Hey guys let's spread this around, and fuck up apples reputation

Hey guys let's spread this around, and fuck up apples reputation

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Bump let's do this.

How did you even fuck up taking it apart so bad. Wow.

black pride = ok
gay pride = ok
latino pride = ok
white pride = horrible, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, nazism, condemned, horrible, criminal offense



that white pride worldwide symbol was adapted from some german shit I'm pre shore bruv


Being white is the easy mode of life. There's no pride to have.

If you want a parade, then do something with your life. You've got all the tools.

Because history tends to repeat itself and all the groups in the past who used "white pride" have been evil.
You can't just ignore that.

Fuck off, easy mode? Go suck a giant cock. I've worked hard for everything I have, you don't know jack shit.

>all the groups in the past who used "white pride" have been evil
>implying evil exists
>implying anything evil is bad

Not as hard as a person of color, homosexual, and/or woman has for the same results.

go back to tumblr.

Wtf I love apple now

Prove that empirical.

same fag

You're obviously an sjw. Go fuck off

This isn't Twitter you fucking faggot. You wanna do some leftist shit go fuck off to that site. You dumb fucking retarded antifa fuck face

They really have done studies on this shit. Women are paid less in almost all fields, that's a proven fact. Also, if you've never heard of red-lining in real estate, discrimination by doctors on perceived pain, or prejudice against black students in lower education, you could start there

This is probably three different people

Also when the fuck did b become a Nazi love fest? OP came up with a decent troll that would probably spread like wildfire on social media. Huffington Post would eat it up

three different shills

I'm implying that society thinks that way. So because people don't seem to like evil, weather or not it can be defined, that shit won't fly.

The iPhone X is fucking their reputation up quite nicely.

Being white if fucking hard mate. Especially if you live in a country with black minorities. Its very easy to get sue over some bitchass just because you said something to a black fella that was not nice but completely not based on his skin colour. Its fucking hard because lots of people thinks that only whites can be racist and shit and ith harder to find a job (because if they employ me, white male, then all non white and females are going to scream that employer is sexist racist pig). You dont have all the tools because they were taken and given to people that did not belong to.

Most vocal groups that used white prides, not all. Thats different.

Not as hard, its harder and its getting even harder. Vocal female/non white groups are screaming right now and they are quite succesfull with non white supremacy they call equality. If boss is going to come to an office and fire white cis man then noone gives a shit, if same situation will happend to black/lgbt/woman then they can be quite succesfull to sue their former bosses and claim they were fired because of their skin colour of having a vagina...

Yes they studied that and they did find a wage gap... if you do not look into details and get average woman and average man then yes, there is average gap, but thats because girls are not boys. Girls are not as risky as lads, females tend to have safer and less paid joobs, teachers, office workers etc, while guys have riskier and more responsible jobs like surgeons, builders, miners etc. . Even if you compare same fields of works you will find there is way more lady nurses than doctors etc, difference in pay between males and females is withing a measurement error. Its nothing. And all difference between specyfic peoples are due to difference in their choices.

And even if paying less for same job done by female would be real thing it would be actually BENEFICIAL for girls. VERY FUCKING BENEFICIAL because that would mean as a girl its way easier to get a job than a man, same job for less? Simply free market would make those companies that employ more woman more succesfull and companies would want to get female workers more than male, HECK I bet my ass there would be FEMALE ONLY companies that would atract female with a little bit higher wages than normal companies while still paying them less than man and that would make those companies way more succesfull, but those companies does not exist, eighter because woman are shit workers not worth money or because wage gap is madeup thing, choose your own option.

Kek. It's just white supremacist stealing asian symbols again I think. Like the svastika

I am the person of colour. My friends are white. I get paid heaps for doing nothing but watching youtube, playing games and wanking. I am living life, buying what I want. My friends white are white can't buy what they want, they have to work hard as fuck but still can't get on the same level as me. US and their white people racist cant shit is stupid. The US is known as the place where dumb and idiotic people live. Easy to manipulate and easy to take money from. It's all about your life choice fuck around then work hard too, most people especially colour teens drinking alcohol chanting fuck school and all going party will indeed end up in streets and low life and I wish they do. You only get one shot, ruin it... Then do cry.

Sfastika is not stolen from asian (they were using it too tho) but from slavs. I saw prehitler polish homes with sfastica on walls all the time and also look up slavic god "swaróg", his name is basically a little bit distorted "swastica" in polish. If you look up on hitlers action you will see that he had some kind of fucked up fascination with slavs, even his masterrace aryans are basically preslavs, there are evidence for that if you google this shit up. And he would not borrow asian symbol if he has same symbol just across the boarder.

>Sfastika is not stolen from asian (they were using it too tho) but from slavs. I saw prehitler polish homes with sfastica on walls all the time and also look up slavic god "swaróg", his name is basically a little bit distorted "swastica" in polish. If you look up on hitlers action you will see that he had some kind of fucked up fascination with slavs, even his masterrace aryans are basically preslavs, there are evidence for that if you google this shit up. And he would not borrow asian symbol if he has same symbol just across the boarder.

want to buy mine? pretty cheap


trying to raise money for school

why did you quote me there O.o

shit my bad I clicked the dude with iPhone x didn't mean to do that

what a kuk. Red lining hasn't been necessary since the '70s. If a bank don't want to lend in a certain area, they just don't open a branch there. CRA. White people don't fuck the younguns up in school their parents do. I taught in Los Angeles after college, (anyone with a degree could teach in shitty areas at the time, probably still). I had multiple minority 4th graders that missed more than 50 days of school. one fucker missed over 100, out of 190 if i remember correctly. they didn't learn because i couldn't teach or they didn't learn because they didn't come. I asked the black principal, why there were almost no black teachers and he said I hire everyone that applies. bitches make less because they do easier work and have babies, over 90% of workplace casualties are male. More bitches have gone to college than men since the mid '90s, at the time there were many articles that said they would dominate medicine and law by 2010, why that shit ain't happenin. oh thats right cutting open a dudes chest and spreading apart his ribs to work on his heart is hard. and when the fucker dies cause you fuckeed up, its hard, girls don't like that feeling, you probably think we should make them the men's bosses so they don't have to work so hard and still gets paid.

Well, svastikas (or at least that geometric shape) are used all over the world, but the asian are the one using it the most. But yeah, he probably stole it somewhere else. What I meant though is that most symbols now are stolen from other cultures.

Well asian are using it still because it does not have bad meaning in asia, they dont know much about hitler just like we dont know much about asian dictators and stuff. But belive me, polish people was using that shape VEEERY often before hitler. We are not using it beause of hitler however polish pagan groups are using it to this day.