival of the fittest. Just because that is how we did evolve doesn't mean that is how we should continue to live. How is there a contradiction?

>biologically White Muslims from Iran

Why? You seem to believe that educating people more and providing adequate opportunity to all people will cause a less productive and competitive society.

Sports is another thing I can enjoy again. For those of you that don't know, professional and collegiate sports in the USA are nothing but a huge scam. Niggers are not better athletes than Whites. White men are the best athletes on the planet. The only reason why blacks dominate the major sports in America is because White men are strongly discriminated against by the anti Whites who run the collegiate and professional sports leagues and the sports media. Sports are seen by the anti-whites as a way to prop up blacks, increase their standing in society, help them financially, give them confidence, and ultimately race mix with white women. Not a lot of people know about this conspiracy but there's a lot of evidence behind it. I couldn't stand watching pro and college sports in the past because I knew I was watching a rigged product, and I knew that the athletes I was watching didn't deserve to be where they are. More deserving White men got screwed over so 70 IQ niggers could become millionaires and inspire all the other nigs to try to become pro athletes. Anyway now I can go back to watching the NFL and NBA again without caring about the social and racial consequences.

then why are you still here shill? go back to unicorn faggot land aka tumblr

Your opinion is invalid here.

this is an ethnic group from iran.
"their hair color percentage was 60% blonde and their eye color percentage was 75% blue or green they nearly perfectly match Scandinavians and Baltic people in austomnal DNA their closest modern relatives are north east Europeans like people around the Baltic sea and parts of Russia the Indo Iranians blood probably originally came from northern Russia"


Blacks are about as common as jews so they should cancel out. Pattern recognition isn't a huge part of intelligence anyway. Almost all of what we understand as intelligence is learned. If everyone was mixed we would probably have around the asian IQ of about 100 which is a fine base for more advanced learning. We will just have littler dicks and we will look back and enjoy the dicks from the cement age.

This post encapsulates the reason I left. Race is a 100% biological fact. It's not subjective. It's not a social construct. It has nothing to do with religion or culture. But I'm done arguing about that. I'm glad there were enough people like you involved in White Nationalism to show me the right way.

No, I believe that failing to address our ideological enemies and allowing our race and culture to decline into obscurity due to changing demographics and widespread self-depreciation will result in the triumph of China, Islam, and others as the new global paradigm, while western liberalism fades into nothing.
Evolution is a hard fact, not an optional decision. You can't just exempt yourself from natural selection.

Survival of the fittest applies to groups just as much as it applies to individuals. Groups that are less well adapted to the environment will perish in favor of those that are more adapted. This influences ideology as well, ideologies that cannot promote and sustain themselves, or which run too contrary to nature, will eventually be outcompeted.

This isn't a question of social systems, where you can think [as you surely must be], that human beings used to be socially darwinist [EG: Fuck the poor, lets all fight] and we can solve it with globalism and cooperation. No that isn't how this works. This is a question of how ideologies form, spread, and decay, and how TRIBES. Group-identities. Form, spread, and decay.

You plugging your ears and saying "Western liberalism is the way of the future!" does not delete changing demographics globally and in the west.

The idea that, for instance, liberalism will assimilate Islam, instead of the other way around, is absolutely delusional. One is a much stronger, much more appealing philosophy which is on the upswing, while the other is a harshly criticized, self-depreciating philosophy that is losing ground even in its own countries.

I'm here because of Trump threads. He is my candidate.

And don't call me a faggot, I hate faggots.

>Blacks are about as common as Jews

You what mate? There's over a billion nigs on planet earth, and that number is poised to TRIPLE in the next few decades.

>A lot of them are savages but it has to do with their race and not religion.
I used to think this actually, and it was a good edgy trolling point, but it's actually not true at all.

Islam is a predictor of many negative outcomes, WITHIN populations.

Race is probably the single biggest factor, but Islam is a problem in and of itself.


N O T H I N G !

Are there not 1b people with jewish decendants?

No...no Jews are one of the least common groups on earth...

Are you sure you aren't thinking of the religion?

>"I used to be an uninformed individual who called himself a White-Nationalist but now I'm an uninformed individual who calls himself a liberal"

FTFY. I'm not doubting that you're telling the truth, being that liberalism is still identity-politics (now you're just advocating for other identities to fuck you over) but it's highly improbable that anyone could cuck themselves like this if they were actually informed on anything. The mental gymnastics required would be monumental.

How can you now enjoy sports while you still believe the conspiracy?

Also, are the conspiracies real?

Yes. Yes I'm sure how many Jews there are. There are 14.2 million of them. There used to be six gorillion, but then some German went a little crazy on the EZ Bake.

You are so fucking stupid, yeah I'm sure white men are better sprinters/jumpers, it's just the black nationalists keeping us down.

It's called biology and it applies to athleticism as well, you're a brown Muslim in the WN movement....literally NOTHING of value was lost.

>claims to be liberal
>continues using conservative language/racial slurs
You're not a liberal, you just don't give a shit anymore. BIG difference.

First off I'm white and I'm an atheist . Secondly it's not blacks who control the sports leagues and sports media. Whites used to dominate sprinting at the Olympics. It's only recently that blacks over took them and it's only because of the lax drug testing policies of most black countries along with a culture that steers the best white athletes away from sprinting. Sprinting is also not a major factor in any of the major American sports I'm talking about like football, basketball, baseball, and formerly boxing

I can enjoy them now because I don't care that whites are getting screwed over. And yes the conspiracy is absolutely real. And from what I understand it's been making its way on to the Euro soccer leagues as well

You can believe that ridiculous crap all you want but it doesn't even hold up to common sense let alone any scrutiny. Are you really telling me that if all of Scandanavia converted to Islam 200 years ago while remaining 100% Nordic that they'd be any worse off today ?

He is neither, he is a plain old leftist baiting.

Depends how you define worse off. If becoming backward reactionaries is a good thing, I guess that's good.

Also, have you ever met Bosnians or Albanians? They're white and they suck pretty bad.



Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

lol, thats not transitioning into a liberal you dumbass. Thats just giving up and accepting that you cant do shit about interracial relationships