Feels thread?

Feels thread?

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Is this a guy who just lost a video game?

yep, a world championship final and 1m dollars

Like... 15 mins ago

Melee is the only good esport


>X is feeling vulnerable
>Starts snapchatting
> I'm sorry and I forgive you she says.
>me: you never have appreciated myself or anybody. A smarter man never wpuld habe gotten with you or taken you back
>She's pretty devastated
> tell her I'm sure there's a reason for it and I feel blessed with what I've got now. I'm not going back.
> She says dont you dare bring god into this
>"fuck off" I says
> why? =^(.....
>nothing matters and nobody is special
She keeps talking. I try and change the subject. She still doesn't get it.
To clarify she's literally incapable me of appreciating anything and I'm over it. Always cheating and belittling people. Doesnt get why she's a misery to everyone all around.


That face

his team was so fkn heavy this series. faker was legitimately 1v9, always salvaging whatever he could. Meanwhile Bang flashes into ssg LUL

fucking nerds playing video games

Yeah men also huni was a dead weigh the entire game... like wtf

he doesn't know how to play the map or how to group

They should've lost to misfits on quarters

What the fuck did I just read

>lrn2grammar you illiterate nigger

i agree, misfits played out of their minds and totally deserved that win.

I legit felt bad for Faker this year.

He played so well most games, in a shitty ass meta for him, with shitty teammates, and still almost won.

Literally none of this other teammates stepped up, and the only reason any of them made it to the final was him hard fucking carrying.

Bang, Huni and Peanut all need to be off the roster next year. Pick up Pray, Smeb or Impact for top lane, and leave Blank as starter.

kk0ma should have known better than to put everything on a Bang carry with his recent performances, and push Faker onto a fucking support to try to prop him up.

Legit just give Faker an assassin and let him win the game. When you have a player of his caliber, you give him EVERYTHING and he WILL win.


but that is SKT's weakness. They rely too much on faker. It's gotten to the point that they need faker to carry them every game. They have become so one dimensional. It's basically old TSM where bjerg carries 4 wards.

That's the thing... even though it's one-dimensional, it still works most of the time. Trying to have Faker take a back seat is the reason why they got in so many holes. They tried to put him on supportive, lower damage champions and let the others do the damage while he absorbs pressure.

It doesn't work if the other 4 don't step up and actually do their parts. So many times this year, team fights would break out, Faker would make some god-tier initiation and set his damage dealers up to literally just win the game and Bang would be at half health running away from a fucking support 1v1, or Huni would flash under a turret with 20% hp and just give free kills.

Peanut has been absolute garbage. He isn't the player that he was on Rox, never has shown it even once since joining SKT.

If you go back and review ANY of their games, the only advantages they ever get are from Faker doing Faker things. Without him making the outplays, they lose every single game.

Instead of doing this meta bullshit for ardent censer, they should've just realized that it's not that fucking big of a deal and said "Bang, you're a shit ADC, so you're playing a utility ADC and Faker is going to win the carry battle."

good points. It's actually hilarious that people are still calling Bang the best ADC in the world. I expect Bang, Huni and Peanut to be kicked, and they'll rebuild around faker. SKT Pray and SKT Gorilla is my bold prediction

If SKT somehow gets both Pray and Gorilla, they won't drop a game all season. It wouldn't even matter who their top lane is.

Hell, I think they should just re-sign Untara and let him play tanks. He does fine at holding in 1v1, doesn't constantly die like Huni does. He teleports fairly well.

Literally all Faker needs is 1 other semi-existant pressure point and a champion that does damage and he will win games.

>mfw faker leaves SKT because of the shit team
>mfw SKT will suck riot dick to remove the ban from dopa
>mfw SKT DOPA Will fuck everyone in the ass without Vaseline
>mfw no fase

b is nothing more than porn at this point

just leave

this explains the whole of Sup Forums:


in what age are you stuck user?

i wish it wasn't