Does anyone else feel bad for the brazilians on here?

does anyone else feel bad for the brazilians on here?

they are all so nice and smart but forced to live in a shit country

no, to be honest i don't feel bad at all

Brazilians here are a bunch of autists who keep trying to impress gringos. A bunch of gringo asslickers basically, not to mention that 90% of the things they talk about Brazil are lies just to impress you guys.

>nice and smart

t-thanks mom

No worry, all brazilians here lives in South Brazil.

^ This is correct.

99% of all Brasilian posters here are rich kids living in gated communities, while hating the poor majority of the population.

Fucking poor people, let me tell you...

I never saw any brazilian trying to impress gringos here. Quite the contrary, I see often brazilians exaggerating about how bad Brazil is.

Their nation is a representation of themselves. Being in Asspa*n, I have no mercy.

Most Brazilians I've talked to online are annoying as shit. Granted I don't know if they are from here or not so idk.

I do, but PerĂº wants Acre, ParĂ¡ and Rondonia back so...

>Asking us to give back domething that doesn't even exist


Yeah, yeah, sure thing Bolsonaro voter. Go tell the gringos about our mighty military that could take over the earth or how South Brazil was founded by blonde Germans and today is almost as wealthy as Switzerland.

but you live in an ever shitier country Solano, btw stop smuggling guns

This, I feel more bad for myself for being born lower middle class in a cold desolate shithole.

What is Sweden if not one of the gated communities of the world?

Also, what's wrong with hating poor people. Its worked fine for my country for hundreds of years darn it. Hating poor people is in my family's blood!

You're the only one taking this unironically.

And you stop sending robbers to Paraguay

I feel bad for me too.

You have no idea how much it sucks.

tell me how much you suck

I'm bad at videogames and bad at life

Did you miss the point? They bought the fucking guns in Paraguay

>implying this is wrong