Is it true that women are always right and no matter what happened you end up being in the wrong?

Is it true that women are always right and no matter what happened you end up being in the wrong?

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No you just have to learn how to debate and argue properly.
source: married for years

No women are usually always wrong, you just have to teach them to accept this.

>creatures who are always influenced by emotional decision making
>emotional not logical
>ever being right
well done
you baited me

>debate and argue
with a WOMAN??? but i guess your situation is different because when ur married, you owe each other shit

Nope but beating them is illegal so basically yes.

pretending all humans arent motivated by emotions is retarded. you won't get anywhere in life and will remain unhappy.

Women are wrong most of the time. They should have never been allowed to vote.

good luck in the basement.

No /thread

Yes, that's why lesbian couples beat the crap out of each other, because both are right all the time.

i`m not saying we don`t but men are more reliant on logic than emotions - theres that perfect trade-off where as women are only influenced by their emotions almost in everything they do

women suck

As a gross oversimplification, totally agree. Once you figure out how to wield the emotions to influence others and yourself, life improves drastically.

no, it's different when women deal with other women

I've learned to just ignore women when they say something stupid or ignorant. Correcting them never ends well for you, especially if you are trying to get laid. If they ask why you are ignoring them, tell them you didn't want to hurt their feelings, then you look sensitive instead of like the jerk who is always correcting them.

>all humans

What is sociopathy?

Now I want to fuck a pregnant chick.

I think that this is not a problem of right or wrong statements, just about time.
Losing time trying to explain something LOGIC to an emotional being, is a waste of time that no man in his sane mind with accept.

The secret of happy marriage is to keep woman thinking that she is always right, but still manage to do your own things your own way.
It is pointless to try to argue with them or to try to change them. Learn to coexist and they naturally fill a place in your life (kids, cooking, cleaning mostly).

>Correcting them
That's not the way to get laid buddy.

You might want to learn how to read.

>keep woman thinking that she is always right, but still manage to do your own things your own way.
but that would imply you deon't respect your woman, intellectually.

That sounds like a shit marriage to me, that's more of how you should treat children.

/This except for
>she is always right
Not only is this untrue in general, it's untrue for specific types of women. Some women prefer to have a man lead and take charge, they prefer to follow and support rather than challenge and nag.

Women are more likely to test as (F)eeling on the Myers Briggs and men as (T)hinking, but that isn't cut and dry. I see plenty of guys do irrational things that are based on zero logic and based on emotion.
The people who are obsessed with women being emotional compared to men are often the ones that are too worried about what women think. It's a strange dynamic we have in society that I don't mind, as I am heavily introverted and thus barely effects me.

Men's emotions are often interpreted as logic by other men because it's based on an internal emotional process. A good example is pride. Some men do extremely irrational things to be proud of themselves. Pride is not something based on logic, but based on the emotional gratification of seeing ones effort come to fruition.

totally. gotta sprinkle in some asshole but not too much. its those pesky emotions again.

they're always right in the way that if they start to realize they're wrong they completely change the discussion/argument. for them i don't think it's about a discussion sometimes, it's about the feeling they get from "winning" an argument. so they'll just change it around until they get that

fucking whores

cute teen video

I respect her for what she is - good mother and homemaker. She wants to live her life according to her preferences, I according to mine. She uses emotions, I use intellect. Treating her as your intellectual friend is asking from her something unnatural. The same thing as her expecting from you deep womanly empathy for her minor grievance. This is why male friends are for (and females for her).

>Talks to a woman
>Wonders is he's wrong
No it's not true, You're a retard who questions his masculinity.

No, they're not. It's a typical thing for women to say they are though and when you disagree because you know you are right they'll just get mad or bring up irrelevant things until they feel like they've won. Some women do this constantly, it's really annoying.


A shut-in speaking for actual men.

Pride is part of character, something women lack usually. Like ideals, true compassion, altruism, selflessness, and self reliance

I mean men/women relationship dynamics in general

It's not true for reasonable people, but remember not that many people are easy to reason with.

I think even reasonable woman freak out for an evening it's their period, but they will realise it. It depends if you have a good relationship good communication and a good home environment. Obviously if you're just fighting and both stressing out there wont be harmony.

All normal people talk to women. This isn't Saudi.